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    druxey reacted to moha81 in Eendracht 1666 by moha81 - scale 1:38 - reconstruction   
    Here are some new pictures of the 'Rondsomhouten' and the 'Wrangens'. I'm done with the half of the rounded wood, I did it by hand with a sharp knife. Now it can be seen the difference between a usual, simplified planar mirror and this one. Do not pay attention to the blue lines drown on the lower part of the rounded wood, those are just signs for where I should not go with the knife.

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    druxey reacted to SJSoane in HMS Bellona 1760 by SJSoane - Scale 1:64 - English 74-gun - as designed   
    Hi everyone,
    The top chocks are finally finished, and I went for the black on natural idea. It is starting to look good with the natural gratings and black coamings.
    I have shown the size of the upper chock in my hand. Challenging.
    On to the lower ones...

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    druxey reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Finally I started to decorate the model. All is hand-made from modelling clay as on attached videos. For shaping this clay I use pointed tweezers, tip of a pen and my fingers. All is made on a wax paper, not to stick the modelling clay to its surface after baking. I use golden enamel paint by Testors.

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    druxey reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    For a change I finished some decorative panels in the stern cabin.

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    druxey reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Thank you dear friends,
    I am pleased and honoured, that you like my sculpting and videos.  I have started with sculpting during HMS Victory build and enjoyed this work a lot.
    After some years and quite long training I have improved my sculpting technologies, but still have to learn and look for ways to improve my work.
    With a fully-round figure I make the second half after baking the first one.The clay is sticked onto the baked half of figure and here is shaped the same way (as you could see on videos) till it is ready for baking again. Some parts are made separately and after baking attached to the sculpture. It is possible to use modeling clay to stick other parts and then you have to bake the whole statue again or you can use super glue.
    I am going to create another video where you will see a technology how to create full-round statue.
  6. Like
    druxey reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    After "stern sculpting"  I continued in the rear cabin, where I have started with other decorations. I love this work!!
    Here are some pics:

  7. Like
    druxey reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
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    druxey reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    I have adjusted the position of the sculpture on the right side of the stern, because there was an asymmetry and it did not look nice. Now the lions are at the same height as Pegasus on the left.

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    druxey reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    After patina and colour shading:


  10. Like
    druxey reacted to gjdale in Rigging Ratlines   
    Another tip for your ratlines. In order to maintain fairly even tension and avoid creating an hour glass shape in your shrouds, tie every fourth ratline first, then go back and do each one half between the first lot, then finish the remainder. I found that using a highlighter pen to colour code the template worked a treat (not shown in the photo on my log - I only worked it out a bit later).
  11. Like
    druxey got a reaction from DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    That Pegasus figure was beautifully modelled, Doris. With a fully-round figure, would you make it in two halves, or model it completely in the round?
  12. Like
    druxey reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Part 9 -modeling the visible part of the second wing and improving details, the final adjustment of whole shape

    Finished sculpture ready for baking:
    Pegasus is ready for baking in the oven and after that I will paint it and place onto the base of one from my sailing ships
  13. Like
    druxey reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    Here's photo of her prior to fairing the outside Maury. Lots of cast and shifted toptimbers!

  14. Like
    druxey got a reaction from FrankWouts in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Thanks for coming back, Doris. Your paper/card models are amazing.
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    druxey got a reaction from iiihmb in How to Taper Masts?   
    The most reliable way is to taper a square stick, plane it octagonal ('eight-square') then round it with sandpaper strips pulled back and forth around the diameter.
  16. Like
    druxey reacted to EdT in HMS Naiad 1797 by EdT - FINISHED - 1:60 - 38-gun frigate   
    1:60 HMS Naiad 1797
    Part 75 –Some More Rework
    Posted 5/10/11
    The comments I have received since starting to write about the Naiad model have been very complimentary and often overly generous, so I thought I’d add a another dose of reality to help me from becoming too complacent in the face of all this positive reinforcement. You may recall much earlier in the story, in Part 17, the replacement of the bollard timbers which were poorly made. In this part I will discuss another replacement job. It is in the same area of the ship, which was done back at an earlier level on the learning curve. This has been scheduled to be done for some time. The first picture illustrates the main issue.

    Three of the timbers between the bridle port and he first gun port are too short. This is due to some careless lofting on my part of the early cant frames and a mistake in trimming them back too early. The three of these marked ‘X’ need to extend up high enough to form timberheads.
    Another issue is visible in the next picture.

    In fairing the hull in this area the timber between the first and second ‘X’ marked frames has had its chock exposed due to inaccurate beveling of the joint faces and perhaps misalignment of this frame, so I decided to replace it as well. I could have replaced the other frame in this picture with the gap in the joint face, but where do you stop? All this framing will be visible in the finished model. It can also be seen in this picture that all the pieces to be replaced are fastened to the ribband with bolts and the joints with their lower parts are bolted with copper wire below and at the height of the ribband. This adds some complications..
    The first step in the repair is shown below.

    Here the small razor saw is being used to cut off the first timber above the ribband. It has already had the spacer attaching it on its forward face cut through.
    The next picture shows the joint below the ribband after removal of the full upper piece, leaving the chock in place. This part of the demolition was done very carefully with small chisels.

    Holes where the bolts were extracted are visible in this picture. The monofilament ribband bolts were cut off inside using a sharp knife. They are held in too firmly to be extracted from the ribband. The next picture shows all four timbers removed.

    Some new pine spacers have been glued in for protection against breakage and to maintain alignment.
    Replacement pieces were then cut out using some new printouts of the patterns, which were revised some time ago to correct their errors. All the Naiad drawings are being revised as the building progresses to fix errors and reflect other changes made during construction.
    The next picture shows the first of the new timbers being glued in place, before the excess glue was brushed off.

    Again, temporary soft pine spacers are being used to hold alignment and add strength needed for the fairing process to come.
    The next picture shows all four new timbers in place.

    Once the glue on these had set overnight they were given a rough fairing. The lower port sills were then installed to add some strength before the next fairing step.
    The last two pictures show the reworked area after fairing and some sanding. Fairing was done with 100 grit paper on a rounded soft plastic foam sanding block mostly cross grain. The area was then sanded with 220 grit, with the grain of the timbers. Care was taken not to mar the polished ribband.

    The three timberheads are roughly shaped in this picture. Everything needs to be re-bolted. Also, work on the next two ports and the cutting down of all the timbers has begun in this picture.
    Finally, the last picture shows a closer view of the reworked area.

    With this work done I believe everything on the model is at a consistent standard and I am hopeful that this will have been the last major rework job.
  17. Like
    druxey reacted to Cap'n Rat Fink in Echo by Cap'n Rat Fink - 1/48 - Cross-Section   

  18. Like
    druxey reacted to dafi in A serving machine that serves you well   
    These are the words, that Maurice used when he got his little serving machine.
    So here comes my interpretation of it.

    Famous for my lifetime-supply of old Fischer-Technics (luckily my son never was interested in), it can be either turned by hand ...

    ... or the motor can be switched down. As it is works by friction and not by the gearwheel, the drive can be stopped easily while working just by holding the axis if any correction is needed

    I did not use hooks but tubes, a wire is used to get the lines through ...

    ... and the other side is hold by a toothpic squeezed into the tube. Like this I can shift the serving area to the left or right if longer distances are needed.

    First tests on the trials of the mainstay show a nice result, still showing the structure underneath.

    But it not just works for the big ones, here are the tests for the thinner ropes, this one 0,5 mm thick.

    Here some serving tests. Right the 3/0 fly fishing yarn with the charm of dental floss - very uncool. On the left my usual 8/0 yarn, much better :-) After serving a touch of CA on the ends, still some diluted white glue along the sausage. And juch-huui!
    Still tried the 6/0 one, the black one on the right, that is a tad thicker and goes therefore faster in serving, that it will be.

    Also tried the direction of serving. Going with the cuntlines - here serving rightwards - results in the serving line getting stuck in the groove and running of, like seen on the right side of the orange one. So always against the cuntlines, that it means :-)
    And the result? The modelling ropes have the bad habit to flatten if taken around sharp turns. Totally uncool. Not with Dr. dafis non-patented serving machine! Here a rope of 0,5 mm wraps itself gently around a 0,5 mm drill and nicely keeps its form.

    And smaller parts? No prob, if well planned, some of these can be ...

    ... nicely placed on the same line like Münchhausens duck hunting :-)

    So have a nice day until it will be shouted again: "Mom, he did it again!!!"
    Sincereily, dafi
    PS: This kind of machines can be found in many variations on the net, either to buy or DIY. But this was a great opportunity to proove dear darling wife that it was a wise decision to keep all these items in the cellar, and not to sell, swoop, give as present - or even through away - already many years ago ... XXXDAN
  19. Like
    druxey reacted to Blue Ensign in Question on positioning of swivel guns - 18th century frigate.   
    Hello Ian, it may be that swivels were not fitted in that location, do you have a particular class of Frigate in mind. The usual  indication of a swivel gun is the stock into which it fitted. there were usually more stocks than swivel guns carried.
    The only contemporary model with a beakhead bulkhead I have seen with swivel stocks is of a sixth rate 24 gun ship cica 1740.
    this had stocks for swivels on the foc'sle (two each side) the foremost one aft of the cathead.
  20. Like
    druxey reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Well here she goes......

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    druxey reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Here's most of the framing work, the dreaded hawse timbers as most of you will remember and the reinstallement of the port stills

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    druxey reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Adding the filler pieces. In hindsight it would have been easier to do this during the framing.

  23. Like
    druxey reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Adding the keel, limber board and the first foot walling

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    druxey reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Having a bit of fun with the pasta machine and an old rat

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    druxey reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Working the aft platform

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