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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Jim, following on from Jason and the coppering.. I have her painted black above the waterline to the wales and was looking at her last night and saying to myself that she would look amazing coppered below.. if not totally accurate soooooo if you have any left over from Snake hmmmmm I wonder Take Care Guys Eamonn
  2. Margin Plank Photos Only the edge abutting the Bulwarks has been shaped, and even that is somewhat roughly done.. will proper fit all at later stage, there will be a Spirketting or whatever that Skirting Board looking Plank thing is called, so to have an absolutely perfect bulwark fit won't be a high priority though I do want it neat as my 'deck planking' side measurement (in my case 6 mm width) will be taken off it as per Nigel's tip above. The Plan photo shows my calculations for creating the Water Line, with the final line drawn on the hull in such a way that Heath Robinson would have been proud ! btw Tamiya tape arrived on scene today ! Thanks for Looking in Folks. Slán, Eamonn
  3. Woo Hoo.. Margin Planks are roughed out, as per your help guys ! Will post a photo later.. Many Thanks Eamonn
  4. Thanks Lads, am off to cut margin planks... I may be a while, and strong alcohol may get involved to calm the shot nerves !! if anyone hears me suggest clever stuff like this again you have my permission to come over here and 'Flick me around the Ears!' Cheers Guys Eamonn
  5. Very Snazzy Jim.. you'll be past me in no time now !! All The Best Eamonn btw.. don't forget to open the Hawse Pipe Holes too (or should I say Anchor Rope Holes or whatever they were called back in the day) I almost forgot...
  6. Wonderful stuff Dee_Dee, the wee boat looks the business, I think you nailed the hatch but that chain must be tiny, is it possible to get smaller? wow !! if it is possible you wouldn't want to yawn too near it as you might breath it in.. Slán Eamonn
  7. Thanks Joe, this is all good stuff.. keep the tips/suggestion coming .. any suggestions for Margin Planks? Mine goes something like this.. 1. get strip of wood wider than you require.. 2 . draw shape of Margin Plank section.. 3. carefully cut out section paying particular attention to the edges... 4. refine edges using sandpaper.. 5. Dry fit section and adjust accordingly using files or sandpaper.. 6. Repeat '5' as required.. Once you ascertain the Margin Plank Section is perfect carefully and methodically throw the whole thing into the garbage bin and just do the deck normally ! :P only kiddin, I'll get there eventually. Slán, Eamonn
  8. You know Margin Planks.. well do you know the thing about Margin Planks?... You see the thing about Margin Planks is that Margin Planks are a bit if a Git ! !!!!!! Am having Huge Fun as you can see.. Slán Eamonn
  9. Interesting to see a little local history for me in 1799.. I've sailed around that Bank recently ! Thanks Kevin Eamonn
  10. Hey There Rob, my Ballahoo hull looked exactly like yours does now and I found that after a good sanding the hull didn't need anywhere near as much filler as it seemed before sanding. I used a 'Red Devil' product ! it is white in colour and very very very light in weight. but as a MSW friend told me.. don't go overboard as 'filler isn't an ideal gluing surface for the next layer' (and not ideal to stick pins into either.. as I discovered later myself.. ) You'll be amazed how good your hull looks after a serious sanding even without filler ! All The Best Eamonn
  11. Take Care Jan and We'll See You In A Few Months Ok! Best Of Luck Eamonn
  12. Good Stuff Marc.. Eamonn
  13. Looking good Jim, well on the way to producing another beauty ! All The Best Eamonn
  14. Thanks Dee_Dee, all these great tips kinda makes me want to begin painting proper! anything to procrastinate the flippin Joggling eh ? I know I know get Joggling ! Slán Eamonn
  15. Hi Guys, Kester.. nice to know eh ? tis a decent book too ! Nigel.. have sourced the tape in Ireland and will see about picking up a couple of different widths.. nuttin too wide I suppose ! Brilliant tip there too Bud, I shall be availing of that ! as my current results are feathery to say the least, not really a big concern at the mo, as I'm only doing preliminary work.. but in a few weeks I'd be pulling the hair out trying to get a clean line! Cheers Eamonn
  16. Thanks Richard, will have to see if there is any in the local shops, else it's online shopping again ! All The Best Eamonn
  17. Shhhhh Kester.. you'll give the game away.. now about those Hatch Coamings !! BTW did you see what George Bandurek did in his 'Super Detailing Sherbourne' book ? he drew the Joggling Pattern onto card shaped as for the 'margarine' plank and stuck it in place, black marker around the edge next to the deck planking and very effective it looks too !! Rather Clever considering it was an afterthought, I think. All The Best Eamonn
  18. Little Update.. (had a wee system glitch which put this update into Ollie's Log, I was over there a few mins earlier and Internet Explorer seems to have had a wobbly.. Weird Happenings eh .. so if you see a deleted post in your log Ollie it was this !) Got the Waterline drawn and what a total Faf that was, made me want to get on with Joggling it was that bad ! brought the Black down to it, just to get a feel for things and I'm happy with the result.. though less happy with my Masking Tape, as despite much rubbing and pressing the paint insists on going under it to give a feathery edge ! I have even put a light coat of Clear matt (lightly sanded) over the whole lower hull of the boat in anticipation to give a smoother surface for the tape.. no avail, I have heard it mentioned that some folks run a blade along the waterline to 'cut' a barrier that will stop paint bleed ! else I'll pick up some better tape, Tamiya Tape seems to be used a lot on MSW) BTW You can just make out the Patented Deck Planking Template in place, looks snazzy, I wonder if I can just give it a wood colour.. hmmmmm Bye For Now Eamonn
  19. Hey there Ollie, lots of comfort there as your deck looks the absolute 'Cat's Pyjamas' (that's good btw honestly) and your idea to use the same planking strip all the way down a run is great (I had a notion to pre cut a bunch of same length planks) so I'll just cut as I need them, ensuring the same timber is used ! should be consistent especially if there is enough on each strip for both sides (that would keep things symmetrical) I also had a notion to run a strip bow to stern down the middle, lining up to one side of the pencilled centre line, and line up my first Plank Run off it, then remove it. Don't forget to drop over to Mike & Kesters builds to check out the furled sails. All The Best Eamonn
  20. Dang that looks the Business Tim.. more of the same and you'll be 'finished in two shakes of a lambs tail' All The Very Best Eamonn
  21. Looks Brilliant Ollie.. and regards sails take a look at the Log of 'Brig Badger by Landlubber Mike' he does a great demo of how to furl sails etc ! ideal for you I'd say.. also Kester (Stockholm Tar, and his build of Sherbourne) has a brilliant furled Main like yours (Cutter Style) All The Best Eamonn
  22. Brilliant read Kevin. Eamonn
  23. Hi again Jim, It is probably just me, but thought I'd better mention it.. my template may be out of symmetry, I have a spare which is n near perfect symmetry (I folded it over on itself along the centre line) so I will draw up the planking runs onto it and hopefully all will be resolved, as I mentioned it is only 1mm or so, easy to correct ! Kester, yea the False Deck has all the holes pre cut as per Sherbourne, but the Anchor Cable has 2 circular holes (P and S) pre-cut into the False Deck for it.. Quick Question Time.. Did ye folks leave gaps in the planking to accommodate the various Deck Fittings (Bitts etc) or did ye just plank the deck completely (Mast Holes, Grating/Hatches excepting) I noticed Dirk left the 'gaps' so the Bitts etc could be sat into them, it looks very secure but difficult to say the least ! Take Care Eamonn
  24. Forgot to mention.. Note to all you Ballahooers out there, I only noticed this once I'd put my patented Deck Planking Template in place that my False Deck seems slightly to Port by about 1 mm, I don't think the pre cut holes were off !, but it means that I'll have to allow for this when I cut the holes etc for Masts and the 'spurling' holes (don't know the actual name, but they are where the Anchor Cable goes into the deck.. called Spurling Pipes on my kind of ships.. ie the big metal ones) into the Deck Planks. Just a Heads up to be careful ok. But it may just be me! Eamonn
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