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Everything posted by fnick

  1. Thanks for the tip. Getting the saw tomorrow so I'll take a look then. Cheers, Nick
  2. Sold! One KS 230 saw and HSS fine blade on its way! 😁. I'll let you know how I get on... Cheers Nick
  3. Thanks for the feedback Russ. Basic but working is perfect for me. I'm just after being able to do some cuts a bit quicker. It will be interesting to see how much I use it and if its limitations hinder me which I doubt at least at the start. Nick
  4. Hi all I am toying with the idea of potentially getting a table saw maybe...😃. I am trying to cut a 5mm by 2mm strip into 5mm squares, for the handrails on my Le Mirage. Cutting them by hand is taking a long time! I'm quite happy to sand them down correct size if measurements are slightly out. I know it's not the best saw in the world but since it's going to be my first one I want to start at the lower end of the scale to see how I get on. At around £100-£120 pounds its reasonable. Plus having something small that I can use then put away fairly quickly is a plus due to not having a massive workspace. So the question I have is essentially: Is it good enough as a starting saw or should I look at something else? Cheers Nick
  5. Hi Ulises You're going to have to circle the areas where the damage was because I can't find them!! Your RL is going to be something special when it's finished! Nick
  6. Morning all Thanks for the "reactions"...😋. First lot of handrail supports installed. Cut by hand. This is where I wish I had a table saw! 😀 Nick
  7. Thanks Sjors! Kids are growing up. On holiday now so doing their very best to keep my wife busy!
  8. Hi all quick update. Deck planking finished. Treenails simulated by pressing pencil into deck. Unfortunately in a few places planking was flush on supporting deck so pencil went through ☹️... Havee no planking timber left (and I was being careful with wastage!) So will check to see if the couple of holes can be covered up by deck furniture. Dark patches are where I used same type of timber sanded down and mixed with water and PVA to fill holes. Color did not match... Does not look as bad in real life but not sure what to do about that for now. First level of handrails glued down. Here are some pictures. thanks for looking. Nick
  9. Hi Ulises. Think we all feel your pain... You've definitely done the right think by taking time out before deciding. And I also think you're doing the right thing by fixing the damage. Quicker than starting from scratch plus more satisfying. Youll be laughing about this in years to come...😀 Well that's my two pennies worth! Good luck with the repairs. Nick
  10. Ok I suppose... Oh and WOW! Nick
  11. Hi Ulises Nice setup you have there. Good to see you're going back to work on the RL. Which is looking really good by the way! Nick
  12. Hi Michael When the model goes back to the museum the before photo should be next to it along with a large brass plaque thanking you for your restoration efforts! Oh and there should also be an unveiling ceremony. Nothing less than you deserve! Bravo. Nick
  13. Evening all Small but quite satisfactory update. All the gunports are lined! Glad that's finished. Busy planking the decks. That is progressing quite nicely. Progress picture below. On the second picture I was quite close with the flash so the true wood colours are no way near as harsh! Just saying Oh and a big thank you to Hubac's Historian for the tip on how to get rid of superglue stains. worked a treat! Still got a few to remove. Nick
  14. That is already looking lurvely! 😀Still can't get over how much detail you manage to pack in such a small model. Nick
  15. Cheers for the comments and the tips. Much appreciated. I'll give that a go when I am back from hols. Nick
  16. I know what you mean. Oh well only 14 years until I can legally kick my youngest out of the house! 😀😝
  17. Must resist... No can't... "Thank you. Thank you very much..." 😝 Seriously thanks for the very kind comments. Far too generous. Yes it's good being back in the shipyard. Trying to take advantage of free half hours here and there as opposed to waiting for a two hour slot to be free. Doesn't exist anymore with 2 kids! 😁. Cheers Nick. Ps: thanks also to all who clicked on the like button
  18. Evening all Yikes, can't believe it's been over a year since my last update... (well actually I can... ). I've not worked on Le Mirage for quite a few months until about a month ago. Decided I should line the gun ports even though the instructions make (as far as I am aware) no mention of this. It's one of those tasks that would have been a lot easier BEFORE I put on the second planking! . I try to spend half my build time at a go doing those before doing something else far more interesting like planking the deck. Slowly (very slowly), it's moving along. Just nice to see some progress. Here are some progress shots. Thanks for looking in. Nick
  19. Hi Patrick You're getting quite good at this! 😀 Nick
  20. Hi Patrick To echo Mark's sentiments, very sorry to hear about your loss. Nick
  21. Very impressive. Your perseverance paid off! Nick
  22. Sorry children. Looks like Xmas is going to be cancelled next year... 😢
  23. Hi Ulises Looking good as always! The ship I mean :). Good news on the move. A 3 workshop man cave.... Sounds great Nick
  24. Hi Nils Fantastic work! I really love the fact that you show us the overall status. I do find that in some logs (and that is not a criticism just a personal opinion) lots of pictures are close ups/details and I always find an overall shot is such a good way to convey progress. Nick
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