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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I have been carrying on with this but I'm getting to the bottom of my flat varnish and noticing that the finish is not going flat, its staying a satin shade despite me shaking the life out the bottle - guess I need to order some more. OC.
  2. Hi folks, this is to try to showcase this Amazing guys work - so wish he would join us here with his Amazing build @dafi knows him as I believe they are both members in the same site - OC http://www.shipmodels.info/mws_forum/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=167367
  3. Glad it all went well mate, no worries with your build we are all here and not going anywhere - look after yourself and heal. OC.
  4. Morning - evening all, just another small update - I am still brush top coating my stash (I have about 80 to do) what I do is to work on as many figures for the free bottles I have that I used to stand them on, them in the day light I give them a quick coat and leave them for 24hrs before giving them a second coat - then after removing them off the bottles - on to the next group, my phones wasn't charged so no pics. OC.
  5. Just noticed after giving them some time to dry - they will need another brush over with my Mig Flat Acylic varnish, airbrusing was better and a one off application, brushing it on seams not to cover aswel and still leave a few shiny surfaces, think the brush may move some of the varnish off areas and not cover them so well. OC.
  6. Evening all, more progress in-between a couple of chaotic days with the local water board coming and going taking samples of our drinking water as its developed a metallic taste and smell, they are testing it in their labs and put us on supplied bottled water until they fix the problem. Anyway here are a couple of pics of my Frenchies after flat coating. OC.
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