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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Thanks Jim, Mark and Ferit, @ Jim, I only take picture with the camcorder..... I don't like to be on a movie , so I say behind it @ Mark, Glad that you find the arrows that goes to the entrance All stairs are flied now..... And then the ratlines.....you want to stay away for 2 years ????? @ Ferit, Can I please be a apprentice again ? I can make mistakes and don't feel guilty
  2. Mobbsie, What are you doing..... You are doing such a great job that it is difficult for me to improve that ! Great rigging job you showing us !
  3. Hi Sam, I have a camcorder from Panasonic the HDC-SD60. It's not only HD video but also pictures. The zoom range is for the video from 35 till 1500 and of course also for the pictures...... And macro of course ! I have also the Olympus E 300 but I don't use that anymore. I have everything I need in that camcorder.
  4. Thank you all @ Augie, There are no laser cut parts at this stage. It's plywood of 5 mm thick so they use a saw I think. Later on in the build I will have lasercuts. @ Glenn, Glad to have you on board. @Pierre and Graig, Thank you both ! And she is huge...... But that's what i like. @ Sam, I have a small HD video camera and it fits perfectly on the lower gun deck..... And it is not only video but he also makes great pictures....sometime to great because you see everything ! Ratlines can take a while But they are coming some time.
  5. No Mobbsie, I just post pictures without any problem ! You forget how it should be ?
  6. Nick, There are slots in the false keel and in the bulkheads. You have to see them as swallow tails. The slots are to narrow so I have made them wider till they go easy in to each other. And to get them straight I use angle irons. Some builders are using lego. You can check it after that with a square or with a level. Hope this helps Nick.
  7. Bug, The big ones who are standing vertical are in the kit, the lower ones on the board are my idea.
  8. Little update. The bulkheads are in place and glued. The lower gun deck is also in place. Glued the bow cheeks and the support at the stern Next thing to do are the support for the false canons and painting...... A part of the lower gun deck will be planked . Only what you can see from the upper deck, the rest will be painted black. And of course ,what is a build with our breaking something...... I have break two tops of two frames Glued them again and I have to see how i can place a support on it.
  9. These are those little things that make you happy to follow a build ! Great job on the sheaves Bob !
  10. Adriaan, Nice job you have done so far ! The next planking is very thin ? It seems looks like if thats the wood I used for the deck planking on the Corsair.
  11. Fairing is what you are saying ! You do that, good thing ! Did I missed something at my build? I don't have a lower plank...... Next build....use glue and not only nails . If the wood is working ( and it will ) you have the opportunity that the planks come loose. Aspecially when you sanding the heads away. Be careful with that. I wait for the pictures.
  12. Hi patrick, That looks again great ! And a nice tool At the cannons, you are doing only the breach rope and not the whole rigging ? Best wishes for you and the family also.
  13. Thanks everyone, @ Popeye, The lower gun deck is 5 mm thick.... And it's no use when I cut that in half. The slots are to narrow, so I have to make them wider. Some of them about 2 mm..... But I have done it and now it goes with a little pressure in his place. @ Nick, You don't missed a thing yet. I'm just get started. We are happy that the calendar has a nice place....enjoy it ! And what about the keel....I think that you have to do what works for you. At my manual it was the first thing that I have to do, so I did that. But my hull has to be coppered....maybe that's the reason? @ Patrick, Welcome to the world of Aggy @ Mike, Welcome for you to ! @ Bug, The only thing that I can say is....make space and do a build at this size.
  14. Hi Kamil, First planking is done...( almost ) A few things. Did you faired the bulkheads before you started planking ? You have some sharp parts in the hull. And for the next build, try first a plank that goes over all the bulkheads to see if it touch every where. At the moment one plank is to low and you need a lot of filler to get that away. You have glued the planks or did you use only the nails ? When you have also used glue, remove the nails ! When you are sanding the hull, you will see the nails and have problems with the sanding paper. Try to get the hull as smooth as possible before you put on the second layer of planks. Now go on with the filler and the sanding. Good luck !
  15. Thanks Marc ,Bug, Robert and Mobbsie, @ Marc, It is a big one. I'm happy that I have the space for it to build it. @ Bug, You really should do it ! It's fun and a lot of building hours ! @ Robert, Glad to see you And thanks !! @ Mobbsie, I can not build with the speed you are doing But I'll do my best. The building guide is saying that I have to place the lower gun deck with gentle pressure ..... I don't know what they mean by gentle but I need a sledgehammer !!!!! So the whole day I'm playing with a small file and still......it goes down to the half..... Now I find out that the end of the slots are to short ! So again playing with the file....... But not today anymore. Tomorrow an other change ! Well, I guess that this is building ?
  16. Thanks Grant and Popeye, Also thanks for the likes....I like it The Half Moon is still in dry dock. Anja has other things to do. When she can find the time, she will go further on it.
  17. Very nice hinges Theo ! Top job, well done. I don't have that door also at the San Ildefonso. But on the Le Mirage I have it. but that's France. I don't think that the Spanish ship has that.
  18. The bulkheads are in place ( dry fit ) They tell me to push the lower gun deck with a little force in place. I'm afraid that I broke something when I do that, so a little bit more playing with the file. The last picture is to show you how big it is
  19. Sorry for the late replay Sam Thanks for the titel ! I shall where it with honour And no worries, I shall not call you Daddy .....Dad !!!!!! Best wishes to you and your Admiral also.
  20. Thanks Bob, I was searching for that. Couldn't find it but I take a look and maybe use it
  21. Hi Jason, You don't do anything wrong. The only thing that I was talking about is when you tight up the lanyards and there is much stretch in the shrouds, you pull the deadeyes together to each other. I know from previous builds that the stretch can be a lot. Better is to keep the shrouds a little bit shorter so you have the opportunity to pull the lanyards straight and avoid touching of the deadeyes. I hope you understand what i mean.
  22. Wow George, That looks fabulous ! I hope I can reach your level with my Aggy ! Thanks for the great pictures ! What colour have you use for the Stern ? Black, white and ?
  23. Hi Bob, Your deck is really looking great ! I love that tree nailing of yours ! You drill the holes and then ??? toothpicks ? Or did you use something else ?
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