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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all - "Engine Time" - the power plant in the kit is quite complex and is a kit in its self, some nice sub assemblies are built first.
  2. Thank you kindly, this time I will use my airbrush for most of it with plenty of masking where required. OC.
  3. Evening all, some more progress - I added a few more details to the engine bay, then I decided to have a go at the drivers compartment, I wasn't too sure how this would turn out as I had used some of the parts for my Chally build, one of the main areas was the right hand bulkhead - this I managed to manufacture using some other parts from the kit, the rest of the parts are mainly there - still needs an instument panel making up from scratch. OC.
  4. Evening all, got some good progress on this today, to continue with scratching some of the bulkheads - I had to install the running gear, to fit these I had to drill through one of the bulkeads, then after careful leaveling of all the legs, I was then able to make a bulkhead out of panels - this was fitted on the one side of the bay. OC.
  5. This is a pic of the engine bay I am hoping to model close to, I have the engine to build also. Internet Pic. OC.
  6. Evening all, so work begins on this "bemoth" I decided to start in the engine bay (its going to be a bit of a hit or miss as I used some of the parts from this kit to make the interior in my Chally 2 kit - but I should be able to work around it and scratch some parts. Some nice detail that will weather nicely when I get to that stage. OC.
  7. Happy what ever you fancy doing brother - I could make a start and if you fancy starting - that would be good. OC.
  8. Sometimes PE just adds more headache and problems - looking really good brother. OC.
  9. Folks I brought this kit last year and although I used some of the parts to make the interior for for my Chally 2, I still have enough in this kit to make a decent model including the engine/engine bay. I thought I would have a break from my Hood mini ship build as I needed a break from mini world. Just a pic of the box for now. OC.
  10. Evening all, more work today fitting the tiny vents and mushroom vents around the forward barbetts, I will wait to they have set before I do some paintwork touch ups. OC.
  11. Evening all, a wee bit more done today, I sprayed the fitted the base to the bottom of the hull. OC.
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