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Everything posted by bbrockel

  1. Great progress on your Syren. You definitely had some hurdles to overcome with regards to the inferior materials you had to start with. Keep up the good work.
  2. Back after a lengthy "burned out" period. Started the Model Shipways build back in 2013. Progress to date. Since then I've moved to a new dry dock and started building again.
  3. Nice start on one of my favorite ships. Very clear pics. Great lighting.
  4. You missed your calling, Larry. Very nice metal work.
  5. Dan, Matrim and Ron, thank you for confirming I'm doing right by redoing the planking. I've got most of the old planks removed and am starting on the new ones. I feel better about my decision now. And the bumps on my head are healing very well.
  6. Russ, a very valuable lesson learned here. Daniel, I thought long and hard about doing just that, then decided to do it the right way. Pete38, thanks for the condolences. I will definitely feel better redoing the planking corectly.
  7. Russ, that is correct, the wales and the anchor stock planking, will have to be removed. Abou7t half way thru removing the planks. Just removed the bottom waleand the anchor stoc planking, not I can add the missing row and re add the planking and the new wale.
  8. Just found a major boo-boo. I miscounted the number of rows of planks on the starboard side verses the port side. UGH! Looks like I'll have to remove the wales and that beautiful anchor stock planking on the starboard side to add another row of planking. And as I have said before, the pain subsided once I quit banging my head on the wall.
  9. You will definitely enjoy having a Byrnes saw in your shop. I certainly use and enjoy mine a lot. By the way, last months issue of the MSB Journal had an article regarding the Byrnes Table Saw. Here's the link. http://modelshipbuilder.com/e107_images/custom/The-MSB-Journal/msbjournal-march-2013.pdf
  10. Patrick, Here's the WIKI definition : A treenail, also trenail or trunnel, is a wooden peg[1] or dowel used to fasten pieces of wood together, especially in timber frame construction and wooden shipbuilding. It is an ancient technology. Covered bridges in the U.S. often use treenails as fasteners. Many such bridges are still in use. Locust is a favorite wood when making trunnels in shipbuilding due to its strength and rot resistance. A method of firmly securing such a fastener was to cut a parallel peg of a softer wood, and then expand its outer end with a wedge of much harder wood driven into it. Ancient shipbuilding used treenails to bind the boat together. They had the advantage of not giving rise to "nail-sickness", a term for decay accelerated and concentrated around metal fasteners. Increased water content causes wood to expand, so that treenails gripped the planks tighter as they absorbed water. Similar wooden trenail fastenings were used as alternatives to metal spikes to secure rail-support "chairs" to wooden sleepers in early Victorian times. Who knew. Learn something new every day. BTW, very clean rabbit cut into your new keel. Way to go.
  11. I'm with you. I like to re-purpose wood. My neighbors are helping stock my wood pile.
  12. Patrick, you are very welcome for the book referral. You will find it very useful as a reference book. Your TRITON is looking great. And as far as the Byrnes draw plate, there's none better in my opinion. I've tried a couple others and the just don't measure up. Very wise purchase on your part.
  13. The Danish oil was a good choice. Really gives the wood a rich, warm color. Nice work.
  14. WOW, you are flying along with your Triton Cross section. Very clean work.
  15. Gregory, I really like your plank bending jig. Nice work on all the hand tools. Very creative. Thank you for sharing.
  16. No wonder we will never have world peace.....we can't even agree on right and left (port and starboard).
  17. Very impressed with your build Rusty. Particularly the floor beam posts. Nice hand work. The holly and the black construction paper look great!
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