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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Sounds like a plan mate - she is looking Superb a great modeler and a fine kit coming together. OC.
  2. Thank you for the comments guys - will have to see how next year pans out, another thing that sounds good is being able to use none smelly acrylic paints meaning hassle/smell free painting in the house without having all that fuss having to paint outside controled by the weather then having to rush the smelly painted thing through the lounge and into the cupboard before the admiral gets a wiff of it. OC.
  3. Is 47 decibels very loud for a sprayers compressor? could you use something of that noise level in a sitting room without it causing disruption to normal tv watching? OC.
  4. Interesting comparison of size with the previous benchmark destroyers the type 42s with the Fortress of the Seas HMS Edinburgh (my fave modern warship) - the middle of the Two on the left. OC.
  5. Just some bits and pieces from my memory of these family of ships from seeing them come and go where we used to live - they appeared to be a very good ship regarding little role when cornering compared to say the type 42 destroyers, also what I found strange was that the middle anchor always used to partialy lowered when entering harbour (I used to see that with all same fleet) never found out why, also thier tanoy system was very loud often when they were moored in a streatch of water we could hear the tanoys from more than a mile away. Just a bit of trivia from my own memories. OC.
  6. "Eye eye" glad to see someone else jumping into the same territory as moi - loverly job. OC.
  7. Dont know why the kit makers have to split the heli deck like that 2/3rd along the heli pad - they could have made it all one deck (its the same with many modern warship kits like that in different scales). OC.
  8. Absolutley amazing considering it 1/350 scale thats the same scale as the moden warship builds in the forum - and we know how fiddly they are. OC.
  9. Really nice Job Denis, paints certainly do test us - but you pulled it off nicely. OC.
  10. Murthy disguised as empty rattle can - it tricked me it said "Shake me shake me - I have enough inside" OC.
  11. Evening all, so back on these little fella's - painted the Red jackets on the first Three. OC.
  12. Indeed Ken, and to all me buddies over the pond have a great one OC.
  13. That is looking really nice - I too love the lines of the ship, we all panic over the first hull planking - thinking it looks rubbish - "boy I did with my Greyhound" but sanding is our friend. OC.
  14. Bit of progress (sort of) I took the wokka outside got the outdoor bench set up again with a box to put it on, got my rattle can RAF Green then after a warm up and thorough shake, I started spraying.................ups................splirt splirt got half the wokka done then it ran out😬 So as it stands its put away de gasing in the cupboard keeping the smell locked away, will have to wait now till the new year before I can finish it. Oh well I have my Waterloo figures to keep me out of trouble. OC.
  15. Thanks mate, they say the primer is the "Tell tail" as it shows up everything. OC.
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