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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. Here is a picture of our blocks (rope stropped) painted with Testor's "Dark Tan" rattle can after cleaning the blocks in lacquer thinner. Lay some making tape sticky side up, place the blocks on it, spray, let dry. Flip the blocks over then repeat.
  2. Hi Jazzchip, BlueJacket's help line is staffed by Charlie Cook, who is the most gentle and patient of people to deal with. He will never refuse to answer your calls and questions, even if you asked before but forgot the answer. Of course, you can always call me, the BlueJacket Buck stops on my desk! We have several kits designed specifically for the newbie, with instructions to match. For example, our regular kits may say "strike the waterline" but our first-time kits devote a whole page, plus 3 diagrams and 2 photos on HOW to do the waterline. Good luck, Nic Damuck, owner, blueJacket Shipcrafters
  3. Just a point of clarification - BlueJacket does not sell mm size wood we use inches, and sell real mahogany, not stained wood.
  4. BlueJacket ships all over the world, but the shipping cost is more than domestic of course.
  5. There's a nice Portland build on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152720184325928.1073741831.593315927&type=1&l=8d5b89f0c5
  6. Yes, I am BlueJacket Shipcrafters. I have not been to your website, but will do so. Nic
  7. Hi, Please call me up and I will be glad to discuss what's in our kit and even take some photos if you like. Best regards, Nic 800-448-5567
  8. Not to toot my corporate horn, but our kit of the Charles P. Notman is 41 inches long, has excellent instructions, and a lot of laser-cut parts. link here: http://www.bluejacketinc.com/kits/notman.html
  9. I am sorry you were inconvenienced and disappointed with our deadeyes. We pride ourselves on the quality of our fittings, but being a casting, there is some minor clean up required. For your future information, on the cover of our printed price list/fittings and on the fittings web page, we clearly state "unless otherwise noted, all fittings are Britannia metal"
  10. Check out this comparison...... http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/7344-uss-constitution-vs-uss-constitution-model-shipways-vs-bluejacket/?hl=bluejacket
  11. Is that you, Jack? I miss the monthly Saturday morning meetings. Try this: http://www.bluejacketinc.com/fittings/toners.htm Duff and Bill are visiting me later this week and could pick some up for you.
  12. Yes we will!
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