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Everything posted by SimonV

  1. Started my first steps with CNC machine. Still a lot to learn, especially 3D modeling, but like the challenge. After a few basic projects I started with most difficult part of stern decoration. This is no. 3 in row- still not best and need some improvements regarding 3D shape and machining parameters... Learning...learning...
  2. Thank you hamilton . It was my first model and I am still "in love" with her smooth lines . I put her on shelf in our dining room and it always attract attention from visitors.
  3. Hello Dave. Sorry for late reply (recently I rarely visit forum ). Hull is brush painted with acrylic paints. Key is to paint in several thin layers with diluted paint and let each layer dry completely. For finish matt acrylic varnish was used (also brush painted). Paints and varnish are Admiralty Paints from Caldercraft.
  4. I will definitely miss SAT Berlin with best prices for Proxxon tools. Fortunately I have bought quite a lot of tools from them. TBS AAchen would be one of alternatives ( http://www.tbs-aachen.de/ ).
  5. Amazing work marsalv ! Definitely one of my favorites build logs here .
  6. Boxwood is very difficult to find here where I live (maybe only for carvings ). Unfortunately I need to order it from abroad and is very expensive . But we have got a lot of pearwood .
  7. Thanks Dr. Per & Mike. No worries... will keep it natural - oil finish . Today is very productive day and I begin preparing wood for upper planking.
  8. Lower planking is finished . Final sanding is not complete yet, it is just 220 grit for rough sanding. Now it is time to free model from upside down position and start on upper planking and wales.
  9. Thank you Christian for nice comment . @Jörgen: Thanks and Welcome. Regarding wood. Pearwood is from http://www.massiv-holz-werkstatt.de (very good quality and price - nice guy to deal with) , http://www.arkowood-shop.com (bit on the expensive side) and some local (here in Slovenia we are fortunate to have a lot of our own pear trees ).
  10. Hi Mike. If I am honest I was very skeptic about doing my own carvings ...And Also afraid, looking what some masters achieved on this forum . I am still at the very beginning, but there are slow progress (I hope). Reale de France is a real challenge (like LE REQUIN - Xebec - 1750) for carving. So... Go for it. I will follow your progress with great interest . There is never enough toys for big boys
  11. Beautiful work Drazen. I hope that some day I will see your model(s) (and also Mile) in person (competition, exhibition) , because I am not so far away from you . Keep up the good work.
  12. Thank you Dr. Per . I am a slow builder (as time and health issues permits) but will try to do my best on other carvings. @Mike: Thank you for the tip, will check that posts .
  13. My First attempts in carving... . Very enjoyable but slow work, with pleasing results . At first I was thinking to make 3D models and complete them on CNC milling machine, but investment would be too high for now. So, everything will be hand made.
  14. Thank you Heinz . I try to maintain high level of accuracy and little of artistic freedom. @Mike: Thank you for kind words. I bought plans from web site which is no longer available. There are 4 A3 sheets in quite poor resolution but are good enough to help me with some details.
  15. To make a little break from planking I started work on stern decoration. All kit parts are going to be replaced with boxwood.
  16. Thank you Heinz. Yes, It is good to be back and hear from "old friends" here. Best wishes in 2017.
  17. Beautiful work J.P. Always waiting for your latest updates on La Renommee . Keep up the good work.
  18. Finally working with some pear wood again . Gunports dimensions were done to correct size with templates for vertical and horizontal dimensions. Openings were done bigger, because they are going to be planked with pear wood inside for more authentic look. Currently I am having a lot of fun planking openings .
  19. Clean and beautiful work Heinz. I really like precision of your work . Keep on the good work and A merry Christmas to you and your family.
  20. Thank you Heinz and others for all likes and comments . Merry Christmas to you and your family.
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