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Everything posted by giampieroricci

  1. the shady protection: it is made of a thin fabric called "eggshell" appropriately colored with a black tempera:
  2. Thank you for your likes and appreciations!! I used the classic fishing sinkers:
  3. I completed the lining of hawses and the hole for the wall of the mainsail
  4. I finally finished the inner lining of the sides with its endless and difficult to nailing the angle of the walled: final sealing of hawses
  5. Thank you, Ed! I am very honored to know that you follow and appreciate my work !!
  6. Thank you for likes and your appreciatiions, friends! I finished plank of the formwork and started the inner lining of the bulwarks: test of internal lighting operation:
  7. You're right, Ed! I was busy recently: I redid the electrical system in my lab and in the meantime I have built a small grading; You can see it here:
  8. Fantastic! I'm falling in love more e more for this frigate!
  9. I completed the long work to the cabins and the Council Hall. The two benches: the chest the frieze
  10. thank you, friends! warehouse shelves final fixing in the meantime I prepared the table of the Council Hall
  11. I completed the preparation of the Captain's cabin, with many difficulties. I have yet to finish the warehouse and then I can definitely fix The door handles. Photos in super macro! The bunk with the mattress view from the inside
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