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Everything posted by Glenn-UK

  1. You're righ😀t. I like to keep myself busy and it is a hobby I enjoy.
  2. Introduction The HM Brig Adder was an Acute Class, brig-rigged warship that enjoyed popularity in the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. The HM Brig Adder was armed with 12 x 18 pounder carronades on the broadside, with 2 x 24pdr long guns in the bow. The Acute Class boats were manned by a crew of 50 men and boys. Not being ocean-going vessels, they were commanded by a Lieutenant-in-Command rather someone appointed to be their Master and Commander and he was the only commissioned officer aboard. The Acute Class were designed to operate under oars when in shallow, inshore waters and for that reason, they were shallow-draughted and flat-bottomed. They were also fitted with an innovative invention, the Schank Sliding Keel so that they could operate under sail. The estimated build time, in the build manual, is between 40 to 60 hours. It will probably take me considerably longer to complete. I am normally able to spend between 2 to 4 hours most days in the shipyard but I plan to go slow and steady with this build. I will try to keep a log of the hours spent of this project as part of this build log. The Kit Scale: 1:64 Length Overall: 615mm Height Overall: 493mm Width Overall: 208mm The kit includes: a) Laser cut and engraved parts in MDF and pear wood. b) Laser etched and cut lime wood deck with treenail detail. c) 3 sheets of photo etched brass. d) High resolution 3D-printed parts. e) Double planked hull in limewood for first planking and pear wood for second planking. f) Walnut dowel for masting. g) Multiple sizes of both black and natural rigging thread along with all necessary blocks and deadeyes. h) Comprehensive, full colour instruction manual, along with 12 plan sheets which include all masting and rigging drawings. i) Features include laser-engraved treenails on both inner and outer bulwarks. Build Plan My plan, with this build log, will be to show photos of my progress together with some examples of the processes / methods used when undertaking some of the tasks. I have initially broken the build down to a series of major tasks and have created a build log index. Build Log Index Build Manual and Plan Sheets The manual, as with all Vanguard Model kits, is very comprehensive and informative. It is contains hundreds of high quality colour photos which complement the very detailed build instructions. I also like the fact that you can download a pdf copy of the build manual from Vanguard Model's web site which means you are able to study and understand the build before deciding to purchase the kit. Also I find it is very useful to keep a copy on my laptop so I can zoom in on some of the build manual photos. The build manual also contains a detailed parts list to assist the builder locate the various parts which can be used in conjunction with the information shown on plan sheets 1, 2 and 3. Plan sheets 4, 5 and 6 provide very useful supplementary hull assembly information. Plan sheet 4 will be used for the initial hull construction. Plan sheet 5 shows the detail for the deck items and bulwarks. It also contains information regarding building and painting the various deck items, such as the hand pumps, ship's wheel, etc. Plan sheet 6 essentially will be used when adding the external hull details, such as the channels, deadeyes, chain plates / links, ship steps, rudder, etc. It also shows the drop keel assembly detail, if you decide to include it as part of your build. Detailed manufacturing instructions for the masts, bowsprit and yards, main boom and main gaff are provided on plan sheets 7 and 8. Compressive rigging information is provide on plan sheets 9, 10, 11 and 12. The shrouds, ratlines and back stays are shown on plan sheet 9 along with the futtock staves, catharpins and bowsprit gammoning. The mast stays and main boom and main gaff running rigging is shown on plan sheet 10. Plan sheet 11 shows the yard jeers and tyes rigging and all the yard brace rigging is shown on plan sheet 12. I will spend the rest of today looking over the plan sheets and making copious notes which will help me once I start the build process. I plan to make a start on the Brig Adder construction this coming weekend as tomorrow my wife and I look after one of our younger grandkids during the day and then our two eldest grandkids come for tea, after school.
  3. Thanks, I am really looking forward to starting the Adder, the kit is due to arrive by the end of this week.
  4. Thanks Dan. I will using your Adder log as a point of reference when I start the Adder
  5. Many thanks to everyone who has followed, commented and liked my posts for this build log. I have really enjoyed building the Indy. It is an awesome kit. My next project will be the HM Brig Adder which I am really looking forward to start building once the kit arrives, hopefully later this week! I have taken a selection of some good photo's and some not so good photo's of my completed model.
  6. Anchors and Lanterns Today I installed the 4 off anchors and 2 off lanterns to the Indy. With regards to the main anchor I did toy with the idea of rigging a block through the davit, as shown in the following example. As I could not seem to pass the rigging thread through the holes in the davit I ended up rejecting this idea. I am reasonably happy with how the anchors look. Next the two lanterns were installed, a bit of touch up of the painting is required. I have now completed this wonderful kit. I will be taking a full set of completed photo tomorrow morning using my white backdrop as there are too many shadows from the sun to take them this evening. I did take a couple however for this post. and will be taking a full set of the completed Indy tomorrow. In th
  7. Bits and Pieces I spent today doing some bits and pieces as I near the completion the Indy. My first task today was to build the 4 off anchors. They are now ready to be installed. The various missing armaments were then glued in place. I also fully populated the various bitt racks with belaying pins. I thought I had misplaced the Indy's lanterns and ordered two new ones. Later on in the day I actually located the kit supplied lanterns. They have now been assembled, dry fitted to the Indy and the support frames painted. They are now ready be be installed. The final task today was to add the stunsail booms to the fore / main yards and fore / main topsail yards. Tomorrow I will add the anchors and lanterns to the Indy. I will then add the knotted footropes to the bowsprit and spritsail. The final task will be to assemble and mount the Indy of the display stand so she is ready for her final photo shoot. I have just ordered the HM Brig Adder which will be my next build. I will start a build log for the Adder once the kit has arrived.
  8. Look fabulous. Great work as always Jim. I have already earmarked this as my next build after the HM Brig Adder which I will be starting in the next few days.
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