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About federicoaa

  • Birthday 01/24/1986

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  1. Thanks! Also, do you measure where to drill the holes or eyeball them?
  2. Hi Jeronimo, what is your technique for the nails? they look very tidy 😊
  3. Hi Michael, For what i've seen in some builds, colors are black and red You can reference the picture below from a spanish model maker, I think the color scheme looks very nice PS: I did not paint my model either
  4. Hi, have you started looking at the rigging parts? I'm quite stuck at the main yard halyard (192 & 193 in the plans). Don't have a clue how to thread those lines
  5. How do you make the rope coils? I tried using PVA glue to fix it in the deck but the rope elastic memory is too strong, it always unrolls itself
  6. I'm building the Santisima Trinidad now. (Spanish ship, 1700 ~ 1800)
  7. Go for Vallejo acrylics. Firs use a primer, let it dry for 12 hours and then apply Vallejo metal color of your choice. I recommend using an airbrush. For the metal colors, add a few drops of flow improver. After the paint dries apply a varnish, metal varnish if you want it bright or matt if you want it dull
  8. Hi, I as wondering. Period ships used to have a kitchen, but was it fueled by coal? And where they stored the fuel? I'm looking for ideas to add to my ship but Google can't answer me. Thanks, Federico.
  9. Hi, I must say I felt inspired by your build. So inspired in fact that I ended up doing something similar hehe Only difference is that for the fittings I did not use metal, but cardboard painted with metallic paints By the way, do you intend keeping the cannons in their original color? All the cannons I've seen in real life are iron, the ones in the kit seems like brass I had a spare cannon from another build I decided to play around. Sorry the pic is a bit out of focus, I can't get the focus right on such small things with the cellphone
  10. Hi all, I finished this model a month ago, but did not have time to update these blog. The rigging went smother than I expected. It was not really hard. One thing I noticed is that the instructions are quite scarce on the rigging. And the 1:1 blueprint does not really match the pictures in the manual. So for some ropes, where to tie them was entirely left to my imagination. After I finished the model, I made a small base with some pine wood All in all, it was a fun project and good for learning. I do recommend this model for beginners, but notice you should not follow their instructions, step order at beginning is not good. Also, leftover wood from the kit is almost enough to build a second boat XD Now to my next build, the cross-section of the santisima trinidad (occre, 1:90) Cheers, Federico.
  11. I just started this build, I'm going to follow your progress. I may borrow some of your ideas haha (they are pretty neat)
  12. Hi, Finally I finished the hull. I screwed up during the planking so I did not want to take any picture until finished Anyway, instructions are not quite clear in some steps, and planking steps are definitely in the wrong order. It says to plank the floor and glue the thwarts before planking, that way the inside of the hull cannot be sanded As I said earlier, I screwed up the planking on the fore, but thanks to the magic of second planking I got it fixed. I like how I made the windlass, using burnt umber with india ink wash and then a light sanding to create an old looking effect. The pins are also washed with india ink instead of being all black. Curiously, there are only 6 pins for the windlass, even though there should be 8. The part list only lists 6 so I think this is intended. Now to the part I fear the most, the rigging Cheers, Federico
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