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Everything posted by shihawk

  1. Thanks all . Salty dog ,i,m glad you agree with my reasoning ,and as i mentioned before there is no real plan which is one of the reasons for my some times lack of progress . I try something and if it don,t look right to me i try something else ,bit of a pain but that seems to be the only way .
  2. Dispite an earlier comment that i would leave the final run of the chainplates until i had the masts fixed i decided to go ahead and finish them at this stage and hope that my calculations are at least near correct , Time will tell ?? I went with the homemade straps to finish the chainplates and so far am happy with the result . Finished 1 cannon just to figure out the process , very similiar to the previous ones with a few simplifications last pic shows prep work for the gun carriages
  3. Lookin great , thats a hell of a lot of railings ?? Like the contrasting wood colors . I,m sure your glad to be on the final straight , any thoughts for the next project or do you wait untill completely finished ??
  4. Must try coppering sometime ,it sounds like fun ????1!!!1
  5. Keith ,I stopped reading the destructions a long time ago so that would explain it ,and to think i wasted all that time fully rigging them ? Chris ,i just checked and CMB still have the cannons at 29p. They need a little clean up and they ain,t brass but as i will be painting them with gunmetal they will do the job .it,s just the barrels not the carriage !!!
  6. Cris , i to had 18 cannons provided .It took 16 for the lower deck ,which only left 2 for the forecastle and none for the quarterdeck ??.So you could be correct in the assumption that i overdid it on the lower deck by 3 each side . will have to check later when near the plans ? At 29p each from Amati they look better than the Billings !
  7. Thanks all for the kind coments and likes , .I haven,t really been away ,been checkin up on you all when i got the chance . Just lost my way a little ,might be the stage of the build ? ,so lay low for a bit to recharge and think i,m back on track . Even considered starting another build for a short while and then as usual thought again and decided i must finish this one first !!! Been working on the deck cannons ,i had to order 8 new ones as the kit only provided 2 for the top decks ,anyone else a few short ??
  8. ty George . It just takes me a while to get to where i like to be .
  9. It,s been a while since my last post . Work ,life and if i,m honest a bit of a lull in interest has meant progress has been slow . Excuses over ,i have finally sorted out the chainplates ,after waiting 3 weeks for an out of stock strap i decided to make my own ( thanks Paul ) . After a couple of attempts i used the straps provided , the pic will explain better than i can I,m happy with the result and think i might leave the brass pin heads as they are rather than blacken them as was the plan ? Also fitted a few strips ,rails ,not sure of correct name , I tried to make the currly bits without success so made it up as i went along ,they aren,t that noticable anyway ? A couple more pics to show anything i forgot to mention As a change and prep for the next stage i started making the mast platforms ( again not sure of correct name ). I sanded the ply provided covered it with 0.5 cherry and then scratched everthing else from Dibetou , i think the contrast in these 2 woods works ? I,m beginning to think 3 years for this build was being a bit hopefull but after every low comes a high so maybe progress will improve soon ????
  10. Hi Paul . been having a similiar problem with the chain plates. Question ? The short fat ones that you do not recomend ,are they by any chance the AL ones from CMB . The reason i ask is i intended ordering them but the were out of stock for 3 weeks now .are they that much wider than the one,s you fitted ?? Curiously Boyd .
  11. Another modeller in the making ,CONGRATULATIONS . Time becomes even more precious now .
  12. Thanks Bill and George ,I realised long ago that everyone can be traced back to Ireland ,if you go back far enough, and why not .!!!!!! When i started this thread i had more or less made up my mind to buy a Jim saw but like always i like to talk it out a bit before committing . The cost of postage etc finally put me of and due to £ to euro exchange rate i finished up buying the Proxxon 240/E bandsaw and the fet table saw for a lot less than Jims . Postage was £12. 50 for the two . I must point out that this was a purly financial purchase and i have no doubt that Jims saw is a great machine and well worth the money if you have the work for it ,which brings me to my next point .I have used the band saw quite a bit and like it well . the fet saw i have set up but not really used at all ,in 6 weeks, which was why i was wary of spending so much on Jim,s saw in the first place . If all goes well my next build will be scratch and as time goes on and i gain more experience i may well yet splash out on the ultimate saw , the BYRNES when i find the need for it and learn more about what i could actually use it for ?
  13. It,s a problem holding of starting the next project when the end is in sight . Be strong !!
  14. Good to know your still building and the planking looks spot on to me ,it would be a shame to copper over it .It,s a big ship and doing it properly will take a long time ,but it will be worth it !!
  15. Progress can be very slow at some stages and then it all comes together . I see you keep a tidy workspace like me ,and know exactly where everything is !!!!!
  16. I bought a vac just for the workspace and it can easily be reversed to blow .I have thought on using it for this purpose but not tried it yet . Question ,, would it not be better to suck the dust rather than blow it around to collect elsewhere . Was thinking on a pen thickness pipe used with a small brush ?????
  17. Cheers john, it,s good to hear that you and George also prefere the black . I don,t feel so bad now replacing the brass!! Also the brass was very soft and difficult to keep in shape compared to the black coated wire . Some times i think i,m making the build more difficult for myself but am determined to do this one to the best of my ability no matter how long it takes . Next one will be speedier ,when i know better what i,m doing ??????
  18. Hello leonardo, I am not quite sure what you mean by the moors . If you mean the straps under the channels i thought the one,s provided were too thick , if you mean the chainplates i thought that linked chain looked more authentic . Your build is looking great ,i like the coppering .
  19. Thanks George, I feel that had the hull been black as it,s supposed to be the brass may have looked alright ??
  20. Would you believe that i have still not finished the deadeyes and chainrails . My indecision is beginning to worry me !!! I had one side almost finnished and couldn,t figure out why i didn,t like it .I think it,s the fact that my hull is a light color and when i looked at the brass chainplates they don,t stand out enough ?? Anyway i decided to try the other side with the black wire i had first used and have come to the conclusion it looks better . A long the way i found a simpler and possibly stronger method of securing the deadeyes to the channels I made the strop the same as before but instead of cutting a slot in the channel i drilled the existing hole bigger so that the ends of the strop were a tight fit This left just enough room to hook the top chain link into it and then i drilled through the hole just above the link and put in a 0.5 x10 mm pin which will keep the deadeye secure and take the pressure of the chainplate. a .5 strip will cover the pinheads and the edges of the ply the links were made by bending the wire around a nail file , i found them easier to form on this than on wood . I needed a break so fitted the steps and fenders . The steps were shaped on the mill , glad i finally found a use for it ! Now all i have to do is replace the brass strops and chains i spent the last 4 days fitting , it,s a good job i,m getting paid by the hour ?????????
  21. tks Keith , did this and ran the thread through the notches in the chainplate but being cautious by nature thought that rather than make mistakes and have to redrill i would leave them untill fitting the actual shrouds .
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