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Everything posted by Craigie65

  1. You are doing a grand job. It is fun to fit her out - you will really start to see her take shape. Good luck with the stencils - I’m sure your dad will love her when finished.
  2. Lovely photos. Briefly thought of converting Erycina but chickened out. Also did not like the colour scheme, its a bit garish. I think I took some pictures of her or Pilgrim around a decade ago when holidaying in Torquay. We need to try and find them
  3. BECC vinyl lettering may be an option. Xtradecal do decal lettering, you might be able to do something with lettering used for military vehicles
  4. Hi Glomar, Really good to see you are still progressing. I like the paint scheme. I have never used Plastcote - although I have seen a few rants about it! I think it is just the black that needs touched up, the bit at the waterline looks to be in the black section. If you hand brush you will see there is a difference. My instinct would be to re tape and spray the black , but it is your call. Don’t forget the bowsprit hole😉 looking forward to seeing the next pics.
  5. A good weekend for progress on Erycina. Timber heads, capping rails and wales all added. Paint work needs a bit of a touch up, especially at the rear below the wales where I have green showing. But that is for another day. Had to do a bit of surgery on the rear capping rails to get the transom rail to sit well. Of course this was after I had painted and glued it in position. However it was relatively straight forward, although I may fettle the rear a little. We will see. Some shots of work done
  6. Time to get the timber heads done. After much procrastination I decided to paint them in green to match the bulwark. I held each part in a clip to sand the char and gate. Couple of swift passes and each is done. A bit tedious but a chance to zone out with some music. Could not find any double sided tape in the house so used masking tape to hold the pieces for spraying. Need to remember not to cover the letters or I will never remember the order!
  7. I am also mightily impressed that there are no stealers on the stern. I had two!
  8. Love that pump Kev. Must admit I was unsure what that post represented. I think it is described as a tow post in the parts list. I swithered on using black grey but decided as I was not shading or highlighting flat black would do.
  9. I think they will be a nice contrast to the dark hull, Jonathan. Looking forward to seeing this one completed.
  10. Thanks Andrew I am leaning to the green timber heads - I reckon that a contrast colour would be too much effort for a working boat. Mind you that should be fun keeping them in the right order as they get a coat of paint.
  11. Looking good Jonathan! What colour are you doing the capping rail? looks as if you will have this all done before the summer.
  12. A bit more progress with the colour scheme added. I used Vallejo paints, sprayed on with my airbrush. I wanted a very dark overall scheme, so the green I plumped for is German Cam. Dark Green. The black is well black. The red is Vallejo’s Mecha Range dark red with a few drops of cavalry brown. Decided to paint the inner bulwark green and now need to decide if the timber heads will be black, green or left in natural wood. The capping rails will be black so that might make the choice of colour for the timber heads for me.
  13. Thank you for all the encouragement and likes. Dan, I have never seen that photo before. Amazing how cluttered the deck looks. I might be tempted to add the navigation lights to the shrouds. As to weathering that is way beyond my skill levels. I truly admire the artistic talent that can pull this off.
  14. Beautiful build Dan. You should be very proud of her! Like the alternative rigging. I am guessing Chris simplified it for beginners. Looking forward to seeing your build of Erycina.
  15. Jonathan, I think you have it right there. I played about with the build sequence to get a decent fit at the stern. As you say how do you know how much to sand by to get a decent fit. From memory I was seeing how the frame fitted against the counter before fitting the final engraved counter. I was worried the counter would be too far forward and create a gap or too far back and need a lot of sanding. I had a lot of sanding on the top of stern to get a flat fit to the frame. Even then I ended up with a gap.
  16. Looking back at my build I see I filled the top not the bottom of stern board. You can still see the gap at the outer edges.
  17. Wow that is progress. Second planking looks good to me. I had that same problem on the counter. As it is painted I just used filler to blend it in. Have you picked a colour scheme for her?
  18. Thanks Andrew! tidied up the bow a bit more - was not happy with the way a couple of planks on either side where encroaching on the stem. Used a carver to get them “straight”. Still think the stern looks a bit unfinished where the planking is outside of the counter. Hopefully not much will be seen once finished. First coat of dark green is on an just waiting on it drying before next coat. Will post a few more pics later.
  19. Second planking on, just a bit of sanding to do to tidy it up a little. Next stop the paint shop. Thinking of dark green for above the deck, back hull, wales and capping rail, and dark red for below the waterline.
  20. Hey Glomar, Look at plan 3 to give you an idea of where the waterline is. The boot topping is the waterline. One word of warning, the plans are about 15% smaller than 1:1. Also the manual has pictures of how to use a waterline marker and the painting sequence. It has all been well thought out by Chris W and well documented by James H.
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