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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Frank Ahhh! Don't give me anymore ideas, because you'll know I have to do it now! Cheers Patrick
  2. Thank you so much, guys. It's great to read your comments and enjoy your support. Thank you also, to everyone who hit the Like Button! Have a great week, one and all! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Glenn After viewing such beautiful craftsmanship as yours, it reinforces the fact that it's hard to put a price on a finely crafted ship model. I think the term "priceless " is entirely appropriate in your case. Just marvellous! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi everyone! Thanks for all of your comments and Likes - greatly appreciated. Tonight I've had heaps of fun building a few more chairs in the main saloon and the bridge deck's lounge area. In order to bring the whole ship to life, I added a whole series of colourful scatter cushions to them. Here are the photos. All the very best! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Giorgio Phew!!! I almost had a heart attack thinking that you'd given up building your beautiful ship! I'm glad that's not the case, because I'm keen to keep following your future updates. All the best. Patrick
  6. Hi Mike I can't add any more compliments to those that have already been given, because your work is outstanding! I also love the shape and beauty that your hull has. You've most certainly done it justice. Wel done. Cheers Patrick
  7. Brilliant as ever, Mehmet! Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  8. Thanks Keith! It's a tight fit, I must admit. A lot depends upon the thickness of the material that I use for bulkheads, cabinetry, etc, because at this scale, it's inevitable that things can easily become over-scale. I guess that's just the trade off that one has when building at this tiny size. Fun though. All the best! Patrick
  9. Hi Michael - thanks! Sometimes I shake my head as well! Are you still working on your wonderful teeny tiny cutter? I'd love to see an update .... Thanks Frank! Yep, there's been a fair amount of work put into her...it'd actually be kinda sad to finish her. Thanks and all the best, guys! Cheers Patrick
  10. HI Steve - many thanks and I'm glad you like it. How's your wonderful tugboat model going? HI Vaddoc - thanks for your great comments, which are always nice to receive. The mandarin in the photo was a nice inclusion, I thought, as it'd make the jet skis look like tiny bugs. Hi Mark - Heheh! Love it . Kinda reminds me of Igor and his giant matchstick!!
  11. Hi Folks Here's a shot of Majellan in all her finery. There's still a bucket load of more work to go, but at least you can start to get a sense of what's she's like inside. The ship's tender and her two jet skis are also on display, having been removed from the tender garage at the stern. ***Igor - definitely looking forward to seeing your next beauty on the slipway.*** Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Igor Sounds very interesting. Are you going to start a Build Log? Cheers Patrick
  13. Thanks Igor! I'm thoroughly enjoying this build. Complex, complicated, challenging, but above all, great fun. How're your boats going? Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Denis Nice deck work...but then, I shouldn't be surprised, because your work's always top notch. I'm glad that you're ok. I betcha you won't be having onion and garlic chips again? The dingo boots story is a good one, too! All the best and stay well. Cheers Patrick
  15. Thanks Michael! To be honest, I'm actually surprised at how much can be fiitted into these tiny models, as well. I guess, for me, it's a case of never knowing unless you try. I'm glad I did, because I reckon she looks pretty good. Cheers and all the best. Patrick
  16. Hi Bob! You're most welcomed to buy a set! Although I don't think Ikea should feel under threat . Hi Denis - Thanks. I really like that photo, too. There's still another deck that isn't shown. That's the one inside the hull (below deck) which houses more accommodation, the engines and the tender garage. I might take another photo later one with all the decks exposed, for all to see. Thanks so much, once again! All the best, guys! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Mark- many thanks. Looking back now, all the heartache and head scratching I had about how to make the removable decks, are starting to pay off now. Thank heavens I persevered, because I reckon it was worth the effort. Thanks for your compliments! I kinda like the chairs, as well. Fiddly, but fun. Hi Piet. You're absolutely right! These types of people never need to worry about the chairs, or anything else so mundane. What a life! Now, why couldn't I be like that? Cheers and all the best. Thanks, also, to everyone who hit the Like button. Patrick
  18. Hi folks Thanks for all of your comments and Likes. Love'em! Well, something of a minor milestone for me occurred tonight - I was able to do the outdoor chairs that surround a large round table on Majellan's Bridge Deck. All in all, there are ten of them. In case you're wondering why they're positioned messily around the table, it's because I wanted to give the impression of the guests just getting up to leave the table without putting their chairs back neatly. The reason why I consider this to be a milestone is because I never thought I could do them....but, I persevered and voila! All the best! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Piet Stay fit and well, Piet. The yard work will still be there, so take care. Now...About that 'side project ' of yours.....curiouser and curiouser!!!!! Cheers Patrick
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