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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Order of the stages ... Every of us in CS fleet has own order. Sometimes I think mine is no good , and your is proper. Keep on with more patiente ( who say it? )
  2. Quote Every single model of ship has his/her own spirit and personality. And major lines of personality are determined by little mistakes and deviations every single builder incorporate there in his own unique and unrepeatable way I deeply believe in this See you N
  3. Favorite quote about Her On the afternoon of Monday 22 November 1869, a beautiful little clipper ship of 963 tons gross was launched at Dumbarton on the River Leven. On that day, she was given a name that was to become renowned throughout the seafaring world . Cheers PS There is a mountine of books and articles written about CS, so everything I could eventyally write is almost written in better way
  4. Bob, what us your thinking about this ? http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4407-protective-coating-on-coppered-hull/#entry126761
  5. @ Bob, here is a little observation for you. Columns (pillars) were originally made of 1x1 mm strips, but they are reduced now to about 0,5x1 mm and I think this is more in scale. Even better would be 0,5 x 0,5, but this would be sadomasochism Before second planking, there is , as usual ( ), next challenge and correcting of next mistake (It seems for now that whole my building is made of mistakes and repairing) In Serbia there is proverb, literally " You can not have goat and the money at the same time" . Translated with Google it means "You can not have it both ways" I am not shame ( that is a lie ) of my mistakes, and I expose them in order to be seen to avoid beginners as me not to run in that smelly and barely passable swamp So, because of mine earlier mistake with to low poop deck and wrong line and angle of it, main successfully repairing of this mistake lead directly to the abnormal raising and large thickness of the stern, and it seems as elephants back now @ Dognut, do you want to exchange your ice-breaker bow for my elephant stern ? My earlier proud stern made is hidden somewhere inside Good thing is that stern is made of solid wood ... And a next part of Comedy starts Ah, sanding again ... I can see the future: who/what will be most engaged in shipyard next days
  6. And finally, some significant progress to show. It seems that all damage and pay back price inside bulwarks and above the deck is successfully resolved. Yesterday and tonight I spent a lot of time making top rail, and here it is by the steps Rails are made of 2x5 mm strips, which was cutted and glued in several pieces, with enormous sanding to fit them to the shape After that, preliminary cover with sadoline. Final paint will come when I ( ever) finish sanding and putty, and when comes a time without sanding dust everywhere. Also bulwarks with panels will be repainted when comes time to mount nail and dead-eye holders And preliminary trying how "nail holder" will look and fit with something from scarp box For now (until next big surprise catch me) I think that it all will be all right, and little corrections will be done later when I next time climb to the deck Now, finally I can happily jump from the deck to the hull to fight with stern, finish hull lines and strip benders, and start second planking
  7. I wish you all the luck and patience with building you will need ( and you WILL need it, no doubt) Read instructions manuals and plans 5x for each step Think about them and analyze it 10x Re-read it and re-think it again 2x And then - cut and glue (I did not, so run in deep trouble) I ll watching your progress with great interest Nenad
  8. Marc That is also my opinion. Think that in model they must be fixed, to avoid potential damage of them
  9. Good luck, and take care of your "attachments" Did bow blossom ? Or Cutty sign up to walrus, seal, penguin or similar club ? I hope that wood on hull will not bulb and swell on unwanted places ... Waiting for photos of deep surgery Nenad PS Nice tool behind Her, sadly not for her ( It IS NOT idea when you get pissed !!!! )
  10. Bob, For now, I am thinking on way as on drawing above, and to make them from wood covered ( "coopered") with black-painted aluminum foil, something as my try on next picture Reason - my bulwarks are 1,5-2,5 mm wide ... ( putty) One interesting detail which lead me to the conclusion that they are fixed Look at this small holder on next picture
  11. Bob Delicate and sensitive structures, indeed. I start working on top rails, and it get a little stronger. There will be also second layer of veneer and fender moldings which also will give more straight to bulwarks And then, as usually, next question arise, connected with question of straight of bulwarks: Openings in bulwarks for escape of water Are them supposed to be movable or fixed in model ? I think that them have to be fixed Something like that PS In separate Topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4354-do-we-use-this-forum-too-much-for-socializingplease-read/#entry125204 is presented some kind of official politic of MSW, to reduce presonal and social notes, so ... I ll probably have to clean up posts that, by mention of moderator, overheat topic and haven no direct relation with building of CS So, I ask my followers for opinion about that - did I overheat with socializing and personal notes and thoughts ? PS I was informed yesterday by moderator that my topic is not issue and targeted, so we ll keep on
  12. Sudomekh Form a Topic and I ll follow with interest. Ariel is great looking ship from same era as CS
  13. Warm welcome to you, Brian, and welcome to the "CS fleet" as one of the members call us who build Cutty Sark model I ll follow your log with great interest, there are so many questions about every single detail to think about and to learn. I like your approach to building, and like your model looks Great help is to try to find Campbell plans (3 sheets) - you can find them on internet or you can order them, also instructions from other different kit manufacturers. Oh yes, Internet is here, pictures and photos from Greenwich Waiting for your posts with impatience Nenad
  14. Keep on, my friend. Two kitchens I have made for Admiral ... One large wardrobe, children beds and furniture ( when they were kids), whole bedroom, almost whole work-room in house, of the number wall shelf ... My Admiral seem to be very happy ......... But when she start conversation with some like " I was just thinking something ..." I know my "good morning" !!!
  15. The main tool for modeling is patience, my friend. I lose it from time to time ... Go on Nenad
  16. Yes, Spencer, you have eagle eye. This is maximum in this stage I could out of situation I lead myself when somewhere and somehow I almost lost main lines. But, there will be "some" ropes and "some" sails, and "some" deck furniture, and "some" details on deck, and I hope it will not be visible later. In every case, it is less drunk and less wrong than last attempt I have removed. I think that without starting over from "zero" it is not possible to do better correction. And, to quote Bob : I can leave with this. And, next to do are - top rails, and as they visually overlap bulwarks, I hope them will completely mask critical parts of bulwarks ( I ll try to) Some of Hmmmm always remain ...
  17. Yesterady morning was a cleaning day for garage and workshop. ( You do not have to say - She is right again, last time I clen it was couple of months ago. That was the price - I can make trash downhere as much I want, but my duty is to keep it clean...) In the evening... sometimes, social obligations get your free time more than you want. As you probably now, in Serbia is Eastern Ortodox Christian , and one of the specific is celebrating of, so called, "saint day". Literal translation of our term "krsna slava" is impossible and meaningless. Every family has own family saint inherited in the male line ( St. Nicolas, St. Georgy, St. Michael, etc etc). This days are opportunity and some kind of obligation to visit and to consort with friends and relatives who celebrate their saint day, to eat well and to spend a nice evening seeing different people you know or dont know. In these days half of Belgrade ( 2.000.000. residents) is moving from place to place from one to another part of the city, from one to another friend or relative who celebrate ( for instance, you have 5 friends who celebrate same Saint on the very same day, and all of them expect and call you to visit them, and you must organize yourself to go to the 5 places on the one day, and to spent there a bit of time). Yesterday it was one of these days, so ... Personaly, me and the Admiral are atheist, but friends and relatives call us and expect to visit them on their saint days. So, yesterday we were with friends having very fun evening. We dont celebrate any saint, but from time to time gather friends and relatives in our home to lunch, dinner, supper or barbecue or somethnig my Admiral invent for that occasion Tonight I¨ll go to another friend to mount new guitar strings to his daughter "new" guitar, to chat and drink god wine, maybe to play and sing some old songs from our youth. So, poor Cutty must wait for a while in the darkness and sadness of her hanging kitchen element on wall of shipyard. In the evening, before sleep I read some book about rigging ... nervousness grows ... how do I make it ... that will be a "fun" and a headache
  18. Maybe some try with something like "Metal Repair Epoxy Putty from Loctite Adhesives" I saw some examples of using this, and it looks like as it is soldiered, so if that parts are not exposed to any force, maybe it will be OK
  19. Flu weaks, and bulwarks with white panels are done and mounted. Much better than last time. Next is top rail
  20. Bob, about jig question My first jig was from wood, and results were not so much impresive One up, another down, different space to the edge ... The second jig was made of thin sheet metal of 0.5 mm thick , and was cutted by garden scissors ( dont tell Admiral about that) and result was this When I removed this bulwark and come to today stage to make panels again, I made last attempt to make a jig from Coca-cola tin, cut with old scissors I have in workshop, but it was too much thin, and so snotty to work with. Then I start again and then use middle solution ( old paint tin) , cut with scissors hardly but it was be done. Make it as close is possible to the dimensions you need As I understand you have Dremel thing or similar ( I scrounge my Einhell for my birthday in April) . If you have it, nice, slow and easy and make your jig with this accessories. If you dont have, you must by it if you can, in my opinion , it is indispensable tool for shipmodeler Final touch with small metal nail file No more than 1-2 working hours to make it To be honest, I had a problem to fix this little jig stay in position while drilling trenches, so if you make it, make it longer and find a way to fix it to stand still. So, also to be honest, since I am by nature a very impatient, I hated to make again more stable jig, and I give up from using jig, and I ask myself to supply the highest concentration that can be achieved, I ordered myself to be extremely careful, slowly and gently, so I did all the trenches only using whole of my feel and sense, first making a thin trench that I have carefully expanded and deepened. If I could go to workshop tonight, and if you are interested, I can get you photos of whole process And decided that I can live with final result as shown in my log Cheers Nenad
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