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Everything posted by Pete38

  1. Thanks Paddy, this is very interesting...I was thinking iron bolts not copper hmmmmm That sounds like a good book...need to look it up and maybe get a copy, if it ain't to expensive
  2. Very nice to see your log posted back. Looking forward to see it again.
  3. Thanks Russ, yes interior planking (ceiling) Think I will do some research on the fastening of the keelson, may prove interesting.
  4. Russ, thanks for that answer. AntonyUK thank you very much for the answer and the comments on my build. Very informative. I must start me a library of my own. The last 2 of the spacers are installed and drying. While this is going on I made a list of all the size of timbers that will be needed installing the "ceiling" (Is that the correct term?) Rough cut all the blanks on my Byrnes saw (you have to love this little machine) and marked each one with the size, amount needed and the location with an item # Will run these through the drum sander (Byrnes) then rip them into the plank size needed. This is just enough to do up to the lower deck. I am thinking about doing the iron bolts in the keelson just to see how it would look. What is your opinion of this? Would use black annealed wire to simulate the nails. The saw....using hard maple for the planks The list and some of the blanks Thank you for your comments and opinions. They really help
  5. Russ, Paddy thanks for looking in and the comments.... I do have a question. The keelson how would it be attached???? I know it is glued, but we simulate treenail for the looks and also add them for strentgh on the frames. What was used to attached it? Thanks
  6. Just a small update on my progress.... Have the floor of the futtocks sanded down enough for now it is fairly flat. So decided to glue the keelson in to help strengthen the frames while fairing the sides Also adding in the permenant cherry blocks for strenght. They are not exactly straight and inline with each other but they will be planked over later Also went out and bought a noodle more on the noodle later Thats it for now...see ya later
  7. Looks like a very nice jig for the frames. Should work out great.
  8. Lapace post a request here http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/121-keel-drawing-first-drawing-for-trition-full-build-and-access-request/ for access or pm Matrim or Chuck and ask. Hope you get it soon.
  9. Gentlemen, Thanks for looking in and the comments I had seen in a previous build on MSW 1 (chad86 I think) he had laid out the lines for the flat of the frames something like this, he mad an actual template to go by. Seemed like a good idea at the time so I remembered it. Well.....back to sanding....sanding....sanding and yard work Picture will be posted when it actually changes appearance
  10. Larry that is looking real good. Question....I don't remember that stem, bob stay piece in the cross section plans??? Did I miss something??? (but it does look good )
  11. Larry, I have seen it used for framing and decking. Just watch what type maple you get, needs to be hard maple and straight grained. The curly or fiqured will not do well or look right (imo) I have some a friend gave me that I am going to use for some of the decking and maybe the deckbeams or knees on the triton cross section.
  12. Martin, Welcome to the cross section. That is some nice looking wood....nice selection for your build.....Good start Enjoy and have fun
  13. Same as always.....Great job.....Clean Crisp lines....... a pleasure to watch your builds
  14. I have that fever also, just seems when I see a new tool, I make up a reason to have it....Once I get it...put it together and try it out I wake up and wonder where this came from and why do I have it?
  15. Thanks for posting the history.....very interesting...always nice to know a little something about the build.....looking great
  16. David, having seen your post in the Full Profile Photograph of your Sultana, just had to post how amazed I am at your build. You make this look so easy and the clean lines and the perfection of your build is just amazing..... Just almost makes me want to drop the cross section and pull my Sultana of the shelf so that they may have something of a lower grade to compare yours to.
  17. No sense in repeating what everyone else has said........ wait...yes there is........ Frames looking great. I think if you are one to cut each frame by hand your alot more carefull of where and how you cut. Looking forward to more of your build...
  18. Now that is some very very nice joinery. I just don't see how you can do that on the cross section...seems like it would move around to much. Great Job
  19. That is looking good Great idea on the sanding...will have to remember that Also Happy Birthday
  20. Just found your log....very nice build....very impressed with the changes you made from the kit...excellent. Will wait and watch for more
  21. Not ship related but I noticed...Happy Birthday Snowman...
  22. That is looking good Writing between post example: write write write attach picture here write write write attach picture here start a new line each time. Hope this helps
  23. Looking good so far.......Good Luck.........What type of woods will you be using?
  24. Rope walk machine is looking nice, and your solution for the hatch is very clever, I like it...Keep up the good work
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