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Posts posted by maggsl_01

  1. Hello all


    time for another little update. The pics show some Details, as I went on the way to more constructions on the deck and the rudder. Long time ago I planked the ruddeer as I dont want to Keep it in the delivered way. Just some varnish is not enough as I wanted to see some structure or texture of the Wood. So I used the strips of Wood for the second planking. Now I know what a thinkness of 1 mm can do ... as I used a strip on every side of the rudder it made 2mm - and that made the hinges NOT fit. Ok, I carved the planks and mounted the hinges. I think it looks quite ok... The gratings and the skylight (translator ??) were done without problems.


    I hope you like the pics and - as always - dont hesitate to tell me your opinion and to give me hints when you see errrors.


















  2. Hi Pete...




    Pls do not misunderstand me... I am really very excited to see the result of your efforts on the Derfflinger and your interpretation. You are right - all this things we modellers do are so individual - and that is at last what all is about: Being individual although we do very similar things (hope you understand as I am not a native english speaking Person). Its so different how People look at one Thing. I will do the Derfflinger too - and at least it will be a differnent model than yours. But we both are full of joy and satisfaction building this wonderful model.


    All the best for you and your Derfflinger :)



  3. Hi Pete,


    just found some helpful words and pics to build the Derfflinger on Euro Models site... I am sure, I know the pics...


    I agree with all you say about the painting - but I am one of them who love to see the structure and color of wood without any painting...

    But I am excited to see your wonderful Dutch beauty in a decorative cosmetical high-end attraction :D





  4. Thanks for the feedback. I like the Master cutter as I am really bad at cutting anything straight. It is good for deck planks but for thicker planks such as those for the first planking can see that you really need a bit of force.




    Hi Waitoa


    I agree... I got this tool too as I didn't want any skew (? - Google Translator says so...) planks anymore. Always had a problem to get really exact cuts. The tool is very good for thin planks (less than 1 mm) good für thicker planks (up to 1.5 mm) and ok for maximum 2mm. I do not recommend it fpr wooden bars more than 2 mm (eg 3/3mm). The cuts are not straight even longer when the wood gets too thick.


    But as said before - for planks it is really a good tool.





  5. Hello everybody...


    a little update: I did the staircases ... on portside it is a solutiuon to close the gap between the stairs and the cabin just with some planks and a left-over piece of the castings as decoration; on starborad I designed a little door (to a locker room or a storeroom :) ) I admit that I like the starboard more, but I will leave it as it is and will not change.


    Next step will probably be to fix the chainplates and deadeyes. I removed all plates again and will fix the deadeyes before I glue the plates onto the hull again. Its better to work this way as the chainplates provided with the kit are NOT the best. I will build up some own, but thats tricky and will better be done before fixing the plates to the hull. First of all all metal parts have to be colored in black (the translator says the english word is "to brown" ...  not sure if this is right... I will do it with the cannons too)


    Cu and as always in this theatre :D












  6. Yes Mark, I know, but they do not hesitate to take more money year by year :)


    No - to be serious again... It is ok to get back the costs of an investment. This is clear and understood. But the molds are really old as the kits are available for many many years. So it would be nice and appropriate (better: fair) to re-invest some money into new molds. The customers would not only be delighted - they also would talk about this eg. in forums like this. So the reputation of the companies ... well ... would increase? But this is within the world of modellers, model-kits and manufacturers like it is in the real world outside our hobby: It all about money and profit.


    So I close the door to my shipyard, take a partof wood and start to build a ship. And I will use the castings and be happy with my small but peaceful world where not profit is the most omprtant thing but the joy of creating such beautiful things as we do...


    Opps - sounds like a epigram :D


    Cheerio my friend



  7. Thx all for your Kind comments...


    @ schnu:

    Yes the stairs Need some detail-work. I decided to build a door on the starboard-stairs and leave the closed gap as it is now on portside. The AotS for Royal Caroline only Shows a staircase on portside so I was not sure to build at least two staircases. But I will follow the plans and instructions. It is my second build and I am not as expierenced as I should be for further improvements. Step by step - next ship will come. At least I have changed the timber for the second planking - the walnut did not please me and I choosed some Teak (probably not the best idea as the texture of the Wood is very dominant... but I like the view), I will do a cannon-rigging (thats not in the plans) and I am not sure what changes may come.


    @ testazyk

    Can you pls tell me something about the Quality and the build of Roter Löwe? It is a ship that is on my wishlist...


    @ keith

    It is a pity that Mantua/Panart encloses such brass parts, esp the figures are poor - you are right. When you got some new figures can you pls tell me where to buy and perhaps send a pic?






  8. Yes  I agree... it's a pity that a renowned Company like Mantua acts like this. I am also quite dissapointed that the Quality of the brass decorations Mantua/Panart offers (I only know the Royal Caroline so far) is not always teh best. The decorations themselves are ok, some are really good. But especially the figures provided with the kit a not first Quality. Nowadays with all the CAD and the digital stuff it should be possible to create exact moulds and to cast real good figures. When I look at the huge plastic market there is a enormous offer of after-sales. I do not want to compare building wooden models with plastic models. I am so pleased that I reached the "Wood Level" and I will never return to plastic. And of course it is jhoy and fun to create parts of your ship with your own Hands and probably improve and/or scratch up your build. But there are parts like all that brass decorations that could be manufactured with more Attention. That could give us the Chance to make a good model a better model.


    Or you scratch completely, even the figures (like Mr Mondfeld recommends :) ) But I admit: I havent reached this Level and I am not sure if I ever will or want... We all pay a good Price for the kits (eg the Royal Caroline costs about 300 Euros, additional about 100 euros for some other timber, Color, glue Tools...), a kit like SoS or San Felipe is about 700 to 900 Euros. I think you can expect the BEST Fittings possible.


    But all this does not Limit the fun and joy of ship modelling at least :D


    Thank you for your attention


    Best wishes



  9. Hi Salty,


    just found your review as I am thinking about the San Felipe as one of my further projects. What you say about the expections one may have when you buy a quite expensive kit is absolutely right. Of course no one expects a step-by-stp-instruction like i n a plastic kit. If I would, I would build Tamiya or Revell... But I want to combine artwork, craftsmanship and relaxing. Therefore one can expect at least a correct set of plans and/or a booklet with pic and/or words. No need for both - but in every case it should be up to date.


    Now I am unsure if I can dare to take the San Felipe some day. Perhaps they will improve the plans or the instructions (best would be both). Do you know if anyone has ever written to the company and told them about the lack of information within the plans? 


    Have you continued the build?


    Thank you for this thread - its very informative





  10. Hi again,


    thats what I like on my Royal Caroline: The decorations are very impressive and - almost all - well-done. The figures come out quite realistic and after a painting with gold enamle and a little bit of black dust they look very good. I use the dust (black color pigments from artist chalk) to accent the moldings.


    I really like your build - the colors look perfect and very smooth surface. Did you use a filler before you painted the wood?


    I am very excited to see the next steps... Thank you for sharing :)





  11. Hello to you all...


    It's tiume for a Little update and some more pics to show the progress.  The work goes on... time after time a new part gets on its place and give an Impression how the entire ship could look some far away day. I go most strictly along the plan, just chancing the order of the steps a Little bit. But this is not important as Long as the order gives any sense to the work.


    After all the brass decorations -I colored the brass with a semi-gloss gold-enamel, after that I used some black dust to accent the molding - I started to build all the constructions on the deck. First are the two staircases. Well I needed three attempts until I can say - it is ok now. The chain plates (???? not sure for the Translation) that will fix the deadeyes do NOT fit anyway. I decided to buy some other ones, eps some that match to the ones Mr Mondfeld recommends. I ordered them and wait for them almost every day.


    Thats it for the Moment, as always pls dont hesitate to tell if you see something wrong. All comments are welcome as I want to learn more and more. Still it is just my second ship...


    Best wishes to all






















     Ships passing through the Danish Sound Strait into the Baltic Sea had to pay taxes (‘Sound Dues’) based on their deck surface area. Reducing the deck area resulted in a significant decrease of these taxes while actually increasing the carrying capacity of the vessel.



    Hi Pete...


    they were really clever.... many freight, low costs... sounds like nowerdays :)

    And - so we modellers have nice and interesting  builds on our desk...


    Best wishes



  13. Hi Denis,


    I am very excited to see your first pics of the build and to read about your expierences with a Euro Model kit. I will also do a Euro Model soon (when I finished the Royal Caroline, but this will need some more time than I thought) and I am very interested in this company. I saw the pics of the parts in the box - they look very well. And the plans are some kind of lgendary for their qualitiy and details.


    I will follow your log...


    Best wishes




    BTW - I dont dare to build two model at the same time... :)

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