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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Thx Bob There is no danger with beer, and any other alcohol ... natural brake ... when I feel that is starts to catch me, there is no way to keep on drinking ... consequences of earlier sport life with zero alcohol ... I suppose There were some sketch on that theme ... in situations when my natural "alcohol sense" failed Many years ago, I was with client in hiss office (great football club) and we were celebrating successfully finished property job ... they all liked Whiskey , I ... if I have to, I can drink it with much ice and a bit of alcohol ... they opened some extra whiskey (10 years old or something similar) ... I drunk my glass full of ice and with little Whiskey, and nothing happened. I feel nothing. Head clear and bright. After a while, I went forward to another job, leave stadium, and in the middle of parking place on which all main offices look to, on wide opened space, my legs just canceled obedience, and I stopped ... Head was clear competely , but my legs ... not forward, not backward, not up, not down, absolutely nothing. So, I was standing there about 5 minutes ( very very long time in that position on that place) stoned. And stoned. And still stoned. Another car passed, "big faces" who knows me asked me if I need some help ... What a shame ... somehow I get my *** to car, and sited there another 20 minutes to collect myself, and to be safe in traffic ... They joke me even today about my drink resistance ... BTW Maybe I ll tomorrow find watch gear ... There is still live old watch factory which does not make watches, but make some other precise mechanical instruments, and I call them today, and they have little gears, and tomorrow I ll visit them ... wish me luck
  2. Im glad you are well, and hope to see your nice progress more often. What did you do with fore deck? BTW I have new food receipt for you !!!
  3. Gary, I always try to find a way to complicate my life
  4. Slow with patience and beer She looks like a fish out of water
  5. This evening I went downstairs earlier ( at the risk of nagging why I didn't water flowers) because I want to have a time to do something before Game of Thrones. One more idea bumped to my head about riveting tool, and I want to try it. This time, lined needles without heads, glued with superglue in wooden holder And here are tests with yesterday made rivet tool, today made tool, and made with hand pricking with one needle as on first tests I made Conclusion - with rounded tool, line is much visible than a rivets. With needle tool - nedlees are not in line, so I can make better line with one needle and my sense And decision was made - to start (finaly) And I started, and this are first appointed "cooper" strips 4x10 mm, riveted manually each one. I chose that dimension of slices to assume riveting, and to be small enough as much similar to the scale it can be Not bad. There is macro photo, of details. But, in this scale, when I am watching whole model from usual distance, rivets are not visible individually. But - riveting , in my opinion, will give some kind of soul to whole project of "coopering" Her hull. A little bit of changing of light reflection, or ... I do not know what exactly or I have no words to describe... but I am definitively sure that riveting must be done on her dress Her Majesty is quiet for now, taking her breath waiting to see how all of this will look like ...
  6. Piet, I like to play ... And obviously I try to find a way to delay start of coopering in endless experiments ... Just kidding... Just don't want to get in situation to remove all this little parts because something I didn't think/rethink enough BTW, considering in mind that I make this tool in hurry and impatience ( as almost all I have done ) wheel is swaying left and right, and I must make another one
  7. Help yourself ... wheel from cigarette lighter ... tomorrow I'll make better one
  8. I don't have experience with "Neostic". With this type I/we use ( "Moment"), it is easy to remove excess of glue with slightly wet paintbrush, and it is strong enough for veneer, and get dry in 10-15 minutes. Excess of "Neostic" you can not remove with water. And be sure, there WILL BE more glue than you want on places where you dont want it. Keep on posting !
  9. Little tip from my little experience for second layer I noticed we use same type of glue. Make thin layer of glue on all hull (telo broda) and let it dry before start planking with veneer
  10. Miroslav I find here some good thoughts It is not a hobby if you hurry and there is nothing what sanding can not fix If you think about visible fixes, think about second layer of veneer planks
  11. Miroslav I find here some good thoughts It is not a hobby if you hurry and there is nothing what sanding can not fix If you think about visible fixes, think about second plan layer of veneer
  12. I joined and will follow When you have idea, try first and after that, if you are satisfied, apply.
  13. Little more rethinking Rivets/nails are so thin, and in my tests are so hard ... Must figure something for them, to be there, and to be visible, but not so much ... I mentioned earlier when I was making water posts and inside bulwarks that I love rivets No work today exept I wash my car as I never have done in my whole life before.
  14. Wellcome Miroslav, and thank you for idea. I considered that, but pins are too much widened for my idea. See further photos and try imagine in scale. Admiral said She had one ... in our house, the hardest thing is a saw needle ... so Her sawing tools are in deepest and darkest cave in house ... I dive there, and ... what do you think I found ? My, two months ago, lost cell phone charger i WAS LOOKING FOR TWO MONTHS !!!! Answer : it was not on place .................. %%$#&%$&%&&&%/$$/&&$% Ah, revenge will be sweet ....
  15. I visited some watch services, and only I have got iis question :"Man, in which century you live?" I think to find some mechanical (if I can find any) childrens toy and to demolish it ... And got some another idea to try tomorrow ...
  16. I m just on that way, lurking sewing stores, enjoying in unbeliavable sellers faces I can see when I explain what I need . I need eight of them ( four windows on each size) max 2-3 mm in diametar, and have some ideas to try in weekwnd ...
  17. Master work Mark Assotiation in this stage According to the ironborn legend, Nagga was the first sea dragon, able to feed on krakens and leviathans and drown islands when angry. The Grey King, helped by the Drowned God, managed to slay her on the shores of the island Old Wyk and built there his hall out of her bones. Her jaws became his throne and her teeth made his crown. He warmed his hall with her living fire. However, when the Grey King died, the Storm God drowned out her fire and the sea took the throne. Only her bones that made the pillars and beams remain.
  18. Alone at home again, and , as it is known ... right to shipyard ( where else would ?) (“people learn to love their chains.”. ... adequate quotation from Daenerys Targaryen) One more, and maybe, last test before "coopering" Strips are 3x10mm. In scale, they have to be less than 2 mm wide, but, in my opinion, "rivets" are invisible in that scale, so I decided to enlarge them a little - to about 3mm Tools I use for "riveting" One with thin top, and another with little thicker top First, I tried with "long" strips I don't think so. Vertical edges ( "drawn" with tools from rear side) are not visible enough, and it is hard to line longs strips And then, with shorts strips, with different technique of "riveting" Field "1" - riveting from back side with thick top tool Field "2" - riveting from back side with thin top tool Field "3" - without riveting, to compare with another fields Field "4" - riveting from front side with thick top tool Field "5" - riveting from front side with thin top tool Whole test piece is covered with mat varnish Field "1" and "2", I think rivets are almost invisible Field "4" and "5", I think there is no big difference on that scale And I think that is definitely - this But, there is another issue to think about before start Whole think is pretty sensitive to accidentally scratches. In picture above, I did "scratch" test with my nail, and look what happened It means, that I must figure something ... as Her statement right now, and I am thinking about something similar like on picture above ... There is a lot of time until I finish coopering to think and re-think this many times And here is how test piece matches to Her Majesty She said to me that She will like this dress ... And added that She is tired of wearing underwear only Woman ... Maybe, however 2 mm ????
  19. Keith take your camera with, and take 10.000 photos about every single detail on Her hull, bow, rudder, bulwarks, whole outside, and of everything on deck you can see. You will need them all Also, if they let you, climb on every mast and yard you can and take another 10.000 photos And enjoy seeing Her in every second Also, put some of pictures you make here Dont forget, in Maritime museum near Cutty you can bye 3 sheets of Campbell plans for less than 15€ Cheers Nenad
  20. Some more windows shopping looking for my stuff (soldering wire, etc etc) and I think I found a solution for to much shinny "coppering" Thank you for advices, Gentleman !!! And here are results of testing : Just exactly I wanted ! Keep original color and shine, but kill it a little ! It seems that only a few (?) testings and experiments has to be done, and that I am ready for "coopering" with couple of thousand hand made pieces ....
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