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Everything posted by Craigie65

  1. I am looking forward to the Indy being released. Not sure my wife shares that enthusiasm. 😂
  2. I had fun painting mine. Luckily they behaved themselves and remained attached to the double sided tape whilst spraying. Just needed to remember to mark the tape with “bow” and “stern”!
  3. It really does bring it to life. Have fun with the timber heads - lots of fiddly removal of char 😉
  4. Yip, this took me quite a while too. I tried to use a waterline marker, but found it too difficult under the counter. In the end I used the Mk 1 eyeball to run the masking tape before spraying the anti fouling coat. Decided that I was not going to have a boot top on this one.
  5. Looking good, but be careful, the plans are not 1:1. They are about 85%.. which reading properly you are aware of! Sorry
  6. Good warning - I used the plans for one mast and could not understand why it looked wrong when attaching all the cleats, eyelets etc. There was also bit of discussion on this when it came to the sails. @AJohnson was making his own. Turns out plans were reduced by about 15%. Anyway your build is looking great - the mast look very neat. Mine has stalled just shy of starting the masts. Tempted to leave it, but I do have the wonderful sails and it would be a shame not to use them.
  7. Numbs the pain of the midges 🦟 And the minuscule photo etch on my return to the dark side of plastic ships😱 (with apologies to Bowline for the detour on this excellent build)
  8. Love the brown colours on the metal work - so much more natural looking than black. Hats off for correcting the hatch haha - too much Scotch in your blood, no such thing especially if it is from Skye.
  9. Wow that is a great spot. I did not look at the plan and merely covered the hole in the deck. The part plan clearly shows the hole to be off centre, but my hatch looks centred. Mind you when you add the winch gubbins you can’t tell. Indeed this pic clearly shows the offset By the second pic I have a centred hatch - I must just be on the very edge
  10. I think you are secretly holding out for the Indy 😉 I will pull up the proverbial chair and follow along.
  11. Not sure how I missed this log, following now. Very neat indeed. That’s the hard part over, the rest is pretty straight forward.
  12. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Wow that is wonderful work. Looking forward to seeing this one finished.
  13. Well done! What’s next - a three master with all those lovely ratlines? 😀
  14. The plain seizing looks fine. I tie the top of the shrouds off the model using a piece of appropriately sized dowel. You need to play around a bit with the build sequence but it works for me. Ratlines will be done in no time, only three knots per ratline😎; compared to a three mast-er an absolute doddle. You will have your Nisha launched in two shakes.
  15. Loving this - looks like a really hard working boat! Excellent skills
  16. Ouch, but you are not alone. I know I have had problems with decal when going to far. Sometime it is difficult to know when to stop playing with them, until it is too late. Fingers crossed the dry transfers fix you problem Sewing sails sounds too hard! I think I will stick to the pre made beauties from Mr Watton.
  17. Thank you for the continued support. Fit out of the deck in now well under way. The gypsy and main winches are now in place with both hatches fitted. I decided to continue with the dark colour scheme, it contrasts well with the lighter deck. The windlasses are dark green to match the bulwarks. I am guessing that gloss paint would have been standard, however I much prefer flat colours. Looks as if the winches are misaligned but they look fine when I look straight on from the bows - think it must be the angle of from which the picture is taken. Nearly snapped the fair leading post with too much pressure in trying to get it seated properly. Just got away with it! I tried to add a bit of depth to the grab ropes on the hatches rather than flat to the hatch. The deck house, steam winch and various other bits of deck furniture have been sprayed with first coat, or primed if metal. So while the paint dries I can update the log. Thank goodness for the spare door hinges in the kit. Cut out 4 pieces and place them on the pear sheet that contains the deck house doors. Glued the first hinge on, then stupidly lifted the sheet to turn it round and tipped the three other hinges on the floor. Luckily the carpet monster only ate one of the three, as when I went to lift up a replacement it pinged off into the ether!
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