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    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Alistair, after reading through that discussion, i think i could have left the tackles off.. i thought about doing just that the other day but wasnt sure if tackles where what held the canons in place, but it seems it is the breech rope and all tackles were stored unless in combat..
    My only concern is the patching off eye bolt holes now, already have a couple..   
    Regards Olllie
  2. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thank you Michael, coming from you, that means a whole lot, your work is absolutely amazing.. Cheers Ollie
  3. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks guys, this is where i have had so much deliberation and tried to ask about the angle of tackles a couple of times.. I didnt  really explain it properly i think...
    I dont know if its okay to attatch them off the ribs? do i add some timber brace there to support them? 
    I added them where they are because they seemed cluttered..  I will try to relocate them, luckily ive been out up a mountain all day and didnt finish them ..
    I have decided to frappe the ropes as these canons would have not been used much at all..
    regards Ollie
  4. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from egkb in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    I'm getting all indecisive again... I still kind of think the dinghy shows off well on deck so might still go with that, and re do tackles of guns better..
    dinghy would hide my holes from eye bolts.
    Do you guys think this deck  layout would be okay? either way I took that rigging off guns for now, regards ollie

  5. Like
    olliechristo reacted to dgbot in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Ollie, your layout is just fine. Do no work up a sweat on York cannons.
    David B
  6. Like
    olliechristo reacted to aliluke in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi Ollie
    If I was you I'd leave them just the way you have them. It's only trainspotters who will take you to task. The added detail of the tackles is a nice one and I don't regret them on my AVS. I'll certainly add them to Fly. The configuration can imply; storing the cannon while at sea, making the cannon ready for battle or defense, laying out the cannon for inspection; etc. I reckon go for your visual choice. The frapping looks really hard and adjusting the rig buy using coils will be my repeat choice.
  7. Like
    olliechristo reacted to BANYAN in HMB Endeavour by rowand - Artesania Latina - 1:60   
    Great to see you back at it Rowan, and I trust all goes well for your wife.
    These types of speed bumps are inevitable with the poor quality / sparseness of the AL Instructions to the point I ignore them completely now and simply follow the Marquardt and Parkin drawings as need for my version of the ship.  Good luck with the recovery process, at this stage it should create no further problems down stream once corrected.
  8. Like
    olliechristo reacted to aliluke in Fair American by KenW - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48 Scale   
    Hi Ken
    I reckon there are some good points made above. You need more room - Space the tackle bolts wider at the port than the breeching ropes. The eye for the tackle hook should be further back and behind the breeching rope eye and ring on the carriage. I use extremely thin blackened jewellery wire for wrapping the blocks. It probably should be rope but it is very easy to use and manipulate. I find that does not break or bend when rigging if handled gently. Here is picture of my AVS cannon rig. 2.5mm blocks, 0.25mm tackle rope and 0.6mm breeching rope. My mistake here is the double block for the tackles at the bulwarks - have since learned that it should be a single. My coils are also too big and too long.

  9. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Victory by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - Del Prado - Restoration   
    ..... continued
    Below are a couple of pics of the completed Standing Rigging :


    The start of the Bowsprit rigging :

    About now I realized my camera battery was running low, so not many progress pics were able to be taken. Here all the Yards have been attached and the Running Rigging is complete :


    I'll take some more closeup pics of the rigging next trip. Bear in mind that I've done a VERY simplified rigging - virtually only the Lifts and Braces for each Yard. I might add the Sheets and Tacks for the lower yards - that area looks a bit bare.
    Last pic is of the port anchor :

    Apart from painting and fitting the ship's boats the build is now complete. The remaining work will take me a couple of hours, but that will be next week. Then I can deliver the ship to the owner .
  10. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Victory by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - Del Prado - Restoration   
    Thanks for looking in, and the nice comments John, David, Bindy and Karl.
    Don't follow me TOO closely Karl - I'm still trying to make a "Silk Purse from a Sow's Ear" and I'm rather limited by the work that had already been done and also the very poor fittings etc of this kit. It might be better to follow another build .
    Hi all,
    I've spent a good portion of the last eleven days working on this one again, while still managing to get a bit of "holiday stuff" in .
    Below are some pics, taken several days apart, as work on the Standing Rigging progressed. The first was taken two days after the re-commencement of work and shows all the Lower Shrouds completed, :

    Work starts on the most tedious part - the Ratlines. I faithfully (?) followed the Kit Instructions with the spacing of these, as they were at least twice as far apart as they should be (saved me about three days work ) :



    Two and a half days later all the lower ratlines were completed and the Futtock Shrouds installed :



    Continued next Post ........
  11. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Bindy in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Your other pastimes sound wonderful but I am glad you still got to your canon rigging as it looks just as good as the rest of your build!
  12. Like
    olliechristo reacted to michael mott in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi Ollie, I just finished going through you entire log, what a wonderful job you are doing. Your planking certainly deserves to be shown. really clean joinery on the deck furniture as well.
  13. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from egkb in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks each and every one of you .
    Yes it's a bit of a chore Banyan.. I.need those spiders.:-)
    I've been catching up on some other pastimes with some lovely winter sunshine.. Climbed some mountains, kayak down a stunning river. Beach and creeks..
    John, thanks mate, I made up the spacing jig like you suggested because that really made a lot of sense to me... All my pictures show row boat as I have done. Interesting..
    Alistair I can't decide either.. Think that the timber side just wins.. :-)
    Leanne, I really hope you get her back in action! I should be able to help with some issues if they arise with the building... Looking forward to it..
    So I have procrastinated a lot with my canons rigging. The dinghy was a escape I think.. Okay whipped myself into action today and not far off having them done... Just have to decide how to tie them off and if I will do coiled ropes..
    Much thanks. Oliver

  14. Like
    olliechristo reacted to rowand in HMB Endeavour by rowand - Artesania Latina - 1:60   
    G'day Pat,
    Thanks for your good wishes and you're spot on with your thoughts about the kit but no-one else to be cross with except my-self for not checking properly.
    I was able to get on with it and have removed the strakes now and I've posted a couple of photos of where I'm up to at the moment. I'm satisfied with the outcome of the removal process and now it's back to the model shop now to get some more timber.
    Have a great weekend, Cheers,
    Rowan D.

  15. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks each and every one of you .
    Yes it's a bit of a chore Banyan.. I.need those spiders.:-)
    I've been catching up on some other pastimes with some lovely winter sunshine.. Climbed some mountains, kayak down a stunning river. Beach and creeks..
    John, thanks mate, I made up the spacing jig like you suggested because that really made a lot of sense to me... All my pictures show row boat as I have done. Interesting..
    Alistair I can't decide either.. Think that the timber side just wins.. :-)
    Leanne, I really hope you get her back in action! I should be able to help with some issues if they arise with the building... Looking forward to it..
    So I have procrastinated a lot with my canons rigging. The dinghy was a escape I think.. Okay whipped myself into action today and not far off having them done... Just have to decide how to tie them off and if I will do coiled ropes..
    Much thanks. Oliver

  16. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from KenW in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks each and every one of you .
    Yes it's a bit of a chore Banyan.. I.need those spiders.:-)
    I've been catching up on some other pastimes with some lovely winter sunshine.. Climbed some mountains, kayak down a stunning river. Beach and creeks..
    John, thanks mate, I made up the spacing jig like you suggested because that really made a lot of sense to me... All my pictures show row boat as I have done. Interesting..
    Alistair I can't decide either.. Think that the timber side just wins.. :-)
    Leanne, I really hope you get her back in action! I should be able to help with some issues if they arise with the building... Looking forward to it..
    So I have procrastinated a lot with my canons rigging. The dinghy was a escape I think.. Okay whipped myself into action today and not far off having them done... Just have to decide how to tie them off and if I will do coiled ropes..
    Much thanks. Oliver

  17. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Bindy in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks each and every one of you .
    Yes it's a bit of a chore Banyan.. I.need those spiders.:-)
    I've been catching up on some other pastimes with some lovely winter sunshine.. Climbed some mountains, kayak down a stunning river. Beach and creeks..
    John, thanks mate, I made up the spacing jig like you suggested because that really made a lot of sense to me... All my pictures show row boat as I have done. Interesting..
    Alistair I can't decide either.. Think that the timber side just wins.. :-)
    Leanne, I really hope you get her back in action! I should be able to help with some issues if they arise with the building... Looking forward to it..
    So I have procrastinated a lot with my canons rigging. The dinghy was a escape I think.. Okay whipped myself into action today and not far off having them done... Just have to decide how to tie them off and if I will do coiled ropes..
    Much thanks. Oliver

  18. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from BANYAN in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks each and every one of you .
    Yes it's a bit of a chore Banyan.. I.need those spiders.:-)
    I've been catching up on some other pastimes with some lovely winter sunshine.. Climbed some mountains, kayak down a stunning river. Beach and creeks..
    John, thanks mate, I made up the spacing jig like you suggested because that really made a lot of sense to me... All my pictures show row boat as I have done. Interesting..
    Alistair I can't decide either.. Think that the timber side just wins.. :-)
    Leanne, I really hope you get her back in action! I should be able to help with some issues if they arise with the building... Looking forward to it..
    So I have procrastinated a lot with my canons rigging. The dinghy was a escape I think.. Okay whipped myself into action today and not far off having them done... Just have to decide how to tie them off and if I will do coiled ropes..
    Much thanks. Oliver

  19. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks each and every one of you .
    Yes it's a bit of a chore Banyan.. I.need those spiders.:-)
    I've been catching up on some other pastimes with some lovely winter sunshine.. Climbed some mountains, kayak down a stunning river. Beach and creeks..
    John, thanks mate, I made up the spacing jig like you suggested because that really made a lot of sense to me... All my pictures show row boat as I have done. Interesting..
    Alistair I can't decide either.. Think that the timber side just wins.. :-)
    Leanne, I really hope you get her back in action! I should be able to help with some issues if they arise with the building... Looking forward to it..
    So I have procrastinated a lot with my canons rigging. The dinghy was a escape I think.. Okay whipped myself into action today and not far off having them done... Just have to decide how to tie them off and if I will do coiled ropes..
    Much thanks. Oliver

  20. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Donny in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    The strap angles were located by running cord from mast through channels.. Ollie

  21. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Donny in Opinions wanted... preferences on Endeavour kits   
    Thanks guys.. I won a bid on the 1:60 Al kit, think I got a great price for. $160 including delivery.. It's been shelved since the mid 80's. Not sure if this means a good purchase or not.. We will see.. I'm thinking the older kit may hold some "old school good quality" or some old materials with quality issues.. Either way I will be bashing I'm sure, so I just hope the hull shape is close to correct.. Regards Oliver
  22. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Donny in HMS Endeavour by Donny - Constructo - Scale 1:60 - was a British Royal Navy Research Vessel   
    Culverin Supports and Stern Figures are attached
  23. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Bindy in HMS Victory by Jeff-E - FINISHED - Panart - 1:78 Scale - Bow Section   
    Jeff, i miss your posts, and i hope everything is okay for you..  Regards Ollie
  24. Like
    olliechristo reacted to RGL in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    I have added some photos of the Shrouds that I took from the replica whilst it was in Cairns harbour back at the turn of the century. I had bought the kit back then and had,not really put a great deal of thought of what to photgraph, but considering nearly no one owned a digital camera then, I would obviousty take a lot more now. I like the way all the worming is done in a practical way that will cover a lot of sins for me. Also it displays the shroud cleats. Hope some of my fellow Endeavour adventurers find it useful.
    I will step and lash the bowspirit next before I set the shrouds permantly so I can keep the tensions correct when the stays are on place. Soooo much more to go. 

  25. Like
    olliechristo reacted to RGL in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    I found the file with the ships boats, all clinker built.

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