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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Silly thing with every work-day in office ... When do you expect crowds and chaos, usually at the unexpected and unknown way, all clear after a few hours ... and when you expect a quiet day ... things sometimes get very fast so complicate, that at the evening you just do not know where your head is, or what you do all day except played the answering machine to yourself, and the flow of work is such that it is easy to feel strangled ... well ... At Wednesday night, crowd was gone, so at Trursday I'm with Admiral after a meeting in one company, spent several happy hours sniffing at a flea market, and buying in the hypermarket, a nap in the afternoon and evening with Her Majesty. Relaxed, expecting easy day in Friday and nice and relaxing weekend before Chaos that starts on Monday But today ... relaxing work with half of brain was planed ... but ... unscheduled meetings into the city around 09:00 to return to the house/office, about 16:00, where I find about a million e-mails with different requirements ... I do not know if I'll get out from office before 23:00 today, with the expecting all weekend working 10-12 hours for scheduled times on Monday ... and all of that have to be mixed with: 1. car washing 2. grass cutting 3. BBQ for direct family that was planned two weeks ago 4. painting the hallway (the admiral's madness) Ha, I have a solution - to turn into a polar bear and sleep for the next two days, to wake up on Monday and just - travel for two days ... And where is She ? Down, crying for me to finish Her nice and glimmering evening dress
  2. Bashing ... what a wonderfull word Overloaded by ideas ... my man ! And he know knowlidge Good work, great joy to watch And to stole some of ideas
  3. Wow, it looks easy as Lego ... except if you tried to make anything of wood ... then you realise what kind of SF is presented here Extraordinary, inspirational and educational work
  4. Ok , bussines horror realy starts on Monday with some preparation on weekend, so I take my free evening and there is a little progress. Rudder is dressed in plates. Two hours ?!?!?! Next will be ... Color correction ... no ! Mount of rudder must be done before, and it means ... soldering This will wait a little And before that, some tests and final mat warnish of plates
  5. Happy birthday, my friend Instead regular birthday cake, considering you like to cook, I send you specific birthday cake with receipt Cheers !!!!!! Have a nice day !!! Bundt Meatloaf 1 kg ground meat 2 large onions 2 garlic cloves salt, pepper 1 tablespoon mustard 3 eggs 1 tablespoon tomato purre 1 teaspoon paprika powder 1 tablespoon parsley 150 gr breadcrumbs 300 gr smoked bacon, sliced Preheat the oven to 170 degrees C. Cut onion and garlic into small cubes or put in a food processor and grind it. Put the meat, onion and garlic in large bowl, add eggs, mustard, parsley, paprika powder, tomato puree, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. Mix well. Cover bottom and sides of bundt pan with the bacon slices. Place meat mixture over, place the pan into the oven and bake for 60 minutes. Then, turn it in a baking pan and bake for another 30 minutes or until bacon is golden and crisp. Serve hot!
  6. Anyhow, it seems to me that always is good idea to make tests if you are not quite sure what you are actualy doing. Ah, why I was not so clever on my start? Better ever than never
  7. Dear friend, do you rush a little ? Or just curious ? Looking at myself, there is a lot to learn about masts and ropes and sails before even thinking of start rigging
  8. It is not fair, but this is job I am paid for. Nobody lives from air (I tried once when get 15 kg weight excess, but was very very hungry and dangerous for all around me, and all around me looks very juicy and delicious ... )
  9. Bob, you are attached to your fingers, not to dead-eyes, so, take care of fingers more than the dead-eyes
  10. Today I got one news which can be characterized as good and as bad at the same time Considering that in Serbia is adopted new labor Law, and this is one of my specialty, this days I got a lot of job, so summer vacations went somewhere in a dream-land. So, good is, after more than a 6 months of delay in the work as a consequence of "successful" judicial reform (I wrote about earlier), now I need 36 hours longing work day, spiced with weekly business 1-2 day trip to factory in country side I worked last year ... ( same job - implementing new law, negotiations with syndicate, and layoff with severance ...). At the same time, one great sport Club - same job, and 6 smaller companies with need for "paper works" in labor matter Bad is, there obviously will not be time for Her Majesty in amount I wish, so any progress is by the sign of "?" for a couple of months. I am afraid I shall have time only to read new posts and to comment from time to time ...
  11. I join to hurray !!! Considering large gap this kit has between particular ribs, it looks very nice As I was told in similar situation, take a little rest, take a beer, music, staring to the wall ... and think about second layer of hull
  12. Turn upside down. Sure no to roll Her as kneading bread ... Imagine that rolling .....
  13. Somewhere on start of my build I made all deck and rail eyes. And later 20% more, after many of them dissapeared somewhere by them own will. When I get tired of mostly unsuccessfull hunting of them, start thinking; what do you do with dog which like to go out of yard? Just tie dog. And idea come Simple way not to lose eyes: just pull throught piece of white rope. Easier to manipulate during wireing, and if it bounce somewhere, you will see rope easy.
  14. Bob, do you think about posibility to make stern decoration without rooling Her ? It looks impossible Still resting of Her, working 13 hours in office today and next couple of days...
  15. Thank you everybody for likes and nice and friendly words that encourage me to try to do my best in next moves Next is mat and light coloring of cooper, but I need some rest ( not even look at this shinny million pieces a while) So, experiment time comes, and I try to do some tests for future stern decoration Test No 1 First I try with regular copy paper 80g, but it do not works. To much soft and weak , and fiber structure do not allow to cut precise Then I try with tracing paper with idea to print with laser printer on this, to cut as precise it can be around writing, and to color with gold Little better, but relief is not present as I want, and whole thing seem messy, and look like I was drawing, not making ornament Here is result No, thank you. Next test please... Test No 2 This test is realization of one of my earlier idea - to use thin but strong yarn used to crochet And here is testing step by step Thicker is full diameter of string, thinner is frayed string I draw with felt pen pattern on bottom, and write my name, thinking : As I am able to glue string along lines, there will not be problem Thicker string did not make any problems Thinner ... OMG, nearly two long hours I was making this simple pattern above. That thin string, on such a scale, shows performances you do not expect - elastic, strong, flexible ... simply, did not listen to me. And never enough light !!! And i learned and concluded something If I want to make whole thing in 3D with visible relief, ornament parts must have a bit bigger depth than in scale. Upper pattern ( my name) has relief, but it is not just visible enough, and from distance, look simply drawn Colors are chosen - black for base, and yellow for contrast ( in final state, there will be gold color) Next experiment will be with thin cooper wire from multicore power cord or some old wire from some old current transformer But, after two hours of stare through magnifier and working with little paintbrush on picture above, that was enough for today
  16. In this kit, hiden in one of those plastic bag with fitings, there is a thin piece of patience. Find it and use it !!! It is magic! Grow as you use it ! I am not jokeing Maybe a little, but patience grow with experience Dont let you situation when one day start rigging, and decide to use wooden rope ants, to ask yuorself WHAT I HAVE DONE ON DECK? Every decision in modeling this beast has long lasting consequences So, if you decide hard, keep it to the end. If you are not sure, stop and think and re-think ten times
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