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Everything posted by Craigie65

  1. It is a liquid polish that acts as a sort of varnish. Once set it is quite hard. As terry says it is widely used by aircraft modellers. I use it myself. It is vEry good at protecting the clear parts for CA fogging. Personally I use a paint range that has a high gloss factor that means that I don't use it for decals. In the UK the formula and name changed much to the consternation of the modelling community as it no longer did what it used to! I have heard of people buying it to stockpile And to actually answer your question once dry decals will readily stick to it. I guess you could paint over it but most use it as a varnish so it is a final coat
  2. Hi Glad to read that you are getting some building done. You might want to consider lining the gun ports to get them square and all the same size. I like the painted brass - I left mine as is but wished I had practiced painting ahead of the stern of the Granado Keep the pictures coming
  3. Hi Julian That's a good question on the cannon. I decided not to glue down the carriages under the forecastle but rely on the various tackles and the breaching rope. Not a good idea as they are a bit wobbly (good technical term that). Happy that they cannot really be seen. Like you I am skipping ahead and building up other parts first as I reckon the cannon will go in pretty easily before moving to the masts. As to what to use to attach them I think I might just use wood glue as CA is so very unforgiving. Would be interested in Timmo's views
  4. Hi Julian, It's been a bit since I have popes into to see your progress. Very neat build. I too had problems with the brass sheer rail - epoxy resin glue and patience are definitely the answer! Also I found that the brass needs quite a bit of heat to get it soft enough to conform with the bow and the elevation at the quarterdeck. Keep posting as I am a few steps behind and it is always good to see how others tackle the build
  5. Dominic Would be great to see a build log. I looked at the Victory Granado but plumped for the jotika version - only second build so the lower price was more attractive
  6. Second rail gave me no trouble at all. Trick is to heat it enough to make it malleable but not melt the metal! Both rails are now own. I'll try and get some photos on this weekend
  7. Yes that is exactly how I did mine. I used the plans to create a template and transferred the position of the gun ports to the ship. Then chain drilled out the ports before squaring off using a rasp
  8. Happy modelling - I could not be bothered starting at that time. Mind you I have only glued on a brass sheer rail tonight. My excuse is that I need to epoxy resin to cure properly - this is definitely a hobby where patience rules!
  9. Try using Tamiya acrylics they have a solvent base but clean up in water. They always need thinning first. I have used them on my Granado without any problem. Drying time is a little longer than water based acrylics but still much faster than enamels
  10. And the moment of truth approaches. Just removed the clamp that was holding the troublesome sheer rail and it's still attached to the hull I guess leaving it for 24 hours to cure fully worked. Hopefully the rail on the port side will not give me the same problem.
  11. Really delicate work. How do you keep the cuts parallel? Are you doing this by sight alone?
  12. This model is really good to learn the techniques for your next build. My President is full of mistakes but I am still proud of her. Today I have only softened up some brass rail for adding later. It was too nice to stay in so we ended up in Dollar Glen and enjoyed the scenery
  13. Right second rail is working better than the first. It would seem that I did not heat the first rail enough. The second one is far more malleable. So use the gas cooker not a candle to get it hot enough!
  14. Well here goes! Off to the man cave to wrestle with that rail. I need to allow it more cure time. As it is a nice day (dry) I think a visit to Doune Castle is in order - "is that an European or African swallow?" "Nyee"
  15. Thanks Mick Looking at Timmo's log I see he used a strip of wood instead to fashion his own profile . I do wonder if that would have been a better option
  16. Don't forget you will need to remove the tops of the frames that are visible on the inside. Also you need to cut out the guy ports. Not sure how much trouble that will be with the wales and rails you have added already.
  17. Just had a fight with the brass sheer rail Softened the brass but there is still a bit too much spring in the metal. Using epoxy resin glue to attach it to the hull/capping rail, but did not hold the rail where is curves round the bow. Possibly I did not leave it clamped long enough to cure fully. Will try again in the morning.
  18. Lovely, clean and neat work. The desking has a marvelous hue - did you stain the wood? After 21 years has some of the timber dried out?
  19. Hi I am not vey good with the terminology the iron straps are called Gudgeon Straps which attach to the hull and rudder pintle straps which attach, unsurprisingly to the rudder!
  20. Hi Steve I built this kit last year and you will learn a lot. You will learn even more if you post a log of your build. The people here are brilliant and will help you if you ask Good luck!
  21. Wow what a great kit. That was really great of the supplier to give you all they parts to backdate your build. You don't get service like that very often:( Mind you it must be heavy? Looking forward to watching this all coming together What aircraft flew from the carrier back then?
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