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  1. Hello Yon

                    How are you. It’s a long time since I had seen you on MSW. I hope you are keeping well.  I myself have only just returned and restarted my HMS. Diana after a long period. My wife passed away 3 years ago and I more or less stopped my build, but I have been told by friends over and over again that I should restart my build,  as that is what she wanted me to do before she passed away. It would be nice if you just have a look around MSW now and then and add a few likes and comments. I miss the Victory build days, and it would be nice to see you back on your build and I could  pull up a chair to watch your progress. Come on blow the dust off it. You take care, best regards DAVID


  2. Hi David No, still here in the background. The pictures seem OK now. Having an extended break as I was suffering a great deal from CA allergy. I'm going to have another attempt soon with new facemask filters. All the best Yon
  3. The problem seems to be sorted - maybe it was because I hadn't logged on for so long. I have suspended my build for the time being as my allergy to CA has taken all the fun out of it (and was rather painful). I realise that the allergy won't go away but I fully intend to get back to it using a full facemask once I've plucked up the courage. Good luck to everyone with their builds. Best Yon
  4. Hi Lawrence Wishing you a Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year !! I intend to restart my build on new years day so expect to update my log later in January - fingers crossed, it will be completed in 2014..... Kind regards Yon
  5. Hi Jerry I am very glad that you found my log useful ! I'm looking forward to getting back to my build. Best wishes for Christmas and a happy new year ! Cheers Yon
  6. Thanks Lawrence and David I hope you and all the other Victory builders have a great Christmas and I'll be in touch early in the new year. best wishes Yon
  7. Hi Lawrence Thanks for your comment ! After 2 years of building I am having a bit of a break. I did this before and found that when I get back to it I am much more enthusiastic. I was prompted after actually dreaming about rigging gun port lids ! I'll be back in the new year. In the meantime keep up the good work ! Cheers Yon
  8. Your bow is looking very neat - good pictures as well. All the best Yon
  9. Hi Derek Just catching up on everyone's logs. You've made excellent progress - good stuff. Cheers Yon
  10. Hi David Very impressive. The pictures illustrate very well how much work you have put in - well done ! All the best Yon
  11. Hi Lawrence Many thanks for your comment. I attached the cat heads a while ago. I have posted pictures on the first page of this log, post number 10. I have been following your build with great interest - its really coming on well. Cheers Yon
  12. Hi Sjors With summer, and the distractions that brings, coming to an end, I am hoping my next update will not be so long in coming ! Cheers Yon
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