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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Bob You are definitely guilty as charged. And charges as follows: hooked on Nenad to Mr. Campbell plans. Now I am definitely sure that my plans would not even look at, if I had / knew of Campbell when I started CS this winter. But some weeks ago I definitely decide to move on, not to start again, and to keep on wrestling with my mistakes Yes, Bob, you noticed well. White panels have different lengths . Simple test with tracing paper Recalculating scale to my model, I get dimensions of section about 13 x 5 mm, and "counted" 34 + 4 by each side and white panel 2 x 9 mm. I decide to ignore that differences you talk about, from three reason : First, I am a kind of "dirty" and no absolutely precise builder and carpenter with not enough patient and skill; Second - scaled to my model, that differences would be about 0,1-0,3 mm, and question is - would that differences be ever visible and significant in any way ? Third, I am not sure are these differences presented on real CS. Unfortunately almost nobody who take picture on CS did not catch only panels, and there are panels on pictures usually on background. Especialy panels on rear deck - there are only few, and semi-usable photos. And I did not find anybody who really measure them on CS. It is understanding - who really care about that, except modelers of CS with Mr. Campbell plans. So, by me, they are all identical ... On the another side, comparing available photos of panels and Mr.C... plans, it is quite clear that they are drown and scaled OK. From that point of view, it seems that your testing is quite wider than a right scale, but it is hard to say without other details on bulkwars to bee seen for purpose to compare. I suggest, in any case, to recalculate whole thing, and to do some more testings before final work. Thx for your interesting
  2. Best part of week is always - Friday afternoon. My principle is, on that day, from 17h to sleep - absolutely do nothing connected with my job or with house works. Sunday and Saturday are long enough for homeworks Returning from job, go shopping, eat, slumber a little, and when Admiral start watching TV I go down to shipyard. Earlier in the day, I printed Campbell`s plans, and start to study them There are 34+4 white panels on each side. When I re-scaled them to my model, each section will be 13 mm, and each white panel 8 mm long and 1,5-2 mm wide Waiting for sadolin I put on strips 2 x 5 x 500 mm to dry, I made little tool for get equal groove for each section And final countdown - rehearsal of the play starts I put a strip in tool and cut it to dimension (13 mm) and align ends not to peep With Dremel tool I dig a groove using hole as a template Then make a panel from veneer and glued it in groove with sandpaper slightly slanted edges to make a room for the piles made from toothpick glued whole attempt Cheeking size and scale It seem to be OK, and the testing is successful Tomorrow real work begins ( I hope. Admiral is talking something about she have seen in store brand new fountain for the courtyard for 50€ ??????)
  3. Popeye I got it now ( never late) I follow this topic since I am on MSW Thx
  4. Research is over !!! Answer is, as usual , in Mr. Campbell`s plans Tomorrow I must find some place to print them in scale, to measure and count and to re-scale to my model
  5. Durring repair of frontcastle deck ( remove and remake) some intercostal space was opened up, so I took the opportunity to throw in there plummet through which I poured glue. This gave me the idea that, when I shall work cabin in the middle and on rear side, beneath them open holes in the deck and repeat the same thing This will be enough I think Edit october 18th 2013 Same thing with rear deck
  6. Thx Kim I am also, and hardly, and still waiting for Yahoo allowance
  7. Mark idea is to visually mask one of the stupid solution in my plans. In earlier pictures, try to see what is under nail holder and deadeyes ... Correcting this is equal as starting from zero. If I cut it, then question arise - why I do that if I dont want to correct lines of hull. And that means to cut all planks, and that means to correct all ribs, and that means that is much simpler to start over. No, no, no !!!! Consequences of enormous wish to start as soon as possible working ONLY with plans I have, without necessary research, without any analyse of any picture on Internet ( grand fool am I) ... This details on bulwark, which I am thinking about now, are intended to catch attention to them, rather than to look under ...
  8. Autumn comes, and garden/yard works get smaller ... more time for hobby. Saving neighbor from Admiral`s monster rose who migrated to him, play with my old dog (14 years, dont see and dont hear anymore ...) and run in the workshop Fore deck is mounted, and I concluded that next is upper bulwark, and ..... white ornaments inside Today main fun was, try to find a way and method to do this ( strip is only 5 mm wide ... and white detail ... max 2 mm) Of course, nothing in plans Thinking, thinking, thinking ... and a flash .... Make helping tool - mask, use Dremel, and ... gnaw recess 0,5 mm deep and put into prepared veneer strip .... sand a little ... and YES - that is that Also I put different profiled slices for vertical piles .... obviously they must be thinner Here are today attempts ( not in scale, only to try technique) with sliding toll for mask I made, in front Next is to research how many this white parts are there to try to calculate right scale ... and after two hours on net, I establish that NOBODY on internet never had counted this on real CS !!! Happy me Any idea ???? Tomorrow on 2-3 day trip again, and there will be time to research ( I hope ...) in the evening .... And maybe for fortress
  9. After two hours,, there is bright new forecastle deck with space under to put there stuff what have to be there Obviously some mistakes can be resolved ....
  10. Rob My kit is from 1983 ( blueprints from 1971) made by TEHNODIDAKTA, only who made kits in former Yugoslavia Now it is a full scratch, only plans left ( I wrote about this earlier in this topic)
  11. In Belgrade you can bye only Revell models of sailing ships clipper Cutty Sark RV05401/150 Plastic model sailing ships of the nineteenth century Skill level: 5 Scale: 1:220 Length of model: 406 mm Height models: 260 mm Number of parts of models: 164 The package does not include the colors needed to color this model Revell colors required for this model: 8 55 93 301 363 381 382 Age: 12 years + (12 + years) And my CS is over doubled size, and combining is impossible, but ... there are plans and details to see ... and even that worth something ( My original plans are very very very poor and undetailed)
  12. You made real beauty, and really excellent model, and I wish I have your skills. Hyper-detailing my CS is exactly the idea, one day when/if I finally/ever finish rough work on the hull ( puttying and sanding a little bit more)x10, and correcting some details that can be corrected in this stage of work. This is exactly the reason I spent more time researching pictures on Internet than working on model, preparing myself for time when real fun will begin. Now I am in basement of my building, and there are more than twenty floors in front of me Can you hang on MSW more pictures ? This evening I sand a little, and putty a little, and MUST WAIT for putty to harden, to continue. Nothing valuable to show. Ah, I forgot ... starting to make forecastle deck again ( I removed it for necessary corrections - remaking it)
  13. Hey, Really amazing work, and very interesting method to combine kit from other model and scratch building I follow with great interest Nenad
  14. Lou you are a genius !!!
  15. Popeye this beauty must be finished !!!
  16. Completion of repairs of front deck immediately leads to another "problem" that has significant implications for the way in the formation of the upper bulwarks The research and problem solving is the beauty of this hobby, right? As my plans, as usually, do not provide an answer to a specific interior look of bulwarks, pursuing further research Confusion bring some CS models whose images can be found on the Internet, especially in terms of interior design fore and aft bulwarks with decorations along whole upper bulwarks Judging by the pictures, there are models that entirely ignore these decorations And models with decorations only on middle section On the other hand, photos of CS lead to conclusion that only the central part of the upper bulwarks has white decorations (if the decorations)
  17. Thx Lou, your advices are really helpfull
  18. Little progress today I decided to cut off strips, which was good decision, and after extra puttying and sanding, lines of ship look better But, better lines opened earlier mistake in its full size - bad angle and position of front deck Obviously, it is necessary to take a sharp cut, and to remove front deck, and to remake it again Little check of angle ... It seem to be OK, but must wait putty to harden, and to "finish sanding" other side first
  19. Thinking ... thinking ... thinking ... and decide to believe in something which seems to be true simple words mistakes can be corrected , or covered, or masked .... and when next model comes,, there will not be mistakes ( ha ha ha) nothing about fortress of Smederevo today. Maybe on Monday ... Edit on October 04. 2013 : In beginig of September, I "accidentally" find on Internet Campbell 3 sheets !!!!! This changes everything
  20. Start again ? Start again ? Start again ? Start again ? I am not really sure ... but ...
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