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Everything posted by albert

  1. Hello, I have cut and pasted more than 80 square frames, now I have put almost 400 choks, finish the whole thing and start to assemble the keel. http://imgbox.com/lz5Fjg84 http://imgbox.com/7AFA3TZx http://imgbox.com/EspHI2DH http://imgbox.com/1WkgniPp
  2. thanks Trussben. Monarch photos are taken with my phone (Iphone 5), thanks for the appreciation
  3. you're starting a wonderful job, where did you get the designs to make it happen?
  4. After the holidays it starts again with the square frames
  5. Hello, I have finished assembling of cant frames.
  6. Ciao Giovanni,scusa il disturbo i disegni che stai usando per la costruzione del modello sono un ingrandimento di quelli del libro, oppure si trovano venduti anche separatamente,mi potresti dare qualche. Informazione.Grazie Google Translator: Hello John, excuse the trouble that you are using the drawings for the construction of the model are a magnification of those in the book, or are also sold separately, you could give me some. Informazione.Grazie Albert, This is an English language forum. Please use English. Google Translator works well if you don't speak or write English. Questo è un forum in lingua inglese. Si prega di utilizzare l'inglese. Google Translator funziona bene se non si parla o si scrive in inglese.
  7. thanks for your comments and compliments
  8. Thanks for your comments, all pieces are cut with the scroll saw. Bye
  9. thanks for your compliments, for I will do my job description.
  10. Beautiful work, excellent detailing, fantastic.
  11. Hi Reg, No it was not a problem it was enough to enlarge the drawings with the scanner, and what you see in the picture is not the yard, I'm building. Albert
  12. thanks for your comments ... here are some other photos...
  13. here are some photos of the naiad in construction... http://i.imgbox.com/adbOFtmU.jpg
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