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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Rfolsom Curvature of side view of stern made me pretty confused, and photos do it much more. With Lou`s advice and drawing in post, I think I shall find a way to resolve right or semi-right curvature. Thank you very much for the support and very kind offer. I think the way I work and ambition with my model from start do not require so studious and extra precise approach ( as Campbell etc), except sometimes if I occasionally bump into a dilemma as noticed ahead. Thanks any way. As a attorney, I must note that I must be cautious about copy-rights ... I am again on road, in two-day business travel in South Serbia, and my model is suffering a lot without me to cuddle and watch her, and to putty and sand her gently ...
  2. NEXT BIG QUESTION - BACK OF THE STERN - PROPER ANGLE Advice is needed !!! As I mentioned in post #120, there is a "little" problem with back of the stern proper angle On plan I have, there are two different angles, (or I am blind, or I am dummy) Looking on photos ( Google) there are two different situatons First - old Cutty before fire This image suggests that there is relatively gentle angle Second - Cutty today Those images suggests that there is more sharper angle than WAS BEFORE FIRE, and surely more sharper than I have on plans I have dilemma - what option to chose Or this is only because of angle of taking a photos ? Edit 20-03-2014 because of loosing some pictures by MSW semi-disaster in March 2014, here is Lou`s missing picture from post #105
  3. Welcome, Ill folow Wish you many happy modeling hours
  4. Back to the title ... The best in this business is that while sanding, the brain works by itself, and consider next steps. Also, all my life I refuse to go " over the path of elephants," but always try invent something new ( usually successful, sometimes not) So After analyzing photographs and drawings during and over sanding, I concluded that the visual lines of the ship's side is mostly determined with the position of guarding moldings on the ship's side (I dont know is it proper english word). Especially in the situation brought me my way of planking Stated that, before the final puttying, I need first to put guarding moldings down on position to get those lines, with attend to putty and sand them latter to proper shape There is Cutty And plans And first step of positioning it Yes, I know, it all seems so untidy and messy for now, but putting and sanding is far away to be over The question was - to plank second layer first, and after that to glue guarding moldings, what is the most usual way, with risk that 3D lines of ship side are not properly shaped, or, to do something to assume proper lines first, and to assume 3D lines to them There must be applied some extra works to bow and stern for proper lines and shape, and I really need that lines of guarding moldings to assume proper shape of whole side view of model. About that, plans are little confusing. For instance, angle on wooden block for stern does not match the angle on picture of stern above ... Also, on bow, as it can be seen on upper photo of plan detail, there is drown some undefined and confusing slat which do not correspond with real Cutty. That situation with plans I have requires a lot of imagination, visualization and reflection, and all that lead right forward to improvisation Oh, so many " ...tion" words I decided for second option, bearing in mind that I can always (before planking), if needed. cut off and sand to zero quard moldings ( made of balsa) and glue them new from begining As Popeye said somewhere in MSW: I also love to play...
  5. Dognut, it is great to see you progress. Please upload some photos Nenad M
  6. has anybody Lubbock`s Log of Cutty in *.pdf ???
  7. History of Cutty is very interesting. Right now I google for some Lubbock¨s pdf books to read on my vacation ( ONLY 20 days left) ... Edit 21-07-2013 And found all in pdf: Basil Lubbock - China clippers basil Lubbock - Colonial clippers Biddlecombe1848-TheArtofRigging Making yard details Ship Modeling from Stem to Stern Steel1796-TheArtofRigging
  8. Sanding and applying putty is not so interesting to post ... Works go beyond ...
  9. For now it seems that latter you add extra part For instance ... something like ...
  10. That remains me about similar story of Belgrade fortress ( Kalemegdan) first built at the beginning of the second century by Ancient Romans legion IV Flavia called Felix - happy, when castrum was rectangular, 560 meters and a width of about 350 m. After that fortress was many times knocked down to funds and rebuilt, and today fortress is in area of ​​53 hectares, so archaeologists do not know what state the fort to reconstruct. Similar with the Cutty Sark, which is very old ship with long history
  11. Yes, I noticed that. Just wondering ... Really nice work
  12. Dognut If you have FB profile, or any profile on other photo web page, and a smart phone with camera min 5MP amd internet connection, you can succesfully take your photos with phone, post it directly on FB from phone (delete them later if you want), then easily save them on your desktop form FB and upload from desktop to MSW. I use that way Nenad
  13. Popeye, Genie is good one, and He offered it to me, but I refused. It is great pleasure when slow appearing of proper lines confirm that my technique with short strips is not mistake, and I do not want to waive of that. He was not quite at will, and that was a reason why He sent me to sleep
  14. And I gently rubbed model, and Genie appear And He said: Give me some putty And I gave him some and He was statisfied And Genie said: You can go to sleep now And I have done so
  15. Topic intended for fun, similar as "ugly ship" etc For start, here is real modeler tools, only beer is missing ...
  16. Sanding and polishing model resembles Aladdin's magic lamp. Rub, rough and gentle, and a Genie will appear ... It remains only to prepare wishes
  17. Every model has soul and personality, remembering your passion and love, and returning it to you by something that can not be told, but what can be sensed in whole image of finished ship
  18. And, of course, anxious and slightly nervous start sanding (just to see how it goes). Get in the game "Dremel" for rough corners that protrude Hot on his heels coarse sandpaper on the painter's podium Reduced level of boarding to the zero level of keel I am satisfied with the initial results
  19. In post #67 I targeted question about protecting small and sensitive parts during sanding. During FHW (first full war) I came up with this Little styrofoam on deck and plain paper tape used by painters, who has a great feature that after the second and third layers hardened enough to protect what I want
  20. Finally, primary planking layer is set. First "Hull war" is over, and I win, interrupted by my son motorcycle brake problems
  21. Thank you Anja I am joking, really like and enjoy in every building step I made. Believe or not, every of 1000 strips has his own story and own conditions, particular and specific request to fit just in place where it belong. Or where and how i want to put it. And every single strip has his own will, and we had to fight in "hull wars". Will against will. Wood against man. Patience against time. Pleasure against frustration. etc etc. And unexpected ally - lot of thinking about next steps Great experience for furthrer steps,and also creativity in resolving each of 1000 little problems
  22. Welcome, and keep posting please, I wait for your topic so loooooooong
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