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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Denis Thanks. I'm really loving this ship. Even though I'm making heaps of mistakes, coupled with the fact that I've got a lot of work to do on getting the painting and finish spot-on, I reckon she still looks pretty darn good. In a funny sort of way, it's good practice for the next ship! I can't wait to get cracking on that one. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  2. Hi Ben Thanks! Great to hear from you and I hope your studies are going well. I've made more than my fair share of mistakes on Majellan, so progress has been a bit slow, I guess. I think I've got my eyes on my next project, though... All the best and I hopeful goes well with your family, too. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Mehmet Beautiful work so far, especially with the weathering of the deck. Cheers Patrick
  4. Nice work, Keith. She looks great from any angle. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Keith Whimsical, creative and imaginative are words that come to mind. I like it! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Hartmut Lovely work, as always! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Denis With the addition of the helm room, all of a sudden, she looks like she's ready for business. It often amazes me just what a difference the tiniest things can make! Well done Patrick
  8. Hi Greg Many thanks and welcome to MSW and to Majellan's journey, (I can tell by your post count that you've recently joined). I hope you can continue to follow along. All the best! Patrick
  9. Hi Nenad You've gotta be really proud of yourself because the compass and the hatches look marvellous. I can tell you're enjoying yourself. Keep the great work flowing. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Lawrence Thanks for your nice comments, which I greatly appreciate. I guess for me, it all comes down to giving it a go. It may not always work out, or look perfect, but at least I can say that I've tried! Thanks once again and have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  11. Thanks George and everyone who hit the Like button.. Greatly appreciated as always! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi folks Just a quick update. I've been adding a few more of the deck furniture details (e.g. outdoor bar on the Sun Deck, blue coloured plastic to simulate the water effect in the spa, a few more tables and settees, etc); all at the expense of working on the overall paintwork. The continuation of the painting and finishing will just have to come later! Please remember that very little of any of these details are actually glued in place yet, hence why their placement may look a bit wonky wonky . Anyhow, here are some photos for you. All the best Cheers Patrick
  13. Thanks Elijah That's one of my favourite photos as well. She looks great from that angle. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Jond Very nice progress, so far. I'm looking forward to launch day, just as much as you must be, so bring on the bulb! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Kees I still don't know how you make such complex work look so easy. Totally awestruck, I am! Cheers Patrick
  16. Nice Denis! It looks like it's all coming together now. Have you got a plan for the rest of the deck?
  17. I see 'em hoops, but I still shake my head! Nice work, Igor. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hey Igor Congratulations. Without a doubt, one of your best! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Frank Impressive! I reckon she's looking great. I wouldn't worry too much about the time taken to install the frames, because before you know it, another challenge will pop up as soon as you finish what you're currently doing. Keep the updates flowing! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hey Bob Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have many, many more to come. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Dave A bucket load of goodness in them buckets. Sorry for the bad pun...I couldn't resist! Cheers Patrick
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