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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Nice feeling to come back Workshop temporary installed in kitchen where Rhea is My peacefull helper, tired ( today was Her first day in homeyard playing and running as devil on specific silly Bobtail's way) and sleepy, watching me carefully Material used: 0,5mm card for ribs and keel, regular 80gr printing paper for planking So, I cut ribs and glued them... It looks promissing ... And started planking trying to simulate specific way of planking on CS boats ( plank over plank) ... But ... I realized that I did not cut ribs precise enough, and did not glue them precise ... Ugly Lesson learned, and some conclusions Moulding just has to be solid, or ribs have to be lasser cuted. I prefer first option, because I am not able to cut and glue so precise - 0,5 mm mistake left hole or mountain in hull lines. working with solid moulding alow me to install and glue as first layer inner ribs, and planks over it Planking with paper will be ok if I make nice moulding with soft lines. Keel has to be made of something harder than card. After glue dry, whole structure is fragile, but strong enough to allow additional works Of course, my drawings have to be adjusted for new approach Having in mind that all four boats are very very visible and at the first line of looking, particulary their white color is in contrast to cabin's roofs color, and that I intend to left them opened to half (simillar as I did with hatches), all boats have to be made just - perfect!!! Wheels in my brain have to turn some more rounds untill final solution It was nice to play again, never mind it was unsuccessfull
  2. Knowing you, Denis, it seems you will slide on a "dark side" with this build - very very soon ... ("I do not like this, I do not like that") Mark delivered enough pop-corns, so, what are you waiting for ?
  3. O ho ho! Let's go! Can I join? Peacefull, on some corner with good looking position?
  4. Thx Michael Having in mind that distance between ribs is only 5 mm, a bit approx. approach can be tolerate. I do not dare to dig out curve lines with this method for something larger than 7cm. In this scale it can pass. This days I will print drawing of ribs on selfadhesive paper and glue it to card from paper folder, cut and join as template for paper "planking"
  5. A little bit forward Redrawing C-plans in intention to determine where curves of boat`s hull goes
  6. Rhea eats my daily (evening) free time I used for modeling. If I want Her to sleep over night, I have to play with her and to make Her very very tired before I go to sleep. So ... But there is something ... On Saturday, in Belgrade will be Modelers competition I visit every year. Considering a lot of sponzors selling their products related to modeling will be there, I plan to bye a new cutting mat, and to try it, trying to make one boat from card/paper. That is someyhing I was thinking of those days. I can sit and work in kitchen with Her arround my legs. I do not allow Her to go down to my workshop, because near is Princess's cat closet, and unapropriate and forbiden dinner can be served, which I do not allow Her in any circumstances
  7. Wellcome to MSW, Terry Also, wellcome to Cutty Sark fleet ! Good luck with your build. For now I can not help you,because I am still far from this stage of build, and I am not familiar with nautical terms. Also,some personal events temporary keep me out of my build. When I catch some time, I'll look on Campbell plans to see if there is something for you This beauty must be finished!
  8. Thanks for nice word. I am still here but occupied with so demanding 2 months old baby which eats my shoes and my free time
  9. I hope you are well, my friend There are a few of us at age 50+ in "non grown boys" group who ride motobike direct to surgery :D I have learned my lesson four years ago, cutting my leg to bone... Do you?
  10. I found 3 of 4 "plugs" which came with original Tehnodidakta kit... It can not be used as plug I have to make my own ... When Rhea give me my free time back
  11. It's no need to remove posts, Jud I just has no time for longer answer
  12. This little doll obviously will keep me out of shipyard for a whille A lot of work in office + a lot of work about her (if I do not want my home to stink...)
  13. Thank you for your kind tips, gentleman ! But, I need a little precise explanation about using word "plug" in context Goggle translate is not useful for this !!!
  14. The first attempt to determine the line of the ribs ... Playing in adobe illustrator Length of this boat is only 7 cm
  15. My son, who knows all Cad and cad-like software, shows me how to, but I was not satisfied, so I put raster as first layer in Adobe Illustrator, and in next layers draw my own vector drawings over. Slow, but results are fine for me
  16. Self-adhesive paper Also for simulating cooper sheating And after march of 4000 pieces, playing with thin acrylic and mat lacquer looking for color of Muntz metal
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