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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Does this sound familiar : " ...I think grass need to be cutted, it will rain, so before rain there is right time..." And do you think considering next pictures it was necessary ? I do not think so But I was running after grass cutter 3 hours on 300C Love makes miracles In new avatar is my happy face in cigarette break on my favorite place in backyard with deepest shadow Evening spent with my twin brother and his family, and no working on Her except making another 200 pieces of plates
  2. I think, Bindy, if it is possible to judge from huge space and time distance, your old man was training you for life. As a young boy, (14 years) I was discovered by parents (very well situated) in smoking cigarettes ... result - I was cut off pocket money to the rest of my youth. I was angry, and never forgive this at all, but ... that situation forced me to find different type of temporary jobs ( coaling, in different factories, carrier of furniture, .....) where I learn very important life lesson : to appreciate and respect any other type of job, even hardest manual job, and to appreciate and respect of any possibility and kind of earning some money. And, above all, to appreciate and respect anybody`s work, no matter how simple or complex, easy or hard, stupid or expert it was. Later at the end of study, I found gold mine in keeping guitar lessons for children, and earned more money than my first regular wage was ... Long and last story. It is sure that situation had influence in forming my personality and character, so at the end, I can only said to my parents: Thank you So, dig every hole in your life with joy appreciate and respect BTW, I can write volumes thick as epic fantasy about life here, my thoughts, situation, explanation, etc etc, but trying not to overload main goal of building log: Her Majesty. From time to time, little spice here and there
  3. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all for supporting in this looooooong job
  4. Thx Bob. Still too much to go with those little ants. Still more than a couple of critical parts to resolve curvatures of lines, still varnishing after all ... WHEN I`LL WORK SOMETHING OF WOOD !!!!
  5. Bob is right, book is right, my champ friend Roland is right, I opened my ears wide. listen, and here is result When lines of plates started to curve, there was no question about how to go forward
  6. Yesterday I have got advice from championship modeler that plates must run in direction from keel and stern to waterline and bow. Question: Is this so significant in my case, if 1) I do not overlap plates 2) I think I can make adequate look as on scheme and as on real ship on another ( my started) way 3) I do not make museum quality model and have no ambition for competitions and championships
  7. Go, Nenad, go !!! BTW, today negotiations between Bar association and Government, partially succeed, and we start work tomorrow
  8. Back to the theme In meantime, I did some tests, and find solution in acrylic mat varnish to kill sufficient shine And on the model, without varnish (jet) Maybe a bit of green shade ?
  9. Maybe you are interested to look First place two days ago, Larisa Rumiantseva Ukraine with with HMS Leopard
  10. Thx for your comment, Rich. Not so hard, rather ... too more uniform moves on long long long line. But, I am kind of fool who find something interesting even in digging hole in ground ... so ... keel lines to bow ... keel lines to stern ... waterlines to bow ... central section ... overlap on places of contact ... But it goes very well in result, and I am satisfied ( for now ...) Also, I use this stage of building as a good time to listen some music I did not listen earlier in life from different reasons ( dont liked it, no time, no interest, prejudice, not discovered, can not find ...) Do you know that complete soundtrack from Lord Of The Rings movies can be listened as classical music ? Combined with Giuseppe Verdi ("Aida" and "The Messa da Requiem") and Gheorghe Zamfir`s pan flute - all in shuffle mode is really something special. Also, considering that on this job brain is only a half time busy, you can in peace think about many necessary and unnecessary things ... Bar Association declared the strike of 4000 attorneys in Belgrade (which is sort of great shame for the country and politicians , in whole word attorneys are significant part of justice system) so there is a lot of time ... no one come to courts, trials are postponed, ... I wrote about this problems earlier in log, but now they com to the peak, because state administration, on very arrogant manner, few days ago rises our taxes 100-300% retroactively from January without any economic reason except to fill budget ... On the other side, State administration do absolute nothing to improve judicial system (but on the contrary, all moves are nonproductive and destroy it ), to reduce abnormal budget expenditures for wages to unnecessarily employed people - members of the ruling political parties employed last 10-15 years in budget institutions (assessment is that it is 150-200,000 such a people, and considering that Serbia have less than 8.000.000 citizens, only 1.200.000 of them employed, more than a 3/4 of them in budget institutions, more than 1.500.000 pensioners, add there children, pupils and students, and more than 1.000.000 unemployed, you can see whole terrific picture, with no chance to get in normal soon) Sometimes I feel as Alice in Wonderland, and Her Majesty is very good sedative ( or hole for the ostrich head, as you like ...) But, get back to something more cheerful ...
  11. My two cents about glass sea: Now you can not see wonderfull hull lines ,elegancy and strenght of Her bow and stern
  12. First attack of left and right three keel lines of plates to the bow is over. Lines are there, rivets are there, everything seems to go really fine to me And now, according to the coopering schemes I have look at, next is attack of 3-5 lines on both sides simultaneously along with waterline from stern to bow, or reverse, (I must look at again) Ah ... waterline I am not sure how I get old waterline before painting black, but I am sure that on this time I didn't have C-plans converted to my scale, and I decided to check upon C-plans And, of course, new waterline must be drown ... First - I adjust kitchen table ( 120 x 80 cm) to be 100% horizontal, then make a jig from Chinese magnifier/soldering helper and felt pen 0,1 mm. Then turn Her upside down, and make keel 100% horizontal it works very well, and here is new drawn waterline Next round in my "Third Hull war" is waiting to start
  13. Just for refreshing your memories, Bob I am happy that Admiral do not enter to my kingdom often, and that cleaning of garage/heat-room is my job, so I can arrange layer upon layer until next floor if I want ( if screaming do not come early ... )
  14. Very succesfull fix, my friend. About self-dissapearing bowsprit ... who knows what for is this good ... it is sure somewhere around (check Admiral's flower pots) , maybe, as usually, just in front of you ...
  15. Water finally comes, and it seems everything is backing in normal. I made some calculation : there will be about 3500-4000 individual plates 4x10 mm. Over 30 "rivets" on each ... more than 100.000 rivets ... game of large numbers ... Aproxsimately 2 min per plate to draw, cut, rivet, place and glue, in best conditions 8.000 minutes = 130 working hours, approximately two working hours per day = 60-70 working days = more than 3 months (I do not work every day) What I calculate wrong? This is impossible
  16. Looks nice, but ... You`ve just said I am just curious about deck-houses and curvature of deck ... how to resolve this to match ... looking carefully for your solution Keep on good work Nenad
  17. Slow to hell, Bob. I tested different methods of making plates, intending to do this faster, but there is no way to fast process ( with my hands) and to keep adequate riveting. It must be done slowly with adequate force to "ponce wheel", in straight line, and it takes a time. Also fitting plates on their place takes some time. But, there is different look and feel when you take your nose close ( macro photos) and when you look from distance. Just amazing BTW, still no water ( sixth day in line)
  18. Nice, I like it. What kind of acrylic white you use not to be transparent ?
  19. Again wrestling with a wild rose which grew 5m high that want to enter under neighbors roof ... nice but killing flower. I do nor need any tatoo, my skin is ploted by scratches. Admiral likes roses ( 15 diferent sorts in yard) and some of them are extremly prickly. AlsoShe likes extremly prickly Yucca, ( on two places, 10 pieces) which grow wild and spread himself to the yard with speed of light. Quess who cut this beast ? I have done my today homework, and went to Her to continue makeing Her dress First three lines on both sides reached stern On one side, these three lines reached to bow, on another, just preparation for plates We are still without water ... communal emergency services do not work over weekend (!?!"?!?!?!). What a country. We do not need sanctions, bombing, floods, tornados, earthquake or simmilar ... we are self-sufficient to terminate ourselfs nice and easy ... just wait to see ...
  20. Denis, I learned that this is not easy how it, maybe, seems on first sight. I learned that from first plate I put on place. So sensitive to curvatures of hull. Unbelievable. And lines of plates are so important for whole final look of hull. Them help watchers to understand what is that metal mass on hull ( they sure can not see rivets, not to speak about rivets lines, overlap and fit of plates etc etc BTW, I do not let them this ... but my eyes don't allow me to work more than two hours continuously. Until I was born, I am shortsighted, with years my diopter reduces, so I can live, drive and work etc etc almost without glasses. But, with years also come weak eyesight for very small things, and I still refuse to have two pair of glasses ... So, work with/without magnifier, and after two hours, max three hours, I can not work any more if I do not want "clean mess business" for tomorrow ... no, I am not stubborn ...
  21. XXI century and sixth day without water in pipes in my street and another two in neighborhood . They are not able to fix failure from Thursday to another Thursday ... I can not believe ... Last two days not a single worker in the street near hole they dug ... That situation disrupt complete home life, and I didn't work on Her ... go for water ... go to friends and relatives to shower ... go for water ... take laundry to wash ... go for water ... take laundry from wash ... go for water ... go for water ... go for water ... go for water ... go for water ... go for water ... go for water ... go for water ... Fix with Hothead chain on his bike and get dirty to the arms ... how to get clean without water ? ... grass cutting and sweat as a pig ... water thing again ... go for water ... go for water ... go for water ... go for water ... go for water ... Where is crying smiley ?
  22. Allan You encouraged me to learn silver soldering for further steps
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