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Everything posted by glbarlow

  1. Typically the first marking is with a wider plank, I’ve never had this as an issue.
  2. Absolutely, it is good practice. lining off is tedious but the results is worth it. It applies to any and all wood model ship hulls. Nothing detrimental or any impact at all on the rest of the model. Kit instructions would never cover anything of this detail and seldom offer any help at all on planking.
  3. That’s a rally big model ship….which is what this forum is for I thought.
  4. The two sides at once is a good idea, after coppering one side of Vanguard I stopped modelling for three years in avoidance of doing the other side. Haven’t coppered anything since. I like the square tuck. Probably like you I’ve been fascinated by them ever since Cheerful.
  5. I felt the bits were horribly out of scale (post #19 in my Nelson log linked below) and scratch built my own, something to consider. You’re doing very nice work.
  6. Not sure if it applies; I learned planking Cheerful and Winchelsea that I edge bent the bow edge of the plank down in order for the to lay up on center at the stem. It seemed counterintuitive but it worked. Maybe what you’re already doing…
  7. Just a thought. It’s easier to drill and add the various ring and eye bolts before assembly or at least drill the holes for them.
  8. Thank you all for the kind words. Building Winchelsea was a wonderful journey. Perseverance is probably a better description, I was committed to doing a step or task over and over until I got it right. I didn’t want to look at it years later wishing I spent a little more time fixing something.
  9. Beautiful model, congratulations! You’ve added many unique touches making it truly yours, well done.
  10. There are many logs and posts in this forum on the many different ways to seize blocks, try a search. There are also YouTube videos some have referenced.
  11. Wow, really great work. I can’t get over all the hand painted decorations. The overall darker wood (vs. my AYC) makes yours a standout. Well done!
  12. Sorry Rusty. We lost our beagle after 17 years. It took us another 5 to get another, I know how you feel. We know the facts, doesn’t make it any easier when they pass on.
  13. Glad to see you back at it once again! I’ve also been looking at Harpy, looks like a fun kit.
  14. Fun stuff making the little sticks fit, but it looks so good when it’s finished. Your journey is near the end. Great work Ben!
  15. Just catching up on your log. Very nice work and progress. I enjoy watching another Cheerful coming to life. Well done!
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