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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Who said toy soldiers are harmless? are was Just rummaging around in my draw where I keep my soldier stash then "Ouch...." got a pricked finger off one of the guys bayonets, bled as well. OC.
  2. I agree with Mark - really think this could leed to something. OC.
  3. What I shall do I think - is to use some of my different colour grass and soil sprinckles and blend the Two different mats in a bit to loose the demaraction line a bit - after I have given the other hedge some treatment. OC.
  4. Evening all, had another play with my dio - first thing I did was to mess up the hedge with my knife then add some dark sprinckles over it (still thinking about growing a tree out of it) next I played around with the two grass mats I have - firstly a problem neither was big enouth to fill the orchard floor and both are different textures, so I decided to do a smoother centre with rough edges (heck the farm owner probably mowed in between the trees but kept the edges rough with rocks). So that's what I'm going with - I have left the edge off till I give the other hedge some treatment. OC.
  5. Thinking out loud (dangerous)😄 More ideas for my hedge row, the left hand side is the Orchard that will have some rough ground (have that in a pre made scenry mat) but there will also be some trees (yep I have grown these from scratch) only joking - they are plastic scenry trees, I will probably make a gap in the hedge and place a tree there after I have beaten up the hedge a bit and added some more sprinckles. "Ideas ideas" my brain keeps popping up with these ideas. OC.
  6. I'm thinking more like the hedge horse racing hurdles after the horses have hit them hard. OC.
  7. Sorry to hear you have been rough with the (thing) all the best plenty of vits is the key. OC.
  8. Thinking ahead after studying some hedge making video's - I think mine looks to flat and neat and with the sprinkles just sitting on top - its looks like a hedge that's just been trimmed with loose cutting on top, I will have a go with my knife at separating the top making it less (tidy) Also I think the sides need more Green - it was difficult to do the side so what I will do is to lift the whole base and support underneath so I can sprinkle some more Green on the sides, but may still airbrush some brown (lightly) towards the bottom to pick out the hedge branches. Good fun all this is - you can kind of be as creative as you want. OC.
  9. I will be doing some more work on the hedges tomorrow - I will roughen then up a bit more - as they would have had some serious abuse from the different soldiers trampling over them, as the 2nd KGL where firstly stationed between the hedge rows and retreated back into the farm - both directions over the hedges - followed by the French. OC.
  10. Thank you kindly Kevin, yep I watched a few a while back - Its amazing what can be done. OC.
  11. Thank you kindly brother, its an interesting concept making all this scenery - certainly a learning curve. OC.
  12. Evening all, right hedge making experiment on going - it comes in a roll out like wire wool mixture roughly cut into a box shape, first I had to straighten it out and pull out a few dips, then I layed a layer of PVA down and pushed the hedge pices's down onto it, then (in the bag comes green leaf fillings and some woody soil, the idea is that I use a PVA type spray and all over the hedge then sprinkle between finger tips first the soil then followed up with the leaf sprinkles. First I had to loosen up the leaf sprinkles as they had stuck together - I used a bowl. Looking at my pics - I will probably spray a bit of Brown on the side of the hedges. Its a messy job and my first attempt at it - don't think it went too bad. OC.
  13. Thank you Edward, the plan is to have the Orchard with hedge lined and some trees in large Green are to the Left, grass on the other side of that and more hedge to the Right with some soil areas where veg was grown and some grass areas. The French will be in the orchard mix of fighting and dead/injured along the path but about to retreat as the first British Hussars are making an attack, and some of the KGL charging out through the front gates. Also the Three Cuirassiers will be towards the back with a few French trying to get in through the barn at the back. Think I'm gonna need a Bigger board😁 OC.
  14. Evening all, I decided to change the angle of the farm by making it run level with the front/road, this way it illiminates the need for the frontal section to be worked on, so first job was to lign up the road sections - and trim a little from one of the ends, I then decided to glue them down onto the base as it wont need to be moved and the cover will be left movable. So ised my PVA smeared it under the road sections then placed them with some weight, a few hours later I did the same to the farm complex and the kitchen garden shed. So its a start - I even popped the lid on as it will keep the dust away as I had a fair bit of dusting to do.... OC.
  15. Yes indeed brother, the whole farm comeplex is made from MDF I want to glue that down to the Plastic base, so I can start working on the scenery - The roadway I had made is also MDF that will then need securing PVA then?. What has struck me - the roadway is about 4mm thick, that ok the side that buts up against the buildings, but the other edge will leave a hight difference where its supposed to be a level transition from the road to grass, working my head around this - it might need that 4mm difference filling with a medium of some kind - but "hand on a minute" I will have some off cuts from the road sections, I could use these - fill off the road details then turn them over - cut to size then add grass to them. OC.
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