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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. hello Sarah, the felt was my idea......good to protect the hull thanks for looking in thanks to you as well Mark and John......your good word is much appreciated!
  2. hmmmmmm......must have froze?!? then I dry brushed on smoe Billings #BB14 matte white. as it blended in, it gave me a gray close to what I painted them with in the beginning. they are done......all they need now is the hardware.
  3. I didn't get any pictures of the initial paint. after bringing them down stairs, they were painted with the rest of the gray primer. then I took flat tan and poured a little in the bottle I was using.......I added three times amount of thinner, wich turned it into a wash. after spraying it spiratically over them in splotches, I let them dry a little and brought them up. then I dry brushed a flat light brown testors #1166 then dry brushing flat black was next. I was wiping the brush on a piece of newspaper....the blended color gave it a bit more contrast. it blended in the other colors as well.
  4. so. all the others were done the same way......covering them up in tulle and then slatting them over. they are all assembled........now they go to the paint department.
  5. .....goes back to the age old feat of sticking one's head in a lion's mouth........LOL! soon they were all assembled. they will now be covered in tulle, as a netting. after they will be covered with the slats. inside the trap there is a wall with a hole in it. this separates the parlor from the entrance. I tried to install this after the trap was covered, but it didn't work out too good. the second one was done differently.....the wall was installed before the trap was covered......worked out much better. the sides were closed up at this time.....they will have slats on them as well.
  6. now.....let's try this again. for some reason, I got thrown out! I decided to make the traps for the Denny-Zen. the kit only provides enough 1 x 2mm stripping for a couple traps.......I want five of them. I took three of them and soaked them in hot water. they were then fitted into a large pill bottle. I'll start this one as well with a group photo. while the stripping was drying, I made some of the frames bottoms I made this one.....I wanted to get creative.....but I didn't like it I then made these......that's more like it. I made some more frames. this is how the stripping looks after it came out of the bottle. I will finish making the rest of them.
  7. oh....I don't know about that.......you have folks who try to surf during a hurricane.....fresh water lake perhaps?
  8. OK.......we're back in business! while we were on vacation, I made some progress on these two. I'll start with the progress for the Phylly C. it isn't much.......I got too carried away with the Denny-Zen. it starts with a picture of the two love birds....... Now.......a pleasure boat should have pleasureable things. construction starts on one of the props for it. these pieces of planking were soaked with hot water and bent the way you see them. after they were dry, I started to shape them. soon they were shaped and set in pairs. and then they were given a coat of primer. they still need paint and hardware.......then I can set up the ropes for them. I have another idea, but I'll have to researdh it a bit more.......
  9. I know Andy.......I'm still waiting till I can get the deadeyes for the Gothenborg. I have updates for the other builds, as well as the AmericA. you did forget about the United States build.....I'm holding off on that one {I need more stuff}. I have a lot of the fittings for this build......but now I've run out of the planking. I still have more to go til it's all caught up......then I can put in the other builds. the doctors called it 'manic constructive disorder'........it's incurable.......don'tcha know thank you Micheal.......I'll have more progress on this one soon.....I'm not working on it at the moment......good thing. thanks Anja........I'll still keep my eyes open........I appreciate everyone's comments
  10. Gee.....I forgot I was doing the Susan A at the time as well........the Wharf is a busy place 8) 3 - 29 - 2012 Here is an interesting session.......you'll get to see what the comparison between the normal hull and this hull looks like. let's get to it. The hull is sanded and smootheds out. Filler has been added to eliminate the gaps and rough spots. I was all too quick to lay on some primer. I have to do a bit more to the hull, but I'm satisfied with the results. I set the Mary Ann beside the hull to show the size relation. I coundn't help getting at least one picture of the Mary Ann in there........went a bit overboard with it...but in a nice way. I got it back into the computer room........I took a couple more pictures.
  11. it kinda stinks.......here I am putting stuff in, and you folks are posting......and I don't know it.. please look along......I will answer......I appreciate your looking in. 3 - 27 - 2012 oh boy......only a little more to go! this has turned out to be SOME plank job! my make-shift stand hold it up as I look her over. I'll be so glad when I can get the hull looking better.
  12. hi there Wim.........it still is a nice ship..........it right here beside me, I can play with it and everything........LOL! yea, it's going slow, my friend, but I'll get there. that'll teach me for having so many builds in the wings.......thanks for the good word!
  13. 3 - 26 - 2012 the planking continues.........it's getting there though. Towards the end of this session, I laid the garboard planks and began to merge the plankings together. The stern buttoned up to the turn of the keel, where it was terminated with a border plank. Sanded and painted, this will not be seen.
  14. 3 - 23 - 2012 The planking was going along great! Sanding as I went along, it shows the progress, without looking so scary....LOL! As I was closing in on the keel, I thought that I had better drill the mast hole, before I totally lose track of the center to the rib and keel.
  15. thanks Anja......I'm well on my way to get everything back in. I dread the Gothenborg the most.......there is so much in there! thanks for the good word and for looking in!
  16. 3 - 21 - 2012 The planking continued.........the stern and keel rabbits were installed at this point, not having much need for them until now.
  17. thanks Wayne and Sjors.......I had started this build before the M&M ship, although I did make the frame for it. then I got roped into it, so I let this one sit. I will be picking up on it soon, after the Lobsie twins are finished. I have all of the finsihed builds up......if you want to see the M&M Fun Ship Sjors.......it's there
  18. 3 - 19 - 2012 I had to double up on the stern bulwark cap to bring it to the thickness to the planking. The planking continued. I added a few more rows to the bow bulwarks. I wanted to give it a fore castle deck. I do apologize for not narrating some of the progress.......one....I can't remember.....two......I really can't see how the pictures are progressing. the bow planking......and all the planking so far, is being sanded and checked, as I went along. This gives me an idea towards any changes i'd have to make.
  19. More rabbit work to be done yet..... but......I couldn't help but do the bulwark planking! 3 - 16 - 2012 The kit supplied a part that wrapped around the stern bulwark.......I thought to do the same, since it worked out great for the kit. .....and just as the kit results were, the bulwark planking laid even with the deck platform.
  20. 3 - 12 - 2012 I spent a lot of time faring the hull.........I had to add wood in a couple of places on the ribs. The hull frame was pretty good though......it came out with a very nice contour, especially at the stern. I couldn't wait to plank this bad girl! The rabbits for the bow and stern need to be made first and cemented in place. This one rib gave me a bit of trouble......I think it was the only one....just a bad cut. I had made two pairs of rabbits......I hadn't made the frame that would later become the M&M ship yet.
  21. 2 - 27 - 2012 Insuring the the beams gave the platform the correct curvature {I hoped}, the platforms were laid down. 2 - 28 - 2012 I did a little sanding at this point. I wasn't too worried about gaps that were in the deck platform....it was going to be planked anyway........but I did fill some of the larger gaps in with small pieces of wood.
  22. 2 - 20 - 2012 The base of the keel where the ribs are cemented was reinforced with 1/4 square stock to lock them all in place. I feel I have to show you this........I have no real power tools, just my trusty jig saw. I was hoping I could get a scroll saw......or even a band saw, before I got around to doing this. the pull was too strong, so I improvised, and converted the jig saw to a scroll saw. here is a blurry look at the laboritory.........and here is the monster. The deck template is not going to do the job........but this is how I got the shape of the bow and stern. 2 - 22 - 2012 To duplicate the deck beams was a total bust.......they looked like freaking french fries! So.......after running the deck joices, I used planking to create the deck beams.
  23. 2 - 16 - 2012 The keel had to be remeasured to allow for the extra ribs. I also had to adjust the spacing for them as well. As the ribs were cemented in place, I found alternate means to insure that they were straight. I don't have a build slip......just my trusty pine board. everything went well, but I wasn't too happy with the bulwark posts.......I can always fix them later.
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