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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. sorry Hakan.......saw that metal leg......and well, you know how I imagine things. I am relieved. no matter how you do it, I think you'll end up with a very nice ship's boat.
  2. thanks John.......I have the entire picture log of the Gothenborg in my computer......and I'm ready to start. I got an e-mail from Billing's this afternoon......another decal sheet is on the way. as mentioned, I did try the decal bonder, and I was able to use the rest of the decals. so, when I get them, I can put the eagle decal across the stern. I also did more progress on this build, I should have it up soon.
  3. I too want to congrat you Augie......on you promotion and the milestone you've done on your build.....she looks amazing. I'm finding it rather hard to post sometimes, considering where I was when we crashed.....oh well, it just numbers.....and not the fun!
  4. is there a deck platform to plank on, or do you just plank over the existing frame? does the waterway need to be beveled in any way? I don't think there any problem with scarf jointing....it's a much stronger joint, and it looks nice when finished out
  5. so cool that your getting all this back in.......it will be invaluable to anyone that decides to build this kit, or recondition an older build. Great job Kats!
  6. that's pretty funny Patrick! .....I like that.....pressed the little button and everything...LOL! today I thought I'd put on the decals that came with the kit. the stern has an eagle emboss on it......or rather, it HAD. the decal film is very weak, and even with it solvent on the backing, it broke up in three or four pieces. there are some decals that are to go on the bow......I took those and sprayed them with the decal bonder thatI use for the decals that I make. this solved the problem......I was able to get those decals to work. I sent an e-mail off to Billing's.......hopefully I can get another sheet, so I can dress up the stern. thanks for the good word Patrick.....I try not to disappoint
  7. round and round I go......what I'll come up with next......I leave that up to the model gods. I did a bit of work to the AmericA yesterday....I was in a slump Tuesday.......just couldn't get into it. I did kind of a round - about assembly of some of the parts. some of the players were: the grate.....I'm going to give it a Annegre covering. the capstan and the shafts....the kit does everything in brass. the winch post and the parts imvolved. I don't know why there is a hole in the middle......there no bell and nothing seems to attach there. some of the parts will be painted ahead of time. they have the tiller as a small piece of brass rod. I used some basswood and fashioned one in it's stead. the winch post had a couple of holes drilled, and two eye posts were cemented in place. a shaft will be fitted through them. the grate got one pair of the sides cemented on ....and then the other.....after the edges are trimmed, I can start on the top. a piece of brass rod was fitted in the end of the bow spirit. the winch is assembled the tiller arm was cemented in place the grate half way there the winch was cemented in place some of the hardware was fitted on the bow spirit and the fore mast the fairleads and the vent. the opening to the vent was flat....I drilled a hole here in an attempt to make it look a bit more appealing the grate is complete and apinted with clear lacquer with all these parts ready, they were cemented in place. I made use of that hole in the winch post, it made a good place to locate the bow spirit and the other parts followed.
  8. is that a crutch, I see in one of the pictures? I hope you are well. Yea, obechi can be a bear. I ususlly like to do the planking while it's wet......it makes it very flexible. impressions can be done very easily. the boat looks very good so far......you give new use for wire ties
  9. sorry Patrick.........I seem to be dragging my heels. I kinda took yesterday off.......had a hard time gathering steam. but, today I spent some time on the AmericA. I will get my butt in gear........they're not going to finish themselves. good to see you know how to satisfy your itch........I'm a haddock fan myself. I saw the add on TV.......too bad there are no Red Lobster's around here.
  10. love that photo Augie........she looks superb! shrounds and ratlines look very well done.........good work!
  11. but you ARE rich......you have each other...........just like us. money comes and goes.......but what's important, always stays constant!
  12. ain't that the American way.........we live paycheck to paycheck.........our government has become too greedy to care about us 'little folk'
  13. that's a big build Michael......really superb work! showed it to the admiral.....she said I was dreaming!
  14. nice work so far Adam.......just be sure to keep the glue to a minimum......light stain is good, but dark stain will make the glue blotches show up like crazy. I use an archive pen as well......great for calking without the mess. keep going, your doing some wonderful work!
  15. thank you all again folks! I keep telling the admiral that it's not true that ships are the only things we {I} think about......nice to know this proves my point.
  16. thanks Bob......hopefully, I can get back to her soon. I'm not too sure about that Pat.....I don't own an aztec.....I do know that tip are changeable......I have a new gravity feed, but haven't tried it yet hi Frederik.......I rubbed the edges beforeI laid them down, but I had to scrape some of the 'crumbs' off the tops, so it wouldn't get all over the place. them I gave it a light sanding after wards. thanks for looking in hi there Mark........yes it's in the wings........soon I hope. thanks for looking in. I only have one more, the Gothenborg.
  17. I can't find the right word Borge.........she looks just super superbly fantastic! you knocked this one right out of the ballpark! you are truly a metal master as well! I am so jealous.........you made your "masterpiece"......and I love those sails.......WOW!!!
  18. thanks Adam and Mario......just something I did that worked out....thanks for the good word. OK Frank........I'll think about it. I have the Syborn......or maybe I'll skuff up the Denny-Zen......We'll see
  19. one more John.......and I shudder to think........the Gothenborg. I'll start on that one soon. thanks for lookin in, I appreciate it!
  20. as you can see, some of them need a little help. I can fix them though.....I began the task of sanding them......lots of sanding. keep an eye on that sawdust pile I got six of them sanded down.....I could go a little more, but I'll do that later, when I go to install them. I worked on getting the others done first. I couldn't get a decent picture of them, so I set them on a piece of flat stock, to see if that would help. I got a couple more of them. .....until I got them all.....I didn't lose a single one! the sawdust pile grew to be quite large......I'm saving some, so I can make some home made filler. I wouldn't suggest to anyone that they should do this......it took me a couple days to do this. it was just an experiment to see if this would be a viable alternative. the only thing I can see, is that it might have been better to use smaller stock........1/32......or even 1/64. these would be suited for the larger grates, the kit provides the smaller ones......it might be best if I used them......but you never know, I might try it.
  21. I do have one more bit of progress to pass on to you. I would have posted this, but this was when the site went down.....believe it on not.....so this is fairly recent. I had ordered a grate kit from the place where I had ordered the 3.5mm deadeyes for the Gothenborg. it was taking so long to get them, I canceled the order. while I was waiting though, I thought about how many of those kits I would have to order...and the cost involved. I decided to try and make them. I bought two packages of 1/16 square stock and cut them into short lenghts. with just a tiny bit of cement on the ends, I cemented ten of them down onto a small piece of wood, spacing them equally {1/16 wide}. placing another layer on top of them, spacing them the same way, they form a cross - thatch pattern. third row fourth row fifth row I was running out of the strips......and only half way as high as I want to go. the only recourse at this time, would be to cut this in half, fit it together the best position possible, and glue it together. so, I finished with what I had and did just that. when this was dry, it was sliced into wafers. they will be sanded flush, making them thinner in the process. there were some of the tiny pieces that broke free. they were repaired and set aside to dry, I would just pick up another one and work on thay one in the meantime. for some reason, I got eleven of them........I thought I'd only get ten. a bonus.
  22. thanks Marcus......kinda quiet right now, but when I can get caught up, I can get working on it a lot steadier. for now it's just a little here and there. thanks for looking in. I know Mobbsie......painted myself into a corner this time! .....and I don't even have the Gothenborg in here yet....LOL! never a dull moment at the Wharf.....I can tell you that...hee...hee. it just looks scary. about the clothes pins......I have to buy my own. as a matter of fact, I have to get after them......they grab them to keep their chip bags closed........yea......they watch me too....LOL {and shake their heads}
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