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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Some details on front deck ( still I think about sadomasochism)
  2. The devil is no black as it seems "Dremel" it more and do not hesitate to use putty. Look at my comedy of ship (all covered with putty). There will be second layer of planking with veneer (or similar) which will cover everything. Dont make same mistake as mine. Think ten times, and then start to work. See my post #331 and look at this funny thing I call "future model of Cutty Sark" in present stage Nenad
  3. Tonight I put some extra weight under deck, and CS now have decent weight. This hatchway ( one of the three on main deck) will be fully covered by putty and by re-planking. But then, I discover wrong fore-aft angle of glued rear deck. And a MOUNTINE at the place where meet rear deck and bulwark, so panels will jump to the sky, and line of rear deck will look half-broken !!!! Another surgery need to be done. When I fix it ( I hope), I am afraid that the stern will go to the sky, and deep surgery of stern itself will be needed. I am really shamed, and will not picture it as long as I fix it ( still hope) On the other side, bulwark lines ( line between and angle of bulwarks and main deck) come along nicely. As during the painting of the house, when the chisel is placed on the walls - one line draws another line properly Geometry is incompatible with impatience, WILL YOU, NENAD, LEARN IT SOMEDAY ?!?!?!? Obviously paying tribute to understatement plans TEHNODIDAKTA and to my incandescent head In the picture below (Campbell plans) is shown elevation of the deck at bulwarks line (red lines), which obviously must be taken into account on time, and my old plans in this regard are inadequate - these lines are formed by additions to the ribs (???) and that extensions on ribs do not follow this line of apparent. Particularly when ribs and hull are not laser cuted You can also see the three vertical blue lines that show the vertical height of the bulwarks on main deck WHICH IS NOT the same circuit with the front deck over the height of the middle of the ship and the amount of the compound to the rear deck (or Campbell's plans are inaccurate?) Solid headache. I do not see another way to fix this except improvisation with all sense I have. So, first visit dentist , then to work
  4. Bob see at http://www.serbiancookbook.com/ There is great difficult to translate receipts from Serbian with Google. This is a food, and wrong translation can change taste.
  5. I think this is 1:96 or similar, I am not sure, trust in my eyes and its power of observation and compare scale ... Sorry for your parents. My are still alive (80, and 87) but separated last 6 years ( madness of old age) ... For cooking hobby. I have Admiral and her brilliant ideas, and a daughter and son who support her in that. Personaly, I like traditional food, but them like sea food particularly sea fruits ( yuck !!!). You can not imagine what different meals we eat when Admiral get her caught cooking. To be honest, two years ago I was in Romania, Bukurest in lebanon restaurant, and I was very delighted. Five years ago in Kitten, Bulgaria, I was in phenomenal Chinese restaurant ... But, pig is pig, chicken is chicken, and cow is cow. If I can chose
  6. Thx Bob Unlike you, I'm not sure that it looks good (I'm not satisfied). Right now during sending bulwarks, I am thinking about first to make waterway, then remake bulwarks with white panels, then main rail, then stanchions (?) and after ( or maybe earlier ???) replanking whole main deck with moldings on edge near waterway 2x5mm, and further 2x2 or 2x3 mm . The order is not enough clear to me for now. (Un)fortunately, this weekend I did not go to workshop, because I had the huge work in yard. Creative imprisonment in setting heavy marble slabs and forming the basis for the garden table. My hands does not exist any more, they are painfully, full of cuts, every single muscle in the body is screaming ... Our Admirals ... and their ideas ... ( not to be dishonest, I like this, too) If I live and survive to the evening, I plan to keep work on CS ...
  7. Hvala, hvala Sinan For Tehnodidakta plans you can ask folks who do by them ( there are few Braceras on MSW). As far as I know, I am one and only with TD plans of CS, but on Internet you can find better plans of CS to assume better model. If you do not hate or even bothering, dive a little deeper in my topic to see why Tehnodidakta plans are no good (at least for CS, I do not know about Jadran etc). If you are stil interested, send me a PM, there are some folks in Kraljevo who sold "revised" Tehnodidakta plans Pozdrav
  8. When I was in elementary school ( 14 years) it seems to be cool and to be more interesting for girls to smoke ( ?!?!?!?). So, I am smoking about 41 years, and today I am addicted to cigarettes, more than two boxes a day. Over a 2 years ago, I decided to smoke extra light cigaretts ( Winstom white, 1mg tar, 0,1mg nicotine, 2 mg carbon monoxide). Over a year ago, start using e-cigaretts with idea to reduce real cigaretts, and it was a good idea ( over a box a day today). I hope one day I`ll throw them at all ................ In office when I am writing something, it works well, on meetings too, on Court nobody is smoking, on the evening when watch TV, while socializing with friends, but, when I work something with my hands, especially if it is physically demanding, a cigarette is cigarette. I like to work in garden and around the house, to make things of my own, and had Admiral with inexhaustible extract ideas about garden and yard, so ... resting with cigarette and coffee is a joy ... On the other side, good is, when work in shipyard, I can not smoke more than 1-2 cigarete during 1-3 working hours
  9. Something like that, Popeye. Idea is next 1. Assume lines and weight of bulwarks 2. Redo white panels 3. Main rails 4. Design and mount waterways 5. Re-plank deck I am not really sure about order. The previous 7 months teach me that if I do something in reverse order, irrevocably run in to the problem on some of next stages. I have to use my head for something other than to break the barriers
  10. Some Dremel or similar ?
  11. Long ago on some cheap plastic model I use gold color as base, and when it dry, with half-dry paintbrush light slightly and gently touch it , leaving little lines of darknes. It was small model ( 25 cm) and it looks well In large models I am not sure, try this on plastic scratch
  12. Comedy "CS by NM" act II part 3 Panels removed , rear deck mounted , start fixing bulwarks ( hmmmm) preparing them for something better than them were (Robert, I am watching you) All fingers are on their place today, except they are covered with superglue and putty 22:30h, and no even one f...g cigarette in home (nor Admiral, nor my son) .... Viva la Joyetech e-cigarette !!!!!!
  13. Bob I am also close to that reason But look at this ( is it possible on CS in this scale, or is it sadomasochism ?) This s not my work, one of my friends wia FB (black fishing line). On pictures of real CS you can not see this, but looks really great One of the "Hmmmmmm" thing
  14. Bob I have one dilemma and i am interested about your opinion Aesthetic question again Final colors and finishes of decking Gray or natural wood See pictures I attach This question has significant impact on the final appearance of the model
  15. Thx for your interesting Spencer Baseboard is under rear deck planking ( made of nut or "nut" slat 2mm x 50mm x ... I bought it without necessary previewing what I buy - full of holes and damage - three parts horizontal glued together before planking). Planking is done with 0,5 mm veneer, and baseboard horizontal line was 0,5 mm under line of planks. So I added this half-ring of veneer I had in workshop ( 30 years old mahogany veneer very dry and brittle) to get same horizontal line. I was thinking to add another layer to get this layer little higher than planking, but I am not sure if I can do it precise enough to look nice after mounting bulwark, so I simulate it Nenad
  16. Good work, keep on It is interesting how old Tehnodidakta plans live their second life Nenad
  17. Bob I am in office right now without tools, and some idea get me right now, so I improvise with office staples White colour ( or light soldiering) could cover composition of twisted clip with added part of staples, and you get needed strength and durability of rings. I ll try this tonight I hope you catch idea
  18. Comedy "CS by NM" act II part 2 Rear deck almost done. And the second finger cutted by surgical scalpel (I was pretty coiled yesterday) the edge of the deck is covered with mahogany veneer, with the idea to simulate the baseboard batten that exists under the fence at the rear of the deck. Mounting of this batten is subsequently set for me as impossible, that fence on rear deck of my model have to be thick 1.5-2 mm, which means that the this strip should be about 1 mm wide
  19. I was hoping you would, to see your idea on how to solve it. It seems to me that without special tools soldering is not possible
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