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The Sailor

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    The Sailor reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Snake by Beef Wellington - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1: 64 - First wooden ship build   
    Thanks Hamilton, nothing really revolutionary, just some practice and proving to myself it can be done.  Its nice working with wood again after all the carronade rigging.
    Another small detour on the tops.  Kit supplied versions are simple ply and given that these are likely to get quite a bit of attention decided to dress these up a bit using a technique I saw on BEs excellent Pegasus build.  4x0.5mm walnut strips were glued to the ply to simulate planking, to ensure overall dimensions remained the same the edge piece was traced around with a sharp knife to remove any excess and get the correct shape.
    Pretty happy with the way it turned out with edge in place and the battens installed.  Tried to shape these so that they get thinner toward the center and will probably tidy these up a bit more before installation.

  2. Like
    The Sailor got a reaction from Julie Mo in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    I‘ve too little time but I‘m still busy.

    The first frames are fully covered by the planks now. Here are some impressions:


    Note the termination of planking at frame 9. The stern will be planked diagonally, in order to adapt the stripes to the bending.
    Here you can see the only reason why the midship frame is a double frame:

    The planks of the lean bow:



  3. Like
    The Sailor reacted to Jeff-E in HMS Victory by Jeff-E - FINISHED - Panart - 1:78 Scale - Bow Section   
    Hi All,
     Just a small update on the planking it has been slow progress but I want to get the second layer as smooth and as tight as possible so there will be minimal sanding and filling when it is completed.
    As you can see by the following photos I have nearly reached the point where the planks start to curve under the hull. I will lay three more planks on each side below the last plank shown and then start to let the planks take their natural course, adding stealers and drop planks to fill the gaps.



  4. Like
    The Sailor got a reaction from TBlack in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    I‘ve too little time but I‘m still busy.

    The first frames are fully covered by the planks now. Here are some impressions:


    Note the termination of planking at frame 9. The stern will be planked diagonally, in order to adapt the stripes to the bending.
    Here you can see the only reason why the midship frame is a double frame:

    The planks of the lean bow:



  5. Like
    The Sailor reacted to Jeff-E in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Hi Richard,
    Your first layer of planks is coming out well, very nice and smooth.
  6. Like
    The Sailor reacted to michael mott in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Nice even planking Richard.
  7. Like
    The Sailor reacted to Jay 1 in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Richard, she's looking really nice--well done on your planking!
  8. Like
    The Sailor got a reaction from yvesvidal in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    I‘ve too little time but I‘m still busy.

    The first frames are fully covered by the planks now. Here are some impressions:


    Note the termination of planking at frame 9. The stern will be planked diagonally, in order to adapt the stripes to the bending.
    Here you can see the only reason why the midship frame is a double frame:

    The planks of the lean bow:



  9. Like
    The Sailor got a reaction from SailorGreg in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    I‘ve too little time but I‘m still busy.

    The first frames are fully covered by the planks now. Here are some impressions:


    Note the termination of planking at frame 9. The stern will be planked diagonally, in order to adapt the stripes to the bending.
    Here you can see the only reason why the midship frame is a double frame:

    The planks of the lean bow:



  10. Like
    The Sailor reacted to hamilton in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Exciting times! The planking looks to be coming together nicely Richard - she'll be a beauty
  11. Like
    The Sailor reacted to pete48 in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Awesome Richard, shes starting to take shape. Looks fantastic
  12. Like
    The Sailor got a reaction from realworkingsailor in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    I‘ve too little time but I‘m still busy.

    The first frames are fully covered by the planks now. Here are some impressions:


    Note the termination of planking at frame 9. The stern will be planked diagonally, in order to adapt the stripes to the bending.
    Here you can see the only reason why the midship frame is a double frame:

    The planks of the lean bow:



  13. Like
    The Sailor got a reaction from Julie Mo in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Thank you very much, Yves and Ben.
    And here are the next photos showing the progress of planking the hull (first planking):



    First I‘ve nearly finished the planking of the keel. As you can see on the next photos the 2mm planks have to be sanded down to the level of the 1mm planks.


    And some more planks:

  14. Like
    The Sailor reacted to firdajan in Revenge by firdajan - FINISHED - Shipyard - CARD - (1577) 1:96   
    Thank you, my friends, for your replies
    All parts of masts are made and bottom parts of them are placed into the ship ( I made the from maple bars using simply hand drilling machine and abrasive paper ). Tops and all small parts ( including deadeyes and blocks - I have remained a lot of them from my previous build ) are made too. Now the progress will continue  quite quickly. It´s just the same routine as on any other ship model  

  15. Like
    The Sailor reacted to DanPage in HMAV Bounty by DanPage - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    As can be seen in photograph 1 the fore deck fittings have now been completed. The windlass, cat heads and fore bits are more or less the same as in the instructions but the galley chimney has been scratch built to the dimensions given in McKays anatomy book.
    The two ships boats have also been constructed. Photos 2 and 3 show the initial stages of construction (these were taken of the boats made for my 1st Bounty model) and photo 4 shows the final results. The colour scheme chosen  is also based on the front cover of McKays book.
    The next job will be the anchors and anchor cable.

  16. Like
    The Sailor reacted to DanPage in HMAV Bounty by DanPage - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
     Next item to be tackled were the canons. The carriages as supplied looked wrong as they had parallel sides which should be narrower at the front than at the rear. I got around this by making some new spacers using 1 mm square walnut strips as shown in photograph 1 which shows the originals on the left with the resulting carriage above and the modified spacers again with the result above. The installed guns are shown in photograph 2 which also shows the capstan and elm tree pumps.

  17. Like
    The Sailor reacted to Nirvana in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    And it's sanctioned by AMYA as well, if I remembered it right.
    Would love to have this yacht.    But as it is right now, to many on the shelf plus all the plans.
  18. Like
    The Sailor reacted to michael mott in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Hi Richard first time visit, these J class yachts were most elegant I will be following along now that I have found your build.
    I have admired this yacht for a long time.
    There is a chap in France who built a giant one here
  19. Like
    The Sailor reacted to Jeff-E in HMS Victory by Jeff-E - FINISHED - Panart - 1:78 Scale - Bow Section   
    Because the gunports had already been cut out the next plank could be cut into sections and fitted in between each port, eliminating the need to soak it.  From this plank down I started to taper each plank so it would not ride up over the one above it



    As the planking progesses down the hull past the Middle gun deck I no longer could use spring clamps to hold the the planks flat agaist the hull. So I had to resort to planking screws, which I had got from Modellers Shipyard a few years ago. As I did not want big holes on the inside of the hull I made up some spacers by gluing two pieces of 1.5mm offcut planks together this allowed the scew to bite into the first planking without going through it  




    I must admit that I was a bit aprehensive at using 1mm strips for the second layer of planking but I think that the use of thicker planks for the second layer is better as they tend to hold their shape and can be adjusted to fit more easily than the thinner 0.5mm strips, this is just my humble opinion however
     So this is where I am up to as of today, the log is up to date. The updates may be a bit slower from here on in so please be patient with me. At my present rate I hope to have the sescond plaking complete in the next few weeks  
  20. Like
    The Sailor reacted to Jeff-E in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Hi Richard ,
    Your planking is coming along well. I think the Mahogany lower hull will look great.  
  21. Like
    The Sailor reacted to fnkershner in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Burnside63 - Can we see pictures please?
  22. Like
    The Sailor reacted to Timothy Wood in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Looking sweet!  
  23. Like
    The Sailor reacted to hamilton in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Thanks for the explanation Richard - makes sense to me. 
  24. Like
    The Sailor reacted to burnside63 in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    I completed my build of this kit a few months ago.  Great build, but I found myself getting very bored when planking and decking her due to the size of the hull and deck.  I tapered the mast, by the way, with a spoke shaver.  Went very smoothly and required little cleanup sanding.  Enjoy her.  Everyone who comes in my house comments about her.
  25. Like
    The Sailor got a reaction from yvesvidal in J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35   
    Thanks for the nice comments, Pete and Hamilton.
    It's indeed a feature. If I want a complete painted hull I can glue the second planking up to the edge of the 2mm bulb area covering. The different types of wood will be hidden by the colour. I want to try the second option and leaving the bottom of the hull covered with the mahogany planking. That means sanding down the 2mm planks and planking the bulb area with mahogany stripes.
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