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Everything posted by Jasseji

  1. aaaah cool, but you need this 3-jaw attachment for it to work, or does it work with the standard attachment which comes with the lathe ?
  2. Sorry if this is opening up an old thread but how do you run the dowels through the Chuck ? Can you poist a picture perhaps, maybe my understanding of English is lacking here
  3. Yes, Germany seems to punish UK trade a lot, i had to Pay almost 8EURO fees for the small package you sent me.... The item value in the Pack was some 40pounds.... Aand the package needed 6weeks to get to me It starts to Look like it would be cheaper and faster if i'd come and Pick it up....
  4. I second the Vallejo Red oppinion. although BE Lists "Flat Red", not "Red" (in some lists as Tomato Red, number 031 vs Red number 033), i made the mistake of usind the "normal" red and it is dirty
  5. huh, i read the Pandora AOTS some time ago but never noticed that part, thx for pointing it out
  6. Following too, nice idea. Also, i have started with a Pinnace from Chris and my plan was exactly to have her rigged. What sources did you use for the Yawl rigging ?
  7. Hi, if it should make any difference for others, you can move my order to the second batch, i dont plan to start the Sphinx until i have finished the Lady Nelson and that will still take some time
  8. Added some fittings and waterways, gratings were done (partially) by my 5-year old son
  9. Getting some bleedthrough despite the masking tape, but i do plan to add some kind of waterway so no concern here. I like how the color turned out actually (it's Vallejo Red 70.926) Still havent touched the outer Planking...
  10. I'd Definitely go for wooden blocks and deadeyes on this, while rigging them would take longer than the plastic ones, painting plastic so it looks like wood on those small parts would be even more pain. Measure the blocks exactly (without the plastic attachment eyes) and go for Syren If you want to practice planking, get an Amati or Vanguard small ship
  11. Any of those 3 would be great really, the 1/64 lineup you started needs bigger Ships Although my affection for the Leopard says Bristol (you could always make a poll)
  12. Deck Planking and Inner Bulwarks (almost) ready for sanding:
  13. The Admiral demands progress, so planked the deck (i know, no edge planks, waterway etc. "It's supposed to be that way")
  14. Thank you, this is actually my first real planking (other 2 attempts never made it past the main Wale line) and i am overall happy with it. Yes, i screwed up 2 or 3 things, but overall i like the result
  15. Today had a lot of work at work so managed only to open the Gunports: Bit of cleanup required on them still, but will do that when the bulwark inner lining is complete. I'm procrastrinating with the second planking
  16. It's a hefty 180MB PDF, i dont want to think how big the original Pictures were in Total
  17. Pear Bulwark 1x3mm strips with one extra Walnut to get to the total od 16mm as per plans: Oh, and fixed the broken Stern counter:
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