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Everything posted by Jasseji

  1. i'm done with the sanding, i dare not to go further (i oversanded the port side at one spot, luckily below the waterline, i hope the second planking will hold it together)
  2. i think if you use swiss ffff black powder it could work, although getting a thin enough match for the touchhole might be a problem
  3. Ye i Just noticed in the Sphinx manual and the materials list, Not Sure where i read it (i think it was in the colored planking guide PDF here on MSW). So pear it will be even tho my Strips are 1x3 instead of the 1x4 - maybe they'll be easier to bend even
  4. i got a set of 8 for 3EUR so i now have 16, looking for those steel clamps with the rubber tips tho, cant find them anywhere locally. PS: Travel Iron arrived in time for second planking, although i am still waiting for Beechwood strips (or i can use Pear but somewhere i read it is not good for planking - comments ?) Sanding, ding, ding
  5. By Looking at the Manual, this Kit should be rated at Advanced Beginner and not Intermiediate (might drive the Sales up even more :P) The amount of shortcuts implemented to ease the build seems enormous
  6. Yes, and i am attemting to follow and adapt along the way
  7. i decided to cut out the Sternpost and keel and draw a berading line. I thinned it a bit too much at the stern, but this will be covered by planking in the end and i think i can make it square when gluing the post back in Edit: Also, my clinkering seems to be gone on the Bow, by the time i finish the first planking, i should get into a good rhytm for the second
  8. In the meantime, the Mantua Strip Plank holder is doing it's job, i was able to produce 2 sets of 2 planks each with consistent taper. I am still soaking the wood however, as i find it's easier to cut the planks then. Is there any downsides to using Lime as an outer Planking layer ? I was thinking to lighten up her colors a bit but cant get Beechwood locally. Or any other tips for some bright nice-looking wood for the outer bulwark (Sapelly?) ?
  9. I am using a hair dryer at the moment, so dipping not soaking ? (i have a metal tool thingie with curves which i use now to get a shape) ye, or redo it in Lime, i have a lot of lime strips lying around and was actually thinking of doing the upper bulwark in Lime that's what i was thinking, now that i am at the 8th Plank, i will leave the stern untapered, stealers will need to be added anyway Got to the Hobby store and bought more clamps (+Pins with Thick heads - i LOVE Those)
  10. Did a bit of test-sanding to see how bad it turned out, despite my inconsistent plank fabrication, they did line up in the end 6 Planks done, 7 to go (the consistency has to improve, now i have the plank cutting vise so...) Stern:
  11. The Damaged parts i was talking about initially, i will have to figure out a way to fix them or redo them I do have some 0.5mm Abachi Veneer so maybe glye them on it and sand down ? What you think - the Gaff/Boom Jaws will be painted anyway but the sten conter and fascia were supposed to be left unpainted (actually painted from the Inside so i could fit them so the Abachi faces the inside of the ship and then paint it when i paint the inner bulwarks red) Brainstorming ? I SEEM to get the hang of the edge bending after several attempts, finally got some planks which decided to stay in shape Edit: Should i taper the planks on both ends ? I saw 2 approaches even for the LN - @PRS didnt, but on the still-motion video someone posted there was taper at the stern as well, i got mixed feelings now
  12. Yes, i did watch them, somehow my planks dont want to stay in shape, i think my heating method after soaking is bad, i need to invest in a travel iron, I do taper every plank (not perfect width on each tho but i ordered the planking vise which should arrive today, cutting them with a knife doesnt produce best results). Also the battens seemed to lie ok initially. Oh and i try to limit my Son's Hobby store trips, he's 5 and full of "Ooooh that's Cool, let's buy it" The clinkering seemes to have diminished on the starboard side at least:
  13. Local stores dont deliver and getting to any Hobby store with my Kid is a Pain (he wants to buy all the stuff... Cant blame him, lot of cool stuff there) In the meantime, i am getting a bit of "clinkering" in the planks, my bending seems to be inadequate, will leave the 1st 4 planks on each side and try to figure out some better way for the rest
  14. I think i overdid the fairing here, first plank doesnt want to follow the bulwark line Need to find some balsa or maybe wood filler when sanding ? Edit: Following Statement might be NSFW: Going to the toilet helps come up with ideas Gluing a strip of 0.5mm Tanganika i had lying around to the edge of the bulkhead seems to have fixed the problem:
  15. Another batch of pictures. Bow sanded down: Prow, Keel, ruddr Post + Stern Counter Frames Glued (Yes, i did forget the Rabbet and deadwood sanding, tried to work around it after glue cured but decided to go another route later on): Bulwark Fitting (one at a time, i dont have enough fasteners): Waiting for the Glue to dry and will try the other Bulwark
  16. So, after 1 mostly successful and 2 unsuccessful builds in the past, i decided to get my hands on something smaller and easier. Now that i have the space and prospect of not moving anywhere for the next few years at lest, i decided to try this little cutter. Some bits in the Box were damaged during transport (the laser-cuts of the Stern counter and the thingies which are used to attach the booms to the mast, i will post pics later when i come to it but i think i can fix them with veneer). So, started on the HZ Slip i have and found out it's too big for the Cutter No big Deal tho, managed to fit all frames and the False deck: Frames Squared: And started sanding them down: I think i did damage the front Bulkhead a bit with the file so now i am waiting for my Wife to get home so i can make a quick trip to the Model Shop to pick up better files (i dont really want to take my Kid to the Model Shop - i would be able to leave without more toys for him :P) Let's hope this build will not suffer the fate of the last
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