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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. Marrying the other half was a bit more difficult, the deck AND the keel needed to line up. but in the end, it worked.
  2. So I also had to warp the bow area. Some rubber band coaxing, and the deck is now married to the port half.
  3. Thanks, everyone. When my customer picked it up, he was very happy. And I learned why he wanted this particular model. His older brother by 13 yrs built one as a young adult. His brother passed away, and the model was lost. So this has a lot of sentimental value. I'm so happy I could do this for him
  4. So, wood bending V.2 Again I wet the underside, but used a Monokote iron to steam out the wood while bending it over an old coffee can. Ended up working perfectly.
  5. Working on a plastic Santa Maria for an IPMS show in the spring. Build thread here:
  6. Congratulations! Your customer file now shows a 10% discount on the next kit you buy from us. Nic
  7. And with the addition of the anchors, the model is complete. Next step is to put it in its case.
  8. So after a few months, painted the outside, and trial fitted the deck. big problem - the deck has a lot of shear, so I have to pre-bend the deck to get it to fit. Here's the first attempt, but it didn't bend as much as needed.
  9. Had a busy week, but managed to make the outer jib sail and get the lines and sheet blocks attached. the end is near!
  10. I agree the copper may have been coated. Try a light sanding with 400 grit wet paper and blacken again?
  11. So the jib sail got attached without issue. Now let's see if it can be furled without disintegrating. And yes, success! Adding the drop of glue to the thread/silkspan attachment worked!
  12. So here's jib sail V.3 Lines attached, sheet blocks on, thread tied and reinforced with glue. Should work out fine.
  13. So the sad saga of the jib sails...... First attempt to use 2mm split rings was a disaster, they ripped out of the sails trying to put them on the stays. Second attempt to tie them to the stays also ripped out. Now I just made a third set of sails, I'm going to tie them BEFORE putting them on the stays, and to make the attachment stronger, I will put just a tiny drop of CA on the knot. Wish me luck!
  14. All the braces are done, here are the 2 jib sails I will have furled on the bowsprit.
  15. Here we have the three lower braces attached. Two more to go, then the running rigging on the bowsprit, attach 2 jib sails, and she's done.
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