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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Mike Even the clamps are beautifully built, with their curved corners and nice straight edges. True craftsmanship and attention to detail there. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  2. Truly magnificent and beautifully detailed! Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Mick Lovely work! I especially love the last photo taken from overhead. All your hard work is definitely paying off. It won't be long before the deck beams go in, I'm sure. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Dave Outstanding!!! It's a pity that your Admiral has ruled out the extra room, because it'd be lovely to see the ship fully rigged. Oh well.....best not to argue with the Boss. All the best Patrick
  5. Hi John Thanks! Truth be told, I wish I really did have 'a pair of drop down microscopes'...they'd certainly help me find those pesky little parts that go flying off in all sorts of directions! Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Bob Nice job on the deckhouse. Talk about loads of character, especially with the intricate panelling. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Kees The sumwing's coming together beautifully. Overall, you're Inching slowly by slowly to the final assembly, no doubt. Can't wait. Any idea what's next? Cheers Patrick
  8. Ok, Ok, Ok, I must admit that I was trying to sound laid back and sophisticated by using the word "Intriguing". Deep down, of course, I'm exactly the same as you! C'mon Piet! Show us!!!!
  9. Hi Keith One thing's for sure with this hobby, there's no shortage of learning new skills. Keep the updates coming. I'm especially looking forward to seeing the ketch take shape,too. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Walter You're a braver man than me, because I haven't even tried 3D CAD, so I take my hat off to you. Where there's a will, there's a way. I'm sure things will fall in place sooner, rather than later. Cheers Patrick
  11. Haha! I had three knee operations in 5 months (on the same knee). On each occasion, I was asked to do the same thing. Gees, you'd think he'd know which knee to operate on after the first surgery!!! In all seriousness, Ken and Frank, I'm one of those dullards who feels the need to mark everything...still get things wrong, though! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi David Thanks for the tip. Do you know the name of the Facebook Page? Cheers Patrick
  13. Super nice progress Keith! I love the blue colour you've chosen for the hull. Very nice! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Piet Good to hear from you. Can I please reserve my seat early for your new build log??? Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Lawrence Thanks for your compliments. I'm not sure about the "master" bit, but at least I'm enjoying what I do. Thanks once again and, all the best. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Bill Super rope work! Love it. Without a doubt, she's coming together beautifully! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi David I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts. I don't think you'd be relishing the thought of going back onto normal chemo. It doesn't sound nice, but at the end of the day, if it works, then that's all that matters. I wish you every success in the hope that you can knock it for a six! Take care, always. Cheers Patrick
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