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    mobbsie got a reaction from freewheelinguy in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    A few more pics
    Stern counter being planked.


    Stern Fascia's dry fitted





    So there we are, right up to date, fitting the quarter galleries is going to be fun but before I do them I have to glaze and paint the area inside them which will be white bulkheads with a black & white checker board deck, no furniture.
  2. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    A few more pics
    Stern counter being planked.


    Stern Fascia's dry fitted





    So there we are, right up to date, fitting the quarter galleries is going to be fun but before I do them I have to glaze and paint the area inside them which will be white bulkheads with a black & white checker board deck, no furniture.
  3. Like
    mobbsie reacted to realworkingsailor in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    I dunno there has to be some sort of co-relative algorithm that links time vs knots and probability, keep in mind.. he's got another monster waiting, so the likelyhood of an episode will increase with every knot tied, length of time it takes to tie one knot, number of shrouds, the number of knots that come undone...... and... oh I just gave myself a headache...
    Anyway.. Mobbise you better be ready to take in refugees.. there might be a lot of them...
  4. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from Anja in Half Moon by Anja - Corel - Wood - 1:50 - (d'Halve Maen)   
    Hi Anja,
    I'm really pleased for you, I hope  the new contract meets your approval and that you settle seamlessly with the new company.
    Speak to you later.
  5. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    Love that one, and you are so right Popeye, cant wait for that to happen.
  6. Like
    mobbsie reacted to gjdale in Half Moon by Anja - Corel - Wood - 1:50 - (d'Halve Maen)   
    Congratulations Anja. Of course, the selection committee here at MSW had already decided that you would have the job! After all, how could they pass up your stunning intellect, charm and youthful good looks. Brains AND Beauty!
    Now that that is settled, please tell your employer you need to make up for some lost time in the shipyard!
  7. Like
    mobbsie reacted to realworkingsailor in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    I think we need to start a countdown clock here...
    Estimate the time to remaining before Sjors gets totally driven nuts by ratlines... although at the moment he seems to be evading the task at hand
  8. Like
    mobbsie reacted to mtaylor in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Nah... I'll be running interference to keep them away... 
    Carry on Mobbsie.
  9. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Jim Lad in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    The hull plamks would have been in the region of 25 feet long (about119mm at 1:64) and in various widths, but averaging, say, 12 inches wide (4.75mm at 1:64).
    As for maths, my dad always said that there were only three kinds of people, those who could count and those who couldn't.
  10. Like
    mobbsie reacted to themadchemist in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Yes as with any tool or piece of equipment, the performance is all dependant on the user. A rifle needs a good shootist just as a fine musical instrument needs a trained musician. The thing that makes them both good is the same. Practice, practice and more practice, plus knowing your equipment very well, of course that come with Practice. Ship building is no different.
    In my experience the difference betweeen being great and mediocre at anything is the willingness to have dedication and persistence. Knowledge and skills follow these. So many in our world of I WANT IT NOW, have lost the understanding of Patience. The concept of how much time is SHOULD take to become good at a task is under estimated by many. Along with the misunderstanding that failure is just one step closer towards success.
    Such great discussion over one single detail, a flintlock, is an example of part of that learning. I'll never look at another cannon without looking at the flintlocks. I've learned a new skill which puts me one step closer to where I hope to be as a model shipwright. I'm looking forward to years of new learning as I can see where this hobby never stops teaching. Thats one of the reasons I chose it .... or did it chose me? Somethings I feel like I'm infected, I cant stop think about ship building. Thats when you know you've found the right place.
    Thanks to all the masters that have helped me along the way. All education should be as free and enjoyable as a day on MSW.
  11. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Maine Lobster Boat by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Midwest Products   
    Hi Popeye,
    Birthday wishes to Phyl from Harwich my friend, compared to some of us she's still a baby.
    How can two boats be the same and yet look so different, your skill and imagination do you proud Popeye, the sad day of completion draws ever closer.
    With 3 builds complete your going to have a lot of time on your hands, what you got planned next ?
  12. Like
    mobbsie reacted to popeye the sailor in Maine Lobster Boat by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Midwest Products   
    well gee.......thanks Borge!  quoting with pictures involved looks rather odd though.......so, let's recap.
    thanks for looking in and the good word! 
    so, it began with this box of parts called the Maine lobster boat.

    then after the major goof,  and the subsequent build of the Denny-Zen........we arrived with this.

    now that I've gone as far as I can with the Denny-Zen,  without involving the Phylly C,  they were both brought together again, for another comparison check.


    so, now it's time to add the bit of bling that the Phylly C is supposed to have.  it begins with a flag staff


    it's not much.........today is the admiral's birthday.   I built her a model birthday cake.   it came out very good......and with a scoop of fudge ripple ice cream along side,  made for a rather tasty repast!
    of course I just had to sing her the three stooges birthday song
    I did some work on making up the monitor screens like I did on the M&M build........but I think I'm running out of color ink.   I'll just have to make do with what I have.....I think I'll be OK.   there's a bit more to come.   I finished one of the builds I wanted to get out of the way........now for the lobsie twins 
  13. Like
    mobbsie reacted to augie in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Just a hair off topic (Mark will probably send our the Post Police) but there's a new Lone Ranger movie coming out with Johnny Depp playing Tonto.  I can't miss this    .  Jay Silverheels will be rolling over, as they say.
  14. Like
    mobbsie reacted to popeye the sailor in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    yea,  but he used a winchester rifle....lever action....never missed that one either. 
    kinda made you wonder why the lone ranger used silver bullets.......there wasn't a wearwolf threat around there,  as far as I knew..........LOL!
  15. Like
    mobbsie reacted to patrickmil in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Mobbsie, as a proud former Kentuckian, the Kentucky long rifles gave birth to snipers. Things have come a long from then up to when a Navy seal was able to snipe pirates off of a freighter off the Somalian coast.
  16. Like
    mobbsie reacted to themadchemist in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    LOL, like some of the Beverly Hillbillies ricochet shootin'.
    Heck the whole state of IL is in bad shape when Jeff Foxworthy starts "you might be from IL if" jokes. Hills or no, I like living in the Southern rural part of IL. As a navy brat I experienced the east coast from CT to MS (gulf coast) and loved it, so actually I'm a born yankee. Don't have to worry about stirred blood here. Just Smith, no Hatfield or McCoy blood here. Beside I'm like ole Snuffy, just watchin' out fer them thar revenuers, 'specially with the 15th rollin around any day now (that's income tax day in the US  ).
    McCoy to Kirk: I'm a doctor, not a hillbilly.....
    I'm shocked the Aggy came with the flintlocks, thats is really cool, I'm not sure I've even paid attention to whether guns typically have them (on models that is). As yet I haven't bought a ship with guns. I can't even imagine rigging the 64 guns Aggy carried. It is always amazing just how detailing the cannon correctly and to scale has such a huge effect of the overall deck aesthetics. 
    As I recall Aggy (or was it bacon and eggs) was Nelsons favorite. She was a great battleship of the line. Cant remember how many of that line were built but Nelson seemed to think she was better. I haven't studied the subject very deep but was there a large difference in that line of 3rd rates. If I recall, Nelson considered her faster, was that due to shape or center of mass. As i study how different woods were used at different heights I'm continually amazed at the engineering feat accomplished with what we would call primative tools.
    I think we may underestimate the level of engineering which we have trouble reproducing today. It just kinda shows its not just technology that creates mangnificence. Just as any one of MSW's builder with a dremel has more technology then they, just as the cell phone of today are WAY more powerful then what Apollo used.
  17. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from Bobstrake in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Hi Guys,
    Here's my latest update for what it's worth.
    I have filled the dip and just have to finish the sanding down, should be ok when it's done.
    I thought I would plank the stern transom whilst waiting for the filler to harden, it calls for 1 x 3mm walnut, so searching for the right wood ( took ages ) I find that I dont have any, been left out the kit, a quick call to Jotika and they are sending it to me, should'nt be long in getting here.
    I thought I'll line the gunports, somewhere in the old forum I saw a tube that was made up and the linings cut from that so I thought I would give that a try, I made a jig so that I could just cut the tube, set for 9mm this would give about 1mm to sand down, made my box tube, let the glue dry and tried cutting a piece, what a mess, the tube just kept shattering, and the inside dimensions are wrong, it was giving me a measurement of 10 x 8 when it should be 10 x 10mm, so for me there is no shortcut, I'm going to have to cut the linings individually and do it the long way.
    I know where I've gone wrong with the tube, I put it together wrong by just butting the sides but I cant do anything about the splitting of the timber, it's just very dry and quite rough.
    So all in all I've not made much progress but I have learned a lessen.
    Anyway a few useless pics.
    Making adjustments to the size of the gunports and my way of holding the wood in place

    The filler just needs to be sanded down

    Quite a lot of filler has been used on both sides

    Here is my jig for cutting the many lengths of gunport linings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jig and tube

    The tube fits tight into the jig

    Cutting the tube

    The end result, too small, all it's cost me is a bit of time, but lessen learned.

    So there we are, pretty boring really but it's still fun and it's good to try new ideas even if they dont work out, isnt it ?
    Be Good
  18. Like
    mobbsie reacted to augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Just a small update.  Have gotten started on fabricating the remaining yards.  All have now been cut from round dowels, tapered according to the plans (using the drill as 'poor man's lathe) and several of the center sections made octagon in shape using thin wood strips which were cut and beveled to give 8 simulated 'sides'.
    The method is not as elegant as I've seen from those of you who are able to start with square stock for your yards.  But it's my first shot and I am not displeased.
    I will now be adding cleats then we'll stain everything to see where we stand before adding the glitter (blocks, iron bands and footropes).

  19. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Sjors in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    He Augie,
    I've got some news for you…..I see a picture!
    Great yards.
    I aks Grant if I may have his yards, if you give me yours also, it save me a lot of work 

  20. Like
    mobbsie reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Thanks Sjors,
    You raise a good question. I think that "yards" is a a subset of the more general term "spars", but I'm sure one of the experts here will give a more definitive answer.
  21. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Sjors in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Hi Grant,
    Nice yards ( I thought that they are called spars )
    Can I take then for my little row boat? 
    And pictures…………yammie!

  22. Like
    mobbsie reacted to trippwj in Half Moon by Anja - Corel - Wood - 1:50 - (d'Halve Maen)   
    Anja -
    I thought about a simple "You are welcome", but that seemed so inadequate.  While we have never met, you and Sjors are a source of humor, support and inspiration to my model building endeavors - it is an honor to refer to you as my friends.  All of your friends, and there are many around the world, hold you in our thoughts and prayers - I know how challenging this time of change must be, and admire you for your upbeat attitude and outlook.  Your kind words above have touched me deeply, and for that I thank you.
    With fondest wishes for your continued health, happiness and professional success -
    Wayne, Ro & the rest of the crew at the shipyard (Brett, Dakota, Tyler & Kimber send their good luck wishes as well!)
  23. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Anja in Half Moon by Anja - Corel - Wood - 1:50 - (d'Halve Maen)   
    Wim, Sherry, Jean-Pierre, Grant, Mark, Aldo, Alex, Augie, Frank, Mobbsie, Wayne, Piet, Sarah, Buck .....
    Dear friends,
    There are times in life when a simple 'thank you' is so insufficiënt to express ones gratitude. For me this is one of those days.
    Your invaluable support, understanding, encouragement, patience, confidence and your good luck wishes and the laughter have meant a lot to me during this period. It added a bright spot to my life.
    Thank you again so much and take care,
    'Friends are never apart. maybe in distance, but not in the heart'.
  24. Like
    mobbsie reacted to riverboat in HMAT Supply by riverboat - FINISHED - Jotika/Caldercraft- 1/64th scale   
    Good Evening Moobsie........ thank you sir for your gracious remarks....... this build is going to be easy to top, I'll  just build the next one on top of this one        , I know ,it's a corny joke but, laugh anyway !!  I'd be hard pressed to try and out do our compatriot Voldamar. I think he'd better start looking for bigger quarters since you "Aggied" him on !
    Happy Easter
  25. Like
    mobbsie reacted to riverboat in HMAT Supply by riverboat - FINISHED - Jotika/Caldercraft- 1/64th scale   
    Just finished up installing foremast  and  bowsprit yards. They still need to be trimmed, but these pictures will at least give you an idea as to how the sails look installed. These sails are probably not the exact way that they should  be made, but seeing as how I'm not a very good seamstres, Hubert's method of doing these worked out just fine for me  ( Thank you Hubert!!). The  pictures I'm posting show the yards from different angles. to show the attached sails from a different prespective.They said to pin the yards to the mast, but I didn't do that, I wanted the yards to be able to raise or lower.,..same for the bow sprit yard, I just made a sling for that one . Once they'er trimmed they'll tighten up real good...... I hope ! !

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