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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I cotinue........the planking was going good, but I did mess up on the transom and counter. I ripped it all off and redid it, in which it came out much better...more in line with the hull shape. the stern had it's own problems......building it to the point where you could see through the windows.....I did not like the idea that the windows were blinded off like that. I wanted to open the quarters area up....at least show that light could pass through it......I still kick myself a little that I didn't furnish it a little, because you can see in, giving the proper lighting. here is the redo of the transom and counter. here is that faiteful day, when I was holding it in my hand, trying to cut something, and it flew off the table onto the floor. it broke the bow stem, broke off the two lengths of planking that was to define the aft deck, cracked wood in a couple of other places. I thought it was over for the build......but then I had a better look at it and decided to repair it. the other bits of damage was easy to repair, but the bow stem required pinning and gluing.....I'll show that a bit later. I was still hard at work with the Nordkap....almost done. for anyone who don't know the history of the Nordkap.......this ws the ship that got me building wooden boats. the kit was over 20 years old and stored in an attic, given to me by a friend on mine. I was inspired....probably why I have so many builds in the works......I can't seem to get enough of it. I've grown to love this hobby.....don't know what took me so long to wake up! this is of the repair and the finished planking. after sanding the hull, I decided to do a second planking. I had been talking to Tom Richardson @ Billing's......he was very sorry to hear that I was doing this {I had put in an order for the mahogany strips}. I put him at ease though.....it's not the kit's fault, it's just something that I had in mind. this is Annegre mahogany, it a lighter color and very nice to look at.......I like the grain texture.
  2. yes......he had a lot of trouble keeping pappy away from the women and drink! LOL! LOL! funny how the early cartoons show him with 'sweet pea' {the name for the child here in the states}, and then in later cartoons, have him with his three nephews pipeye, poopeye, and pupeye. they portrayed popeye and olive as married, even though they never were....or so they gave the impression. sweet pea was an interesting character.......I never really caught on whether the child was a he......or a she.....LOL! it was also said that popeye was never in the service........only cartonned in sailor dress for the war effort of the time. during our war with Japan, he was cartooned on battleships, and after eating his spinach, you would see a picture of a battle ship, or a generator......anything that pointed towards emence power.
  3. thanks Patrick........when the eagle has landed........i"ll post a peek first I'll spray them with the decal bonder, so I don't lose it again! thanks Mario.....looking forward in seeing another of your fantastic builds thanks John......now why didn't I think of that...I can be terrible with terms and names, and of course, the instructions don't give them to you either. you'll make a well seasoned sailor outta me yet thanks Alfons......yes, I've started the Gothenborg build.....putting it all back in. I did a lot of bashing to the stern....I couldn't stand those closed up windows. I'm going to try and put more in today.....planking, and more on the stern. again, I thank the folks who supplied me with pictures of the ship.....they have been invaluable in putting some of the extra detail in there.......I just hope I can do as well with the rigging.
  4. hi Caroline, so glad to see your putting this build back up. love what you've done with the stern.....it's amazing! it inspired me to do what I did with my build, the Gothenborg.....although, sad to say, I didn't go the lengths that you did. I'll look forward in seeing more progress on this superb build!
  5. thank you very much Anja.....I am really enjoying this build. I had contacted Billing's to see about getting another decal sheet, after ruining the eagle for the stern. I came home today and found the envelope on my desk. I also cemented the skylight in place on the deck. I was kind of hesitant about gluing the dome on the base.....I thought that the CA might cloud the window maker. though I was very sparing with how much I used, I found that it wasn't affected by it. before I stopped for the evening, I did add one more bit for the deck......the aft boom horse at the stern. I don't recall the proper name for this part.
  6. it is something to read how tall the mast are........then you see them in the flesh........yeowzza! looking forward in seeing more pictures!
  7. yes, Popeye had {has} a father.......it all started back in the 'thimble theatre' ....I'll try to remember how All this went down {such a long time ago} "maw told popeye about his father.......he looked for him.......later finding that he was being held captive on Goon Island {I think by a character called Sea Hag}. after he rescued him, he brought him back to maw " pappy appeared in quite a few cartoon shorts after he became syndicated....I believe it was whitman publishing.......I'll have to look all this up again to refresh my memory...I used to have the site bookmarked. how the charecter popeye evolved is really interesting. he was my favorite as a kid.
  8. there may be many Victorys out there......but none like yours that I have seen. your skill is simply amazing!
  9. I can agree on that Hakan......there is a son........he can finish it! my one memorable moment got me started with this hobby.........I can't thank Harold enough. I am rather worried about him.....he has been out of work {sick} for well over a month now....he is getting on in age. I'll look forward in seeing a future build........whatever she be Hakan, I'm sure to see that it will be another top notch build!
  10. I agree....the 'build watch ' system is really different now........I end up having to delete them all, then come in to see what's up. I find it a bit harder to see everything, before shut eye. the yard on the bow spirit.....being moveable....would be a huge feat Frank. love your enthusiasm though
  11. Thanks Joshukr, but I think that's too much credit.......compared to other ships seen here......I am but an novice as well. all I can say is: to do a good job, you have to truly enjoy the hobby......to laugh at your mistakes.......and strive to do it better than the plans your working from.
  12. I'm sorry to hear of your delimma.....actually, the dingy doesn't look bad at all.....perhaps a double planking. it wouldn't take much sanding to cure the minor clinker effect.....is it the cut of the stern that kills it? I wouldn't feel bad about it. I have a lot of stuff in my oops bin. put it aside.....I'm sure you'll find some use for it later on. our hats can be off to each other then.......cuz I goofed on 'mother'......you came up with the ship of the kit's intent.....and I must say, she absolutely beautiful!
  13. you could always install a locator pin in the center of the yard......drill a hole in the bow spirit.......then cement the yard in place and lash it to the bow spirit.......just a guess Frank......I haven't done one like this. your build looks terrific!
  14. the bow's looking very nice Sjors......like what you did with the wire....makes for really cool decoration.
  15. hi there Patrick......you've done quite a bit with your rigging since I last got a chance to look in. looking very good!
  16. that's poopdeck pappy.....popeye's father......I have a few pictures of him. looking forward to more updates Augie
  17. thanks Mark.....I have a similar one on the Gothenborg.....now I know what to do with it. I haven't seen that Wayne.......thanks for linking it to me as if there was anything elsa Aldo.......I don't eat an apple a day............LOL!
  18. thanks Mark.......my little group wouldn't be the same without her. hopefully, by the time I get this all back in, I will have finished at least one build.....and have those pesky deadeyes. I can't do anything without the budget director's approval.......ordering these 3.5mm dead eyes in bulk would be good......they will fit the United States as well. but I want to concentrate on the other builds first.....three of them could be off the table, if I just applied myself.....LOL! thanks......I'm sure you'll be folowing. now I just have to remember everything.
  19. 5 - 18 - 2011 after the stern alteration ground work was established, it was time to fare the hull frame. when the faring was finished, the hull was planked. the bulwark posts on rib #8 needed to be made longer. to do this, pieces of the part's panels was cut to fit on the tops the deck was cemented in place at this time. planks were bent as I went along. the lower deck outer wall is thinner, so the bottom of the outer wall needs to be built up. the transom didn't come out like I wanted......may need to make adjustments. there are rooms under the upper deck.....they will be built in.
  20. you know Patrick........I know how that saying originated........someone got drunk one day and ate some worms....EWWWWWWWW!!! actually, while I'm waiting.....I'm going to try to get a few of these builds out of the way. I will get them soon. in the meantime....I'm going to have fun trying to remember everything I did on this build. thanks for the good word
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