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Everything posted by kenr

  1. Brett Jotika/Caldercraft plans/instructions are probably as good as you can get For one thing they are originally written in English, not translated Ken
  2. Hi Brett I like a lot of others are building the Niagara from Model Expo Whatever you decide you will need to order from the US or UK which works when you pay by credit card The Niagara requires more carpentry than some Here is some strip wood go build it !! Also the plans are in imperial measurements I tend to use a scale rule and measure off the plan The Caldercraft Endeavour is another good choice I don't think you need to buy practicums The 2 models I mentioned come with good instructions. But your best option is to start a build log and tap into the experience and skills here Good luck with it Regards Ken
  3. Hi Laxet Re the " other end " of the anchor rope I ran them along the outside of the hull to the hawse pipe holes Then in through them and at present have them running down the deck Regards Ken
  4. Hi Dennis I don't know whether twisting and bending bulwarks is a good idea Can you cut slots into your deck to accommodate them Some pictures would be helpfull Regards Ken
  5. i Mauro I am sure there are maritime museums in Genova But there is a small museum in Camogli which has models and documents which may be of help to you Regards Ken
  6. Hi Carl Very neat work Well done !! Regards Ken
  7. Hi Sapphire There are any number of wood fillers around Like the Timbermate water based range But I prefer to use a product like Polyfilla Skim Coat which is meant for plastering but spreads easily and drys hard Regards Ken
  8. Hi Rick I use Sellys Aquadhere wood glue and Loctite Super Glue . Both from Bunnings Regarding blades I have a scalpel blade holder and buy Number 11 Swann Morton surgical blades from Hobby Tools Australia In packs of 100 Regards Ken
  9. Hi Carl I think just about all of us have had similar problems with the fit of the planksheer Also I think many of us paint the planksheer before we go any further Regards Ken
  10. Hi Geoff If you have paid already it might be an idea to get your credit card company to reverse the charge I don't know the company but I don't like the smell of it Ken
  11. Hi Tim I measured my hull ( including stern boat davits ) at 24 in And the bowsprit off the plans at 12in Total 36in Regards Ken
  12. Hi Laxet I installed the spanker sheet horse I used a piece of shaped wire Checking my old damaged Niagara I can see it is used for attaching rigging Regards Ken
  13. Hi Laxet Nice work You saved me I was going to install the anchor chafing blocks on the outside of the hull Regards Ken
  14. Hi Carlmb Welcome to the Niagara Club The best thing you can do now is start your own build log so that we can watch, help and encourage. There are a number of build logs underway at the moment so you should check them for help Regards Ken
  15. Hi Laxet Are you going to paint the masts cheeks and tops? Regards Ken
  16. Hi Laxet I may have missed the reason earlier in your log but why make all the cleats. The kit comes with 40 white metal cleats No sheaves that I can see but certainly cleats Regards ken
  17. Laxet I have the benefit of an older damaged Niagara to refer back to I attached the jibboom outhaul tackle to one of the belaying pins on the bow pin rail Regards Ken
  18. Hi Vossy Have a look at Caldercraft / Victory models Regards Ken
  19. Hi Laxet I run black line through my forefinger and thumb nail That seems to take some of the extra curl and kinks out of the line Regards Ken
  20. Hi Laxet I wondered why my bilge pump and bell tower looked much bigger than the rest of the fittings All the fitting drawings are at 1 to 1 EXCEPT the bilge pump and bell tower which are at 3/8 to the inch So I had to go back and completely rebuild Another trap for beginners !! Regards Ken
  21. Hi Laxet Nice work I am not that far behind you so this will be useful Regards Ken
  22. Tony and Richard Would you at least sand the laser burn off before fitting ? Regards Ken
  23. I always use Is there any " port wine left " Which reminds me its time for a drink The sun is over the yardarm here in Melbourne Regards Ken
  24. Larry Regarding your deck planking . Are you first fitting the hatch skylight and companionship coamings If you have a look at page 18 in the Instruction Manual you will see that is how they recommend to do it Regards Ken
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