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Der Alte Rentner

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About Der Alte Rentner

  • Birthday December 7

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  • Location
    Green Oaks, Illinois
  • Interests
    Woodworking, piano/keyboards, motorcycling, bicycling, swimming, and not outliving my savings...

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  1. Wow! talk about a labor intensive process.. In the end, it all comes down to the results. And yours are spectacular.
  2. As I mentioned on my post to your build log, I plan to follow in your footsteps for the long guns on The Spar deck. I did do a quick online search and found this sketch of the rigging that I foresee you, and subsequently me, employing for the long guns.
  3. Once again Mustafa, beautiful work! I can hardly wait to see how you rig the long guns, given that the long guns do not have that ring at the cascable. I just decided to jettison the MS kit carronades and go with the set I got from Czechoslovakia. So, my plan will be to steal your rigging Technique. 😁
  4. Some whittling was required to get the carronades to sit level in the carriages. The longer guns from the MS kit would not have required this modification, but I think my direction is decided. I'm going to stick with the brass carronades, and stain the carriages the same color as the hull planking. I just couldn't see going with black carronades and red carriages everyone is using on their MS builds. It's just not in keeping with the character of my vision for mine. Drat! The stain I purchased here isn't the same color or consistency as the gel stain I used on the hull. It was the only thing I could find at the local Ace Hardware, so, next steps will have to wait until I return to the shipyard next week. Oh well...
  5. Thank you Gregg and Jon, Sadly, one tool I forgot to bring with me was my Vernier caliper. Measurements will have to wait. So, carronades will be a back burner issue until I return to the shipyard. In the mean time, I will likely go ahead and build the carriages. Keeping Mustafa's caveat in mind, I've convinced myself that I won't have a problem drilling holes for the eyebolts after the carriages are assembled. I tried hand drilling one today. That's not going to fly! I'm pretty sure I can setup the Proxxon mill to handle the holes later. All I need to do is construct another fixture or two. (famous last words?)🤔 I did bring one of the kit's carronades with me. Judging from the plans you two provided, I think these are too long. However, after doing some cleanup and painting it black, I might yet opt to use the MS parts. The rigging issue will thus be taken care of. Off to the pool.. Enjoy the winter up North!
  6. Is it just me? Or are the eye bolts that came with my kit a lot smaller than they should be. Compare and contrast to a picture from the Hunt practicum. Also, because the diecast carronades that came with the kit are in such horrible shape, I purchased some replacements online. (Scroll back a few posts if you don't remember this..) These do not have the eye bolts attached at the cascabel that appears on the ones in the model shipways kit. Hipexec discussed this in his build somewhere on page 31. I can't say I like any of the three solutions broached in that discussion. I really don't want to have to file every single one of the model ship ways carronades, (which I didn't bring with me anyway). But I can't see me attempting to drill holes in the cascabels and inserting eye bolts to facilitate rigging. Sigh..
  7. in the ultra close up, the workmanship is even more impressive. wow!
  8. inspiring work, as always. I'd love to see some photos of the technique you use in rigging the carronades. I assume you do the seizing (right term?) before you glue the eyebolts in.
  9. Thank you Jon, Here's the view from the side showing the wedges. They are there to pair with the hawse ports, that will be added later. While the ports are cut directly into the hull in the Hunt practicum, I've learned that there is some structure added to the hull between the cheek knees. I'm following several builders in adding that feature.
  10. Slow going on vacation, but I finally managed to finish the scroll work. Not visible in these photos are the wedges that I added to the aft end of both of these trailboards.
  11. Jon, was it you who argued in favor of keeping lines randomly scattered around the deck to show the ship in a state of action? If so, there would be no canopies up during battle. That could be your ticket for skipping them altogether.. 😉
  12. I searched the MSW site and found your initial dialog with Helmarsowick in 2023. I believe his supplier is located in Poland, which suggests the ordering process may be a bit of an issue. I wonder if anyone in the USA offers this product. But, if you do get the details on ordering the printed canopies, I'd likely follow suit and order them too. Thanks Jon
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