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Geoff Matson

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Everything posted by Geoff Matson

  1. obsidian 12 It works well for me. Right now I am doing the lower ratlines and working my way up. Once all the ratlines are finished I plan on installing and rigging the yards. The hardest part is to plan ahead and make sure you have enough room to install the rest of the lines. The bottom area of the masts will be a real chore to rig. It will be a lot of monkeying around, but I like to solve those problems ahead of time. Thanks for your interest.
  2. I cut mine from a pattern and then adjusted it by sanding to fit the width at the bow. Glad to se you having fun!
  3. Your Conny is looking great. Isn't it amazing how building a kit model turns you into a scratch builder. I did the same thing with my transom rail. I have been busy with other projects this last year and am looking to getting back with Conny soon.
  4. You are doing a great job. I know the Constitution is a big project. It is really two parts. All the construction, which you seem to be enjoying and the the Rigging part. Just be patient and enjoy the process. I look forward to you coming posts. Have fun making sawdust.
  5. What a great project Hank. Looks like you are progressing right along. It sure beats my bead room model shop! I will be following your progress.
  6. Looking good Jeff. Glad you are back. Your Conny looks great! Looking forward to watching your progress.
  7. Welcome to the group. It looks like you are off to a good start. Hang in there and take your time. It is a long build. Have fun making sawdust.
  8. Hey Jeff, It is great to see you back at it. I missed your build log. I am again in limbo. My wife has me doing some crown moulding the house. Funny how the wife's list interferes with my modeling. This time I am planning on working on my Conny at least some time during the week. Have fun and look forward to your progress.
  9. Great job and congratulations on a great model. I look forward to your next project.
  10. Hello Larry, welcome to MSW. One thing about the constitution that I think most modelers don't realize is how long it takes to build her. The build will be a major commitment on your part. You basically have a box of wood and strings. I have been working on and off for over eight years now. You are looking at a model that will be over four feet long and over three feet tall. Once the major build of the model is finished you are looking at a large rigging job. You will have three full masts to ring and also a bowsprit. The great part of building the Constitution is most of the steps are like mini kits in themselves. The ships boats are great mini kits, the cannons are the same thing. Your modeling skills will be challenged when you come to coppering the hull. For me the Constitution has been a great experience so far. I started out by building Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop. Great build to warm up with and only one mast to rig. 😀 The best thing you can do is look at the build logs on MSW and see how the other modelers have done. Just remember to have fun and learn.
  11. It is always great to have another Constitution build start up. Welcome, and I look forward to your posts.
  12. Here is my latest update. Having the open hearts in place on the bowsprit made attaching the bobstays a lot easier. I attached them from the top down.
  13. I have my open hearts made and placed on the bowsprit. It worked out adding them now and not having to fight with the bobstays in the way. The thin line running to the foremast is just a place holder for now. Now that I have this done, I will go back and finish the bobstays.
  14. I am now working on the bobstays. I had already rigged the bobstay collars on the bowsprit. i like to do as much rigging off of the model as I can. Again I will let the pictures do the talking. Once I was happy that all would work out as planned, I discovered a potential problem. All the bobstay rigging would be in the way of rigging the fore stay hearts. I decided to stop at this point and work on the forestay hearts.
  15. Well, I ran into a planning problem I did not think of. I need to install the chain gammoning to the bowsprit. I checked some of the other build logs and came up with a plan. The main problem was how to get the chain thru the two small holes in the stem. ( I should have wondered what went there ) So, I will let the pictures show how I did it.
  16. Welcome to the group. I agree with Ken. Your skills will increase as you build and figure things out. Just go slow and really plan things out. Most importantly, remember to have fun. There are plenty of good build logs to look at. I would recommend reading them before you start.
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