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    Anja got a reaction from Fright in Richard Simmons   
    Hello Richard and welcome aboard,
    Glad to have you join in with us.
    It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an advanced builder, all that matters is a love of the hobby!
    You already started a buildlog of your Victory.  
    Good luck with your build, but most of all have fun (and patience of course).
    And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. This is a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.  
    If needed, you'll find plenty of advise, help and encouragement from everyone.
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  2. Like
    Anja got a reaction from mtaylor in Richard Simmons   
    Hello Richard and welcome aboard,
    Glad to have you join in with us.
    It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an advanced builder, all that matters is a love of the hobby!
    You already started a buildlog of your Victory.  
    Good luck with your build, but most of all have fun (and patience of course).
    And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. This is a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.  
    If needed, you'll find plenty of advise, help and encouragement from everyone.
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  3. Like
    Anja reacted to Richardjjs in HMS Victory Richardjjs - Caldercraft - R. Simmons   
    Bought my Victory just before Christmas from the proceeds of a house sale.

    Did a lot of work a few photos but lost them when Hard Drive went down (I was a computer progammer before retiring always took backups just didnt do i often enough)

    So unless i can recover then will start from where I am now

    Have finished first planking and the lowerpart of the second planking. On the two models I have previously completed I planked the hull with scale 5" Planks and on both used tree nails No decent pictures of my Panart Victory from 35 years ago (Valued at £5000 by National Maritime Museum).
    On the Panart San Felipe i did the same (1 Picture added here will add a seperate blog for this later with photos - its been put on the back burner for now)
    1 think i think needs adding is that it is easier to cut the       BEFORE adding the Hul Frames
    mark the Frames and Keel joint across the joint so you know when its lined up other wise you might get the keel out of line
    1.   Hull with first planks done and most of the hull second planks done. Using uper Gle for second planking mmmmm not sure!!
    2 and 3   Main DEck ready to fit - lines are 1.25 inches to lay 4 butt plankin - must make sure the buts end where the deck beams are
    4.   Gun Ports lines with 1mm to allow for the gun ports to close
    5.   Caldercraft say to line the Entrance port. Tried to find a picture as the top of the frame is shaped and is NOT painted
    6.   Stern windows - The incredible etched frames with complete this (Wonder when no bets being taken)
    7.  Main  Entrance - From HMS Victory First Rate 1765 by Jonathan Eastland and Iain Ballantyne - Note the Carving of the Head Rail
    It amazing how the photos show up even little discrepancies
    I purchased tis Stand from B&Q (UK) it tilts and lifts special offer 34.00 UKP

  4. Like
    Anja reacted to Richardjjs in Richard Simmons   
    MOrning fellow model builders
    I am Richard born in LOndon 70 years ago , First model was the Airfix Spitfire !!
    Have been MOdelling and in the modelling trade for most of my life. Worked at the old Beaties high Holborn shortly after they took over the Bassett LOwke shop in the 60's and bought C Napean Longridges book The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships and bought a Billings kit (NOt a good kit even then)
    Buult a Panart Victory that was valued by the National maritime Musem at 5000 (Having sold it for 2 at Christies Took 3 1/2 years and was, although I say it myself, AWESOME
    Used the Brass sheet at the stern whch I should have replaced

    After my afrat into Distributing Computer Games by Van I set up a Model Radio Controlled Aircfraft business selling lits and parts for model  aircraft Industry all over the UK Mainland
    When that failed I became an IT specialist developing software  and only returned to modelling  and patrt built a Panart San Felipe (Photos enclosed)

    Recentlt started selling Euromodels, Caldercraft and Mantua kits on lins as a bit of a hobby but I am disappointed with volumes so wil probably pull the plug on that

    I am now building a Caldercraft Victory and have set up a different blog for this


  5. Like
    Anja got a reaction from EJ_L in Belated Intro from tornado alley...   
    Welcome aboard Bulwark,
    Happy modelling and I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  6. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Nirvana in Belated Intro from tornado alley...   
    Welcome aboard Bulwark,
    Happy modelling and I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  7. Like
    Anja got a reaction from geoff in Belated Intro from tornado alley...   
    Welcome aboard Bulwark,
    Happy modelling and I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  8. Like
    Anja reacted to Bulwark in Belated Intro from tornado alley...   
    Hey all,
    Bulwark here from Oklahoma, watching the twisters go by and oblivious to them because my mind is on this hobby now.  I have had a great experience here so far. Lots of great encouragement and advice. This helps more than anything to make me want to build things. I've seen some amazing, and mind blowing work here. There is such talent gathered in this site. I am glad to be a part of it. My humble beginnings are in the gallery now and although it is some rough work, I am proud of it. I finished it, and I have two ships waiting to be build: the Bluenose II (AL) and the Red Dragon (AL). I know that I will get all the help I need to make these models come alive. I'm taking a particular interest in fabrication of small ship furniture, such as I saw done by Ms. Galad from Brazil who modded her Red Dragon to have a furnished cabin complete with LED whale oil lamp to illuminate the tiny room, and transparent windows to allow the viewer to see inside. That is the kind of modeler I aspire to be. But it is a long road to such a thing. I don't know if I can manage to get there, but the journey is thing. Couldn't ask for better fellow travelers. 
  9. Like
    Anja reacted to Nirvana in Belated Intro from tornado alley...   
    A warm and non-windy welcome to
  10. Like
    Anja reacted to mtaylor in Belated Intro from tornado alley...   
    Hi Bulwark,

    You're in good company here as we're all on that journey together.
  11. Like
    Anja got a reaction from EJ_L in New from upstate NY   
    Hello Ian and welcome aboard,
    I hope you will join us by contributing your Sirene buildlog here.
    This is a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.
    If needed, you'll find plenty of help, advise and encouragement from everyone. 
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  12. Like
    Anja reacted to Jack12477 in New from upstate NY   
    Hello Ian and welcome to MSW.  What part of "Upstate NY" are you in?  I'm in the Hudson Valley.
  13. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Galeregil in Greetings from Oxford   
    Hello George and welcome aboard,
    This is a great site for learning/sharing tips and techniques.
    As Derek said, If needed, you'll find plenty of help, advise and encouragement from everyone. 
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  14. Like
    Anja reacted to geoff in Misplaced Yankee   
    welcome to MSW Scott. All the best, Geoff
  15. Like
    Anja reacted to Worldway in Misplaced Yankee   
    Hi Scott, welcome to MSW.  Glad you found us.  Enjoy your time here.  I might also add that although I'm Canadian, I'm sure your fellow Americans appreciate your time spent in support of your country. 
  16. Like
    Anja reacted to Ryland Craze in Misplaced Yankee   
    Welcome to Model Ship World Scott.  You will find this a wonderful site to help you with your model ship building.  Also, thank you for your service to our country.
  17. Like
    Anja reacted to allanyed in Misplaced Yankee   
    Hi Scott,
    As the father of a son who is about to retire from the US Army after 21 years in Army Aviation and who did five deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan I really appreciate what you have done and cannot thank you enough for your service.  I hope that I can be one of this great group of ours to thank you in some small way by helping you along in your new found venture in ship modeling.  Welcome to the fray!!
  18. Like
    Anja reacted to Nirvana in Misplaced Yankee   
    Scott, Warm 
    You have now found a new homestead. 
    Thank you for your service. 
  19. Like
    Anja got a reaction from EJ_L in Misplaced Yankee   
    Welcome aboard Scott,
    Feel free to look around and enjoy all the possibilities this forum has to offer.
    Hope to see a SIB project in the future.  I think putting a ship in a bottle is a real challenge.
    Good luck with your Bluenose build and have fun.
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  20. Like
    Anja got a reaction from thibaultron in Misplaced Yankee   
    Welcome aboard Scott,
    Feel free to look around and enjoy all the possibilities this forum has to offer.
    Hope to see a SIB project in the future.  I think putting a ship in a bottle is a real challenge.
    Good luck with your Bluenose build and have fun.
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  21. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Nirvana in Misplaced Yankee   
    Welcome aboard Scott,
    Feel free to look around and enjoy all the possibilities this forum has to offer.
    Hope to see a SIB project in the future.  I think putting a ship in a bottle is a real challenge.
    Good luck with your Bluenose build and have fun.
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  22. Like
    Anja reacted to mtaylor in Misplaced Yankee   
    Hi Scott,

  23. Like
    Anja reacted to martin9428 in Misplaced Yankee   
    Good day to all. My name is Scott and I live in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Originally from Coastal Massachusetts and later from Rhode Island. Retired Army with 22 years before getting hurt in Iraq in 2008-09. Recently took interest in Ships in a bottle which is funny because I grew up and lived on the water all of my life and have been around boats and ships all my life, now being land-locked, I take interest. Started a cheap ship model kit, which can be seen in the Builders log section, to gauge my interest before building a SIB and also a more detailed ship kit. I look forward to reading and gaining knowledge from this site and look forward to your comments and help as I further my experience in this wonderful hobby. 

  24. Like
    Anja reacted to martin9428 in Bluenose by martin9428 - Artesania Latina   
    Recently I took an interest in Ship in a bottles and thought I may try my hand at building one and then thought..."let me get some knowledge on ship anatomy" so, I decided that I wanted to start by building a wooden ship. I decided that the Bluenose would be a nice place to start as there wasn't a lot of rigging. I was blown away at the cost of kits and as a disabled vet, cost was an issue. I also have a tendency not to finish things I start as I get frustrated easily and I also tend to have heavy hands. One day while looking in a thrift shop, I came across this kit for $8 and thought it would be a great kit to cut my teeth one and if I mess up, I'm only out $8 plus the $60 spent on various tools and supplies but, none the less, relatively cheap considering. The kit states that it is an easy build and can be done in a week-end. Funny as it has taken me all of three weeks or more and still have the rigging and sails left. Anyway, here are some pictures of the build so far. The hull is made of what they call Artist wood which appears to be nothing more then compressed cardboard and the pieces weren't even close to fitting properly but after some mods and sanding I got them close enough and filler filled the rest. There isn't a lot of detail on this kit so, I added some little touches here and there. I hope you enjoy the pictures and thanks for looking at my build so far. Looking forward to building something more detailed after this. By the way. Pictures are out of sequence.

  25. Like
    Anja reacted to Moonbug in Back to the Shipyard   
    Welcome back Michel - glad you've returned!
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