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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Looking Great Alan - really taking shape now. Hope all goes well with the eye procedure and you make a speedy recovery. OC.
  2. Indeed Mark, thats why our forum is So important bringing together some wonderful people who bond and help each other. OC.
  3. We all share so much in here - sometimes not just build related, well I view this site as my family, after doing some internet bashing I found out I have lost the last members of my older generation of my family - last uncle and auntie, only left now are my cousins who I do not have contact with as life for us consists of just the admiral our Yorkie and yours truly. Life can be frighteningly short. OC.
  4. Evening all, I did a bit more today - gave the group above another thin flat brush over, so they are ready to be put away before I move on to the next bunch to receive the same treatment, no pics as they basically look the same. OC.
  5. I have a few figures I do not need - British 10th Hussars x 3 includes one mounted with horse. Marshal Ney metal figure no horse as such but I could include and unpainted one. All painted weathered and flat coated same quality as my Waterloo dio build. Not expensive just lest me know if you are interested UK based. OC.
  6. Thats a puzzling conundrum, its a shame when kit manufacturers dont do there work corectly. OC.
  7. Thank you so much Mark mate, indeed it was a bit like loosing the interest a bit - I am sure I heard the figures stamping their feet and sighing. OC.
  8. I'm back, I put a handful of figures mainly the 2nd KGL and Lunebourg and some injured on some bottles to hold them, then i mixed up a small amount of my Mig Lucky acrylic flat coat, and did a very thin brush coat, then dried then off slightly with the hairdryer, they will need a second coat tomorrow. OC.
  9. That chassis looks so sweet Craig, looks like the foundation of an excellent kit - and I know you will knock it out of the park. OC.
  10. Hi all, I decided I am going to give myself a good kick and have a go at this build, I have quite a few figures that are painted and weathered and need flat top coating, I have done away with my airbrush system for many reasons, but I can still brush paint the flat top coat as I still have some of it left in the bottle, they will then be put away to fully harden before I remove the bases. I have been missing working on this but I will be honest I kind of lost my mojo a bit and after packing everything away I could not be bothered to get it all out again, but I will just get out what I need to do these figures. OC.
  11. Those are quite a striking difference I have only used a few of the 1/48 scale figures before - I thnk by the ICM range but they where WW2 aircrew. I tend to work with 28mm figures from the Victrix and Perry ranges and a few resin types that can be a bit over scale compared to the plastic ones, not much help I an affraid - but hopefully there will be more replies. OC.
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