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Everything posted by fnick

  1. Thanks for feedback. Good to know I'm not going about this the wrong way. Yes I did think of doing the white first but it was more of a "should have done the white first!" 😋 Nick
  2. Small update. Seats paint and fitted in interior along with dash. Car bonnet also painted. Need to start thinking about the two white stripes.plan is to use tape to mark stripes out and then start sanding carefully to remove gloss coat from red paint. Knowing that white doesn't have generally great coverage properties I'm thinking of putting down a coat of grey first to try and keep the number of coats down. Might try it on car bonnet first so that if I need to strip the paint and start again at least it will be a small part! Thanks for looking in. Cheers Nick
  3. That looks like a model plane made out of metal. So thumbs up from me 👍 Nick
  4. Nice work Mark. Looks the business. Now back to those ratlines!😋 Nick
  5. Hi Mike Stumbled across this on LinkedIn. An advert for the 2CV prototype! Thought you might find this interesting. Nick
  6. Having run into problems on my last car build where I had to fill after painting... I would glue,fill,paint. My 1.6 pence worth Nick
  7. That is as close to the real thing as possible at this scale. Superb work! Regarding modeller's relaxation I think an accurate description could be warped sense of pleasure as a result of self inflicted pain. I think there's already a word for that...😄 Nick
  8. Good start Mike. Hope that airfix model is better than the Aston Martin I recently completed... My cousin used to have one of those years ago. 5 of us in it going uphill on a mountain road. Probably would have been quicker to have ten real horses! 😄 Regarding colour scheme I've googled yellow 2cv and a few of them have a black roof and white and black front and rear bumpers. I know it goes against the single colour but might be worth considering to avoid the plastic look. Plus a few things like door handles are metal. My two pennies worth! 🙂 Nick
  9. Really like the weathering on this. Subtle but effective. Nick
  10. Thanks guys! Appreciate it. Apart from the speed indicators it was just a question of being careful. The decals made a massive difference. The ones for the two round gauges had a silver metallic edge to them which I removed. The speed numbers decal did also have the speed indicators but I didn't want to have any chrome effect from the decals. Nick
  11. Thanks Nirvana!☺️ Combination of the smallest brush I have and also trying to use a toothpick. Problem I had with the toothpick is that if it's not sharpened to a point too much paint comes off at once but too sharp and none comes off the end!
  12. Hi all dash finished. Reasonably pleased with how it came out. Was a real struggle to paint the thin lines below speed numbers. I didn't use all the decals for this as didn't want the chrome colour on them to clash with the paint. Thanks for looking. Next step is starting on the car interior! Cheers Nick
  13. Thanks for the comments and suggestions the likes all! Nope didnt even know you could get photo etched parts for this kit 🙂 (thanks for the the link. I'll see if anyone has it in stock in the UK and it is my birthday next month!). My main aim with this kit (apart from having a car model to build...one I ordered still gathering dust in a warehouse because 1 item in my order is not in stock...) is to get used to using the Mr hobby colours. Fitting issue fixed and started dashboard detailing. Only planning to use a couple of kit decals for this (inside of the two main dials) and do everything else with paints. Using mr hobby chrome silver. For once light is quite harsh and it does look better in real life and yes a few touch ups required but this is work in progress! Cheers, Nick
  14. On a slightly related side note general de Gaulle once saw a banner saying "Mort aux cons" (I'll let the non french speakers Google that one! 😁) To which he replied "vaste programme" or ambitious program. And back to your build Ekis which is absolutely brilliant. Not sure if you've answered this but are you going to add figurines? Nick
  15. Hi all Engine block now mounted to chassis. Reasonably pleased with how it came out. Source of annoyance is that one of the exhaust pipes doesnt quite connect to the engine so it's going to be tricky to try and fill,sand and paint now... I did do a dry fit but clearly not well enough!😄 Next step is starting on the interior.progress is going to slow down considerably as my wife is going back to work and I need to look after the kids from next week. Still have to work my hours and one of them will be every morning when I would have normally been modelling...😞 Oh well c'est la vie as we say and it's only for 7 weeks until the summer hols. But enough rambling... Just also noticed a couple of places need a bit of touch up! Nick
  16. And yet the blown out instructions make it look so easy!😄 Bet it isn't though. Guessing thats why the tweezers are out! Good job. Nick
  17. Hi all The engine is coming along nicely and I have started painting the body. For the body I am using mr hobby aqueous red gloss. It is a very nice paint but is quite tacky and dries very quickly so you need to work fast when brushing. Unfortunately I don't have any thinners to hand apart from white spirit and I am guessing I probably should not use that. Any recommendations? It doesn't look this good in real life! 😄 Still very patchy. Another couple of coats required. I might try to thin it down a bit more with water to see if it helps. Nick
  18. Lovely build I loved watching his TV shows when I was a kid. Also had a load of the comic strip versions of his adventures. Certainly brings back memories! Thanks for that!😀
  19. I know what you mean. My list of plastic kits I'd like to build is growing! Nick
  20. Thanks! Yeah neither am I now!😄
  21. Thanks for the background info EG. Always makes the model that bit more special.
  22. Cheers for info Canute. I'm guessing they use an airbrush which I don't have and not quite ready... For that type of investment. Besides which if I do that my Le Mirage is going to give me some really dirty looks (think it's feeling a bit neglected at the mo...)! Nick
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