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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Next stage will be to finish dropping in a bit more mortar then I will putting on a quite think paint of White, this doesn't matter if its gets a rough texture - like the real paint would have been - then some stone lentils then Black window/door-frames etc. OC.
  2. Ah, Jack gets the hammock - dont worry Jack wont tell anyone incase they all want a try. OC.
  3. Evening all, so where were we - thats right doing the paintwork, following from my pattern on the other buildings - I have started doing the inside with a very quick rough White wash wall and slate Grey floor, as to be honest aprt form a tiny window - there wont be much to see in there. Next was/is the outside - again same as the other buildings I am doing the brick work first - I ran a sand wash over first to get it into the mortar gaps, then I picked out the bricks in an almost dry brush tech, then some addional detail with different coloured bricks - I am now following this up by using a fine brush to add more mortar in the gaps. OC.
  4. Good to see you Ken, your sitting next to Mark aint you (wouldn't be to do with his pop corn would it)🙂 OC.
  5. I have been chatting to a fellow Waterloo fanatic over in Twitter he is a 95th Rifles re-enactor - I asked him about the possibility of a couple of them skirmishing close to the Farm - from their original position in the sand pit, we think possibly - so that's what I will do make up and place Two one kneeling and one standing and firing from the end of the building I have just made above. OC.
  6. Thank you kindly Mark, seat of yours is still there and added some room for your pop corn machine (Shhhh - And a mini fridge for some tinnies) OC.
  7. Thank you kindly Alan, I take it you will be regaining your original seat - its still here for you. OC.
  8. Evening all, Yep I'm back on this - the last of the buildings attached to the farm is a small kitchen garden outhouse, quite straight forward build and included a bit of trimming down to get the floor and wall to meet up, it goes at the end of the from wall joining the farm house. Paint and detailing next. OC.
  9. Think that will be my plan Kevin - stick to what I'm good at, I have another out building to create in my dio, then I can get it placed on the base and start working on the scenery. OC.
  10. Hi mate, Problem is we learn our little mistakes and building flaws and notice a kit error when its too late, think kits should come in Two's one to test and learn things and the Second to get it Right. Learned something though - I'm best at hand painting small figures and the occasional tank. OC.
  11. Hiya mate, its because the main block of the superstructure has a slight bend in it and lifts, I have tried getting some glue in the rear end where it meets the rear lower deck, but no good it keeps lifting leaving a slight gap, thats noticable enough, also some small parts hav ebeen knocked off due to the man handling of it, and I noticed that a wee bit of the main tower has had some heat distortion when I was drying some of the pain with the hair dryer. Also some of the paint areas are rough with dust under the paint etc. If Im honest apart from a few of the flaws like the warped main superstructure, I should have assembled it in a different order and limited my man handling of it. OC.
  12. Evening all, I started this again today - but I've run into so many problems with it and noticed a few areas that are in really bad shape, and poor fitting of the main superstructure dowen to the deck, that I have decided to put it on hold till I decide if its worth doing more repair work to it. So fir now this build is stalled. OC.
  13. Folks I think I will be putting this one on the back burner for a little while, as to get the most out of my airbrush and primer, I have ordered some pipe cleaner airbrush brushes, so I can clean the clag out when I use my Vallejo Primer. In the meantime I am going back to my Hood build and do some assemblies on it. OC.
  14. Think I will be doing a bit more on this later, as I am stalling my Tank builld as I'm waiting on some airbrush pipe cleaners to arrive (as the Vallejo Acrylic Primer doesn't half block it up). I will have other things I can do on this plenty of sub assemblies to build. OC.
  15. Why (How) did you put the actual Victory in your back garden Kevin......😲 OC.
  16. Wowzer ......... I wont talk to loud incase it destroys all your fine work Kevin - Amazing Work mate. OC.
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